Limelight Forums

Full Version: Meth cooking revamp and making cocaine and heroin
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Explain your suggestion, in detail:
Making meth a viable alternative to growing weed and adding a process to make cocaine and heroine also as alternatives with interaction.

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
It would add more roleplay possibilities and would also add other ways of (illegally) making money, other than contraband and weed. It could also make sense to buy meth related items such as flares (for getting phosphorous) and aluminum. In my eyes it would make getting rich on the server less monotone and more than just camping in a house.
Thank you for your suggestion, Ishnifan!

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.
  and me made 3.2mil together with one single day of cooking meth. How's that not a "viable alternative"? Or what exactly is the point of this huh

Temar also just provided the Meth-System with a nice little update.
I think Meth wasn't very viable with higher player counts, since the risk of being raided was high. Now when you can do it peacefully it is.
I do agree that it would be nice to have more ways of making money on both sides of the spectrum that involve actually moving about the map, and not sitting in a room.
While i agree meth is now a viable alternative to just weed i would like to see other black market drugs like heroin and coke produceable just to add some more variety to what crims can do.
(Jan 8, 2025, 04:48 PM)Mrhowe Wrote: [ -> ]While i agree meth is now a viable alternative to just weed i would like to see other black market drugs like heroin and coke produceable just to add some more variety to what crims can do.

I would like more systems like this. Part of me would like it if the Mafia would have a unique mechanic to earn money, related to substance production.
Massive +Support

More ways for criminals to RP is always a good thing