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The AWM prior to the proliferation of medkit spam and the 70% reduction, was a 1 shot kill if it was a headshot, even if they had Kevlar on.

It was designed for this, thats why it only can chamber at the most 2 rounds and why we chose a bolt action.

the Scar-20 is a completely different monster we need to remove due to the amount of bugs and unbalance with it "Such as its lack of any sway"

Buff guns, make them more difficult to get and add more negatives to the ceramic.
If we buff guns by 20% and add more negitives to ceramic, the result is the same as just removing the ceramic and keeping damage the same but with alot less horrific balancing issues that can and will arise since they will be back to where they we're before, already balanced with some minor tweaks required.
(Feb 2, 2017, 07:03 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]If we buff guns by 20% and add more negitives to ceramic, the result is the same as just removing the ceramic and keeping damage the same but with alot less horrific balancing issues that can and will arise since they will be back to where they we're before, already balanced with some minor tweaks required.

Let's be honest, the gun system needs a revamp along with it the kevlars too. Can we trying getting them down to 40% and 60%?
- Support.

Nerf it, or buff weapons.
50% is a fair middleground, easy damage calculations since its only half.

Some weapons do need a bit of tweaking, though not many (IF we only had 50% kevlar and not 70% ceramic)

If a 70% ceramic remains, all weapons need to be rebalanced, but a damage increase to me is not an option, all you do then is make weapons a near instant kill for anyone not wearing 70% ceramic, which is something we want to avoid.

Thats why I feel the prior balance was pretty good, needs some tweaks, but alot more balanced than our 70% Ceramic problem compounded with medkit spam.
Keep ceramic so there are 2 levels of protection, increase weapon damage.

Or, although its much more difficult, have a realistic injury system for different parts of the body that are/are not protected by a ballistic vest.
I am all down for it being OP yet instead of removing it perhaps a nurf it a bit.
(Feb 2, 2017, 06:28 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]+Support

As much as i do like Ceramic, you are 100% correct, everything was balanced for the 50% kevlar wayyyyyy back, and in no way balanced for a 70% reduction, compile this with Medkit spam and its created an environment where firefights can last longer, which can be fun, but at the same time they more often than not just boil down to (Who can spam medkits and steroids faster)

I second. +support
Also, an item that makes the Glock useless makes me feel sad and depressed.

Glock is love, Glock is life.
Throwen this out there since as an idea before work

Bonus: 70% Damage Reduction
Drawback: Cannot sprint, cannot jump

Personaly id still perfer its removal since we again, never balanced our weapons to actualy account for that kind of armor, AND we still need to fix the medkit spam
I voted +support because it's the easiest and fastest solution that can be done.

Possible solutions:
a) Remove ceramic. (And nerf scar 20 :c)Easy solution.
b) Rebalance all weapons in the game and keep ceramic the same. This is potentially a much better solution but it's quite hard to do and balance right.
c) Tweak ceramic to give it a huge drawback like no sprinting and no jumping as  said. This will make ceramic good or bad depending on the situation though I think it won't help with the whole "camp with ceramic and 200000 medkits" problem because you don't run or jump anywhere anyways. Maybe that AND a % decrease but that would make it too bad I think.
d) Nerf/revamp medkits where they aren't anywhere near as good anymore (and nerf scar-20 :c) and maybe even keep kevlar the same if that happens.
e) Some random combination of the above. I don't even. As long as scar-20 is nerfed.

(keep it for swat pls)
(Feb 2, 2017, 07:59 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]+support

(keep it for swat pls)

that should not be a choice, we should either remove it or let everyone keep em.
(Feb 2, 2017, 06:48 PM)John Master Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 2, 2017, 06:38 PM)Lieutenant Sours Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 2, 2017, 06:31 PM)John Master Wrote: [ -> ]-Support

Ceramic plationg isnt too OP to get removed.

John, It is. A Deagle does I believe 45 Damage. With Kevlar, that is 23.5 Damage. With Ceramic that is 11 Damage. That is completely overpowered... Especally making a Glock do 3 damage per shot.

Glock isnt very powerfull gun in all games. For example in CS:GO. Deagle 11 Damage with ceramic to BODY. I still think that Ceramic isnt too OP to get removed. Its just my opinion.
+Support (This is quoted from another post that I posted, So it may not make complete sense)

Ceramic is OP and is over used and too easy to get. also when used in criminal "RP" (I wouldn't call it RP) they just shoot at anyone they see.

7 criminals vs 2 SWAT (Lets ignore the police as they always get in the way and always die)

Yeah it never works and it needs to be changed it needs to be harder to get cermaic as I am sure alot of people will agree with me police and SWAT never win they always lose due to the mass amount of med kits and ceramic used.

On the topic of this med kits should also be nerfed alot (The civilian ones) as they heal you from 50% to 100% in about 7 seconds. This needs to be fixed as SWAT and Police are a force that raids buildings and 9/10 win. In LL its 2/10. Also IRL you would not carry around 50 med kits and spam them infact IRL you would drop someone with 2 shots (Referance talken from SAS documentataries) you as a criminal IRL would not have the time to open up a med kits and treat GUN shot wounds gun shot wounds from 5.56 are major and you would have the take out the lead but this would most likely be done in a hospital as it is a dangerous process that if it goes wrong could kill you.

SWAT needs to win more raids is what i am getting at and as the post suggesting anarchists roll with only pistols will help this matter as well. SWAT should be taken as a threat not as a joke and right now this is a joke not a threat this needs to be changed.
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