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Full Version: [In-Game] Remove Ceramic Plating
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(Feb 6, 2017, 08:03 AM)Arach Wrote: [ -> ]If the removal of ceramic means the removal of this argument...


But constructive arguments are required for progress...
wrong thread derp

I believe the debate on this suggestion is over. Please could I ask a Staff Member to reset the Poll for me. I have noticed many players don't know about the Undo Vote button. As I have had to teach 2-3 players how to use it.
I do think there is no reason for a reset, here's how you can do Undo Vote.

[Image: 2AcR99i.png]

I doubt the people who voted will vote again, and then this will go into the abyss, so I would suggest not to reset the poll.
Not quite sure if it is possible, least that i know of.

Even then the poll is more of an opinion poll than a set concrete "This will happen" kind poll
Just increase the damage for all the weapons for a good amount of damage against the ceramic and remove all the nerfs in the nerfed weapons and fix the hitbox. In my opinion there's no point of removing the ceramic, that's not the issue. The issue is just the weapon, hitbox and injury systems are fucked up. Really, 1 shot in the head is an injury and it only takes a medic to revive you? No it should not be like this it should be an instant death. A big caliber round takes more than 1 shot in the head to injure someone is ridiculous even with a ceramic plate but hey apparently kevlar/ceramic plate adds an invisible magic helmet although a 7.62x51 and .338 Lapua Magnum should take one shot to the head to penetrate the helmet and kill the person but it's fine right now because I'm pretty sure in the entire Garry's Mod community no one made armor vest and helmet as a separate armor because no one is bothered to make it.
But in our current reality, to fix this issue I say increase the damage in all weapons in a good amount of damage and remove all the nerfs that has been added in the nerfed weapons especially the AWM, who the fuck limits a 5 round magazine and keeps 2 rounds as the maximum especially and nerf it in our current reality where people spam the medkits and steroids and uses this fucked up weapon system and hitbox as his advantage. This is all because people cry and moan about everything that they can't have or lack the necessary tactics and strategies to counter players who have better weapons and modifications and gear than them because they can't accept it and because of their feelings. So it cost the AWM at a disadvantage.
If all the weapon damage is increased, then I believe all the issues and the complaints of the medkits and ceramic plates will stop and therefore they should not be neither removed nor nerfing.

In conclusion increase all the damage, remove all the nerfs and disapprove all the suggestions about nerfing weapons that is suppose to be powerful unless it's a weapon like the Revolver in CS:GO that used to be, things like that are ridiculous and should be fixed.
It doesn't help that SWAT Ceramics don't work.
To be honest I think if SWAT Ceramic actually worked and a buff of weapon damage as still at 50% kevlar it's too low I think it would be balanced.
I officially +support it now after reading that last comment about increasing all the stars.

I won't repeat everything that I said earlier but adding fuel to the flames will just increase the fire, but extinguish it. Why don't we add bazookas and tanks while we are at it.

No, what we need is to look at what has already been balanced and relook at how the ceramic fits into it. We need to end the medkit spam and, the one thing I agree with above, add hitboxes if possible.

But increase damage on everything? No, just no. This is not a third world country this city takes place in.
***Bumpty Bump Bump***
(Feb 8, 2017, 01:38 AM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]But increase damage on everything? No, just no. This is not a third world country this city takes place in.

So because I'm from a first world country I can get shot 4 times in the face and survive, but someone from a third world country will die???

But yeah, region specific damage and injury system is great and I'd love it. Think fallout 3 but slightly less complex perhaps?
(Feb 21, 2017, 03:26 AM)Lods Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 8, 2017, 01:38 AM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]But increase damage on everything? No, just no. This is not a third world country this city takes place in.

So because I'm from a first world country I can get shot 4 times in the face and survive, but someone from a third world country will die???

But yeah, region specific damage and injury system is great and I'd love it. Think fallout 3 but slightly less complex perhaps?

Yeah, would that be 4 regions then? You got arms, front/back, legs and head.
(Feb 21, 2017, 03:26 AM)Lods Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 8, 2017, 01:38 AM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]But increase damage on everything? No, just no. This is not a third world country this city takes place in.

So because I'm from a first world country I can get shot 4 times in the face and survive, but someone from a third world country will die???

But yeah, region specific damage and injury system is great and I'd love it. Think fallout 3 but slightly less complex perhaps?
Fallout 3 already has a very simple damage System. There is just Leg 1&2 , Arm 1&2, Body, head. You can make it more simple, except making the feet 1 Part

Sent via Phone

We rarely see Aggressive RP's, Police Force is overpowered already, people cant AggressiveRP Properly when the police force is full of AR-15 and M3 Shotguns.
(Feb 21, 2017, 05:02 PM)GreekAssassin Wrote: [ -> ]-Support.

We rarely see Aggressive RP's, Police Force is overpowered already, people cant AggressiveRP Properly when the police force is full of AR-15 and M3 Shotguns.
Sorry?Police is OP?Is that why 1 criminal with a manurhin,ceramic and medkits can kill the whole police force?
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