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Full Version: SpotLight verification and search warrants
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Explain your suggestion, in detail:
Allow SpotLight verification and search warrants to reveal the name of twitter users

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:

Impersonation of characters, groups, governments. Threats to government officials, There's currently no real way to counteract it currently. 

as and I discussed, potentially add a verification check mark to SpotLight names.

This is just a rough idea so please feel free to add your ideas.
Thank you for your suggestion, Welker!

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.
I like the idea that the jobs President, Vice President, Gov Sec, Police Chief & SWAT Sergeant all have a verification tag besides their name.

Other organisations & jobs should be able to tweet without consequence of legal action, if this mimicks twitter then people do say what they want without fear of control from the government.

We could look to add a dictator-ish like perm that allows the presidential group to turn off the ability to use Spotlight.. for example when attempting to use /tweet it’ll say “Spotlight has now been banned in this city” Obviously this will have consequences. This could also take 5 minutes to action allowing for a realistic way of the app being terminated.

/twitteron /twitteroff or something similar.
verification thing that big ballas can pay for

police can search the twitter name in the police db and find out who it is
+Support for verification tags.

+Support for search warrants, if these had any negative consequences for the government.
Otherwise, I fear it would ruin the anonimity of the Spotlight feature and take away a non-violent option for Citizens to raise their voice against dictatorships, thus returning to the AggressiveRP method of raiding the President, which is I believe something we should steer away from.

PS: I agree with 's idea of turning off SpotLight, should the dictator choose to take away free speech. It could be an alternative.

Overall: Not a bad suggestion, but I think it needs balance.