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Or you could do the proper thing and rebalance the weapons. When you see a problem you don't remove it you adapt to it like everyone else has.

Get gud
The weapons were rebalanced to hold the 50% Kevlar. It was tested for weeks I believe from it. Why would you want to re-rebalance the weapons when they WERE fine when the Ceramic update came around. If we make a rebalance to the 70% what would be the point? It would just be the regular thing of No Kevlar? Whelp - your going to die because a glock will now do 20 damage per shot.
(Feb 2, 2017, 08:07 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 2, 2017, 07:59 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]+support

(keep it for swat pls)

that should not be a choice, we should either remove it or let everyone keep em.
Well.. as you can see(the playermodel), swat is much more protected and it would not make much sense to give them the same kevlar as a Police Offcier or a citizen with normal clothing when they have Plating and armor everywhere.
(Feb 2, 2017, 10:41 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 2, 2017, 08:07 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 2, 2017, 07:59 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]+support

(keep it for swat pls)

that should not be a choice, we should either remove it or let everyone keep em.
Well.. as you can see(the playermodel), swat is much more protected and it would not make much sense to give them the same kevlar as a Police Offcier or a citizen with normal clothing when they have Plating and armor everywhere.
It doesn't matter, if one can't have it no one should. It would give SWAT an unfair advantage towards others. If SWAT can have ceramic plating what stops others from having it?
(Feb 2, 2017, 10:45 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 2, 2017, 10:41 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 2, 2017, 08:07 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 2, 2017, 07:59 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]+support

(keep it for swat pls)

that should not be a choice, we should either remove it or let everyone keep em.
Well.. as you can see(the playermodel), swat is much more protected and it would not make much sense to give them the same kevlar as a Police Offcier or a citizen with normal clothing when they have Plating and armor everywhere.
It doesn't matter, if one can't have it no one should. It would give SWAT an unfair advantage towards others. If SWAT can have ceramic plating what stops others from having it?

Well.. Unfair advantage ? Everyone can use weapons that deal  a ton of damage (Today i was in a raid and was down with 2 bullets from an SCAR H. Secondly SWAT is a government agency which should have an advantage against citizens/criminals.
Project in perp only government have armor,civs cant even get 1% kevlar
  Look at my point on the 2nd page 2nd last post.
Rather than it's removal, I'd call for it to be taken a look at again in terms of the damage that's being dealt by other weapons. It's a great utility to have, it just needs to be balanced appropriately.
(Feb 3, 2017, 12:01 AM)Nightmare Wrote: [ -> ]Rather than it's removal, I'd call for it to be taken a look at again in terms of the damage that's being dealt by other weapons. It's a great utility to have, it just needs to be balanced appropriately.

Why should we re-balance our whole system to fit one item, or how will be re-balance an item that was not intended to be in our system that was balanced for 50% Kevlar?
It's a good addition as it is, and ceramic plays a very useful tool in situations where government have to come back against criminals, most notably the SWAT. Making it rebalanced rather than an entire removal would be so much more appropriate.

EDIT: Plus, that had to happen in the start with Kevlar anyway.
But how will it be re-balanced? How do you balance an item in a system that was not meant for it and won't work with it unless you want to take away its main trait, which is being a better protection against ballistics.
I'd rather see hitboxes improved rather than remove it. Only reduce damage on the torso area and it would be considerably more balanced. I would like an injury update too, bleeding etc

-support for now
Make it harder to obtain thus creating more routes needed to gain it for average citizens/criminals. On top of that, review the amount of damage weapons can deal to the torso area as said.
(Feb 3, 2017, 03:54 AM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ]I'd rather see hitboxes improved rather than remove it. Only reduce damage on the torso area and it would be considerably more balanced. I would like an injury update too, bleeding etc

-support for now

That still leaves the problem of the 70% reduced damage... Although I would like to see a new injury system. Def. a BIG part of what I think would be a great PvP Re-work.
(Feb 3, 2017, 03:58 AM)Nightmare Wrote: [ -> ]Make it harder to obtain thus creating more routes needed to gain it for average citizens/criminals. On top of that, review the amount of damage weapons can deal to the torso area as said.

That still leaves the problem of an unbalanced item in our system that was balanced before this was a thing. Why not just simply solve it by removing it and having only 50% Kevlar. That way we have some of our balance back, and we don't see people soaking bullets.
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