Sub Forums:
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Important Threads
- Minor Improvements and Tweaks Store (9 Replies)
- Loading Screen Tips (9 Replies)
- Suggestion Template and Guidelines (4 Replies)
- The Development Team and Suggestions (1 Reply)
- Search function on changelog (2 Replies)
- guides n' stuff (1 Reply)
- UV Lights (3 Replies)
- CSI suit to store (1 Reply)
- Keep misc. items from inventory welded to dupes (3 Replies)
- Physgun Undo (2 Replies)
- Increase sign resolution (8 Replies)
- UndoHold - Hold Z to Undo (1 Reply)
- The "Walk on Moving Props!" addon (1 Reply)
- More detailed Paramedic functions (4 Replies)
- Favorites (2 Replies)
- SpotLight verification and search warrants (4 Replies)
- Lower plate detachment fee. (6 Replies)
- Change plate detachment (4 Replies)
- Add the rest of the Security Guard models (2 Replies)
- Reputation on Member List (1 Reply)
- Return Security models to Security Guard (1 Reply)
- Return Doctor models to Doctors (1 Reply)
- Return Chefs! Part 1 | Additional Cooking XP (2 Replies)
- Add Food-Decay (timed removal) - Promoting Chef-RP (1 Reply)
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