(Apr 30, 2020, 10:45 AM)Luvbunny Wrote: [ -> ]The FPS is pretty decent compared to other server. Nonetheless it’ll get better :p
The community I use to play on, who recently started back up which I checked out enables me to maintain 100 FPS when the server is at a low player count (Around 20 players) And it drops to around 60 when they have their peak.
I also hopped onto Fearless (Who I see have no intention to ever fix my corrupted account, whereby my hours and inventory fluxuate in and out of existence and has been reported by me since just after the split) I was getting around 40 FPS in the city when they had 50 players on. And let it be known, there was more props, signs and entities spawned in on main street, than LimeLight typically has. And VCMod was running with a day and night system.
I was hitting 12 fps on LimeLight when there was 20 people on .-.
I understand though, how difficult it is to fix. The gamemode is some janky arse gamemode that was ported from Gmod 12 to Gmod 13, made well over 10 years ago. Its no easy endeavour to optimise, and the dev team has made great strides to improve the FPS. I distinctly remember the doors being so poorly optimised, and if I'm not mistaken that has been fixed.
But I do also remember it running better on my R9 280x back in 2014, than it does now on my new hardware. Then again, back then the F1 menu was that really sexy generic Gmod Menu, with the default derma colors. And the HUD was, basic as all hell but hey. The new hud costs me upwards of 30 FPS. To drive, I have to turn it off.
I like how it looks, but it just has to be turned off sometimes. That and, for some reason there are points around the map where lag is almost guaranteed. And this is true for any map it seems. Rockford ran as poorly as EvoCity, and I can tell you EvoCity is not a poorly optimised map by any means. I'm almost curious to see how well, or badly the New York map we are switching to runs.
3D Skyboxes can tank performance, and that map has a 3D Skybox constantly rendering to compensate for a reduced view distance. Also its broken up in ways similar to that of Rockford. I could be wrong, but I dont think a map change is going to really help. the community has constantly been going between maps with no success.
V2D>V33X>V5P>V4B1>Rockford>True North>V4B1 Its never ending. And now we are changing again, and it does in my opinion take time out from actual development. The gamemode doesn't just work with any map, you have to painstakingly set up the points of spawns, petrol stations, NPCs, road names etc. Sure, it is easier than making a new update that adds content, but bygod is it more repetitive. The thought of doing it triggers ADD that I do not have.
Edit: I was just browsing, we should also not forget that Devs have to focus on things like bugs.