(Aug 22, 2017, 11:47 PM)Vadar Wrote: [ -> ]Will Limelight ever expand into other servers/facilities again such as the Space thing you guys had ?
I know this is for staff but, I doubt anytime soon.
I'm sure they would rather dedicate their staff team and developers to the CityRP 2 gamemode then branch them out to other games. I would say when CityRP 2 has reached its max potential then yea, most likely.
Only other way of branching out to other games is to hire new staff for the game. Which honestly, that would of worked with Minecraft tbh.
we were promised a gmod dayz server on fl right before the split
where is it god damn it
(Aug 16, 2017, 03:22 PM)Rizion Wrote: [ -> ]Why can we find 12 sites full of suggestions under 'Staff Review' - sometimes they are years old and I bet 10$ that nobody is reviewing them at the moment.
To keep you up-to-date on this, I've had a new system added, that will make the staff review process quicker and easier, and so this number should reduce.
's post in the other thread I'd ask for a few rules or non-rules to perhaps be discussed amongst the team and some kind of conclusion written.
1) The "Grace period" between a law being set and that law being enforced. - Is this a thing? How long is it? If so, why isn't it in the rules?
2) Police Database information to be used as in character information - Can officers use this? If not, why doesn't it say so in the rules? if so, why doesn't it say so in the rules? Surely the point of the PoliceDB is for it to be used.
Quote:"12.12b - You can shoot at fleeing vehicles only if the drivers are armed and dangerous or if they are clearly a threat to citizen/officers with the way
they are driving. "
What determines if a person is a threat to citizens/officers? Is that an admin decision? A player decision? If it's down to the admins to decide what is a threat then is it fine to make an prior to making one? If it's a player decision then surely it should be up to the player to decide what's deems dangerous based on how they felt in that situation?
I would like a
clarification of New Life Rule as I believe the rule stated is vague and isn't exactly an accurate description of the arguments defined within this rule set.
The correct definition of New Life Rule would be to establish that all information in a previous life is lost when your character is killed IC'ly, however as currently stated this rule doesn't mention anything about previous information being lost besides from
the way you were killed.
I myself believe this is extremely misleading and allows for people to use information from their past life and should be rewritten with more detail as this is one of the more commonly-mistaken rules.
For example, let's say a Police Officer knows about a property with contraband, goes to investigate and is killed. He forgets the fact that he was killed however according to this definition there is nothing saying that he has to forget previous information so technically he can return after his NLR timer is up because while he did forget how he died there is nothing in the rule saying that he had to forget about discovering a property that had contraband on it.
(Aug 28, 2017, 11:34 PM)ForceGhost Wrote: [ -> ]Since 's post in the other thread I'd ask for a few rules or non-rules to perhaps be discussed amongst the team and some kind of conclusion written.
1) The "Grace period" between a law being set and that law being enforced. - Is this a thing? How long is it? If so, why isn't it in the rules?
Never heard of it and if someone tried to enforce that on you, I'd advise contacting HR or another staff member. That seems ridiculous.
2) Police Database information to be used as in character information - Can officers use this? If not, why doesn't it say so in the rules? if so, why doesn't it say so in the rules? Surely the point of the PoliceDB is for it to be used.
One word: NLR.
It has IC names right? It has IC reasons, correct? Does it state the dates? Good. It's rarely used as it is very flawed, but atm if you want to use that info, always confirm with the other player if they died recently so you can account for NLR.
Quote:"12.12b - You can shoot at fleeing vehicles only if the drivers are armed and dangerous or if they are clearly a threat to citizen/officers with the way
they are driving. "
What determines if a person is a threat to citizens/officers? Is that an admin decision? A player decision? If it's down to the admins to decide what is a threat then is it fine to make an prior to making one? If it's a player decision then surely it should be up to the player to decide what's deems dangerous based on how they felt in that situation?
It's honestly the staff member's final say. If you think a bus driver stuck, not getting out is a threat and staff disagrees, you have just broken 12.12b.
The NLR rule honestly just needs to be shrunk to the time before NLR is up (location wise) and that everything in your past life you forget.
As stated by Enzyme in the screenshot
below, there's a tool that seemingly allows the viewing and or recording of players screens. It would suggest this tool is one such available for purchase on one of the Gmod script websites that allows administrative staff to view overlay and steam messages.
Why has this never been publicly acknowledged and what measures if any are in place to protect the user's privacy? Is this not somewhat overkill for a Garrys Mod server?
What's stopping a rogue or abusive administrator from abusing this information?
![[Image: feed2a04661fd0adb9c40bba426031f6.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/feed2a04661fd0adb9c40bba426031f6.png)
(Aug 29, 2017, 04:06 AM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ]As stated by Enzyme in the screenshot below, there's a tool that seemingly allows the viewing and or recording of players screens. It would suggest this tool is one such available for purchase on one of the Gmod script websites that allows administrative staff to view overlay and steam messages. Why has this never been publicly acknowledged and what measures if any are in place to protect the user's privacy? Is this not somewhat overkill for a Garrys Mod server?
What's stopping a rogue or abusive administrator from abusing this information?
![[Image: feed2a04661fd0adb9c40bba426031f6.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/feed2a04661fd0adb9c40bba426031f6.png)
I can guarantee you that it is definitely not a tool that records screens and overlays. It does not breach the user's privacy one bit but like any tools that staff use, it's again confidential and can NOT be abused by an abusive or rogue Staff Member. For a response from HR, I'll be tagging both
and .
(Aug 29, 2017, 04:36 AM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 29, 2017, 04:06 AM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ]As stated by Enzyme in the screenshot below, there's a tool that seemingly allows the viewing and or recording of players screens. It would suggest this tool is one such available for purchase on one of the Gmod script websites that allows administrative staff to view overlay and steam messages. Why has this never been publicly acknowledged and what measures if any are in place to protect the user's privacy? Is this not somewhat overkill for a Garrys Mod server?
What's stopping a rogue or abusive administrator from abusing this information?
![[Image: feed2a04661fd0adb9c40bba426031f6.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/feed2a04661fd0adb9c40bba426031f6.png)
I can guarantee you that it is definitely not a tool that records screens and overlays. It does not breach the user's privacy one bit but like any tools that staff use, it's again confidential and can NOT be abused by an abusive or rogue Staff Member. For a response from HR, I'll be tagging both and .
This was/is not the case. I have personally had this used on me and had my overlay captured. And I can provide proof to the fact, upon asking about it, the entire tools existence was denied. Until I provided evidence of my knowledge that states otherwise. Upon that, I was given a vague answer along the lines of "The tool did exist but we do not use it anymore due to privacy issues" What's different this time?
OT: Is the tool i'm talking about still in use?
We do not have or use a tool that would allow us to view your steam overlay or messages with or without your consent. The tool Enzyme was talking about has nothing to do with players' screens either.
I heard about the tool you mean, but for perspective when I first got admin here there was no way to capture steam overlays. It may have been used before but that would have been before my time, I'll have to clarify to comment further.
The tool that captures viewpoints from other players does not show Steam Overlay or anything like that. We don't have a tool that captures steam overlay. That was disabled a very long time ago.
The tool I referred to on the UBL allows us to re-live situation. It does not allow us to read Steam messages and stuff like that.
(Aug 29, 2017, 01:00 PM)Enzyme Wrote: [ -> ]The tool that captures viewpoints from other players does not show Steam Overlay or anything like that. We don't have a tool that captures steam overlay. That was disabled a very long time ago.
The tool I referred to on the UBL allows us to re-live situation. It does not allow us to read Steam messages and stuff like that.
Is this tool something that all staff members have access too?
All staff members have access to the tool that lets us re-live a situation. This tool only shows action/behaviour captured in-game on our servers.
The tool that captures viewpoints are only available for Mod S2 and admins as far as I remember.
(Aug 29, 2017, 01:46 PM)Enzyme Wrote: [ -> ]All staff members have access to the tool that lets us re-live a situation. This tool only shows action/behaviour captured in-game on our servers.
The tool that captures viewpoints are only available for Mod S2 and admins as far as I remember.
If this is the case, why so many times do I get told that a rule breakage can only be dealt with if I have proof? Surely if Staff Members can relive a situation then proof is not needed? Does this tool also capture VOIP?