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Full Version: [In-Game] Remove Ceramic Plating
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Right, so I've been seeing a lot of hate towards ceramic and a lot of people feel that either weapons should be rebalanced or that it should be removed outright. Instead, you could perhaps look at it from a realistic perspective.

In real life, level III-A kevlar will stop a rather fast moving 9mm FMJ to a .44 SJHP. So in other words you're pretty protected from pistols and submachine guns. In order to stop a 7.62x51, you'd need hard body armor; either 1/4" of ballistic steel or 1/2" of ceramic plating.

Hopefully you see where I'm going here. What I suggest is kevlar offers a 10-20% damage reduction against rifle caliber weapons (for sake of balance rather than realism), and a 50% damage reduction against pistol caliber weapons. Whereas ceramic will basically just be an upgraded kevlar with 50% damage reduction against rifles caliber weapons and 70% damage reduction against pistols.

I'm unfamiliar with shotguns but discussing the idea with someone who is resulted in us agreeing that against shotguns kevlar should provide 50% DR and ceramic 70%. 

I've been looking at threads like these for a while now and haven't seen anyone suggest something similar to this. With the way the game currently works, anything larger than a pistol isn't realistically viable in anything other than defense. Due to the weapons on back addition, the only use large weapons have are organized offensives and, again, defense. Otherwise, walking around with a rifle on your back will draw more attention than a pistol in your waistband. In addition, ceramic should slow your movement by a small amount as well as have an indicator when you look at another player stating they're wearing ceramic. Doing this will, hopefully, result in random firefights being more pistol-based and organized firefights being more thought-out and thereby rifle-based.

Also, currently the police force is used as a SWAT team when it comes to raids. I am unaware if police can equip ceramic or not but if they can, I suggest they be unable to. This would result in them, hopefully, being more reliant on SWAT support for bigger raids and playing more of a defensive and supportive role, taking cover and giving SWAT support from flanking and Charlies on the roofs.

To sum it up, I suggest in place of a static damage reduction from all sources, different levels of armor protect better against some sources than others. I also suggest police be forced to play more defensively in raids against well-prepared suspects rather than rushing in with a shotgun or AR. Hopefully this post is somewhat coherent, I'm kinda just guessing that it makes sense since I'm on mobile and can't read it too well.
Changing to +Support, and bumpy
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[Image: giphy.gif]
Still +supporting this
-support but a new system or updated system would be good
+ Support

Died to one guy with a SCAR vs two people with ak's, turns out he had ceramic, shocker.
+support,shot soviet 3 times in the head with a scar-20 and he walked away like nothing happend
(Jul 30, 2017, 11:58 AM)ICEKILLER_99 Wrote: [ -> ]+support,shot soviet 3 times in the head with a scar-20 and he walked away like nothing happend

This is true. Only went down to 48%.
(Jun 1, 2017, 03:05 PM)monk Wrote: [ -> ]Hopefully you see where I'm going here. What I suggest is kevlar offers a 10-20% damage reduction against rifle caliber weapons (for sake of balance rather than realism), and a 50% damage reduction against pistol caliber weapons. Whereas ceramic will basically just be an upgraded kevlar with 50% damage reduction against rifles caliber weapons and 70% damage reduction against pistols.
-Support, Ceramic and kevlar need a rework but ceramic shouldn't be removed.
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