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I have to admit, you guys can be a hella fuckin' funny yet savage bunch.

I'd still do you in a heartbeat, Rickets :*
I was going to reply but i'm mature and don't want to make them cry or get banned off the forums
You know the savagery is getting serious when there's hidden replies
(Feb 27, 2017, 12:48 PM)General Rickets Wrote: [ -> ]I was going to reply but i'm mature and don't want to make them cry or get banned off the forums

couldnt hear you down there smurf
trying to talk shit?
We need to bring back the roast thread.

(inb4 I ate the last one)
(Mar 1, 2017, 01:48 AM)Jono Wrote: [ -> ]We need to bring back the roast thread.

(inb4 I ate the last one)

We should but you would just eat it again
Oklahoman reporting in. Me at local fair a few months back (November or Octoberish). And no, my neck doesn't normally look like that. [Image: 8eCvWDR.jpg]
haha don't come to school tomorrow !!
Jesus these last two pictures may be of the most beautiful things i have ever seen.

Keep up the good work boys
(Mar 5, 2017, 08:38 AM)monk Wrote: [ -> ]haha don't come to school tomorrow !!

Nice desktop picture btw.
[Image: U3eijgt.jpg]
From swimming contest
wow man u look buff,do u take steroids
This is a place for people to post images of themselves without the fear of others commenting negatively - unless both parties are fine with it of course.

Keep it civil you shits.
(Mar 6, 2017, 02:51 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar 5, 2017, 08:38 AM)monk Wrote: [ -> ]haha don't come to school tomorrow !!

Nice desktop picture btw.

thx. Here's the other monitor because we all know you were totally wondering.
(Mar 6, 2017, 08:54 PM)ICEKILLER_99 Wrote: [ -> ]wow man u look buff,do u take steroids

No sarcasm used :D