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The Marion County Sheriff's Office is comprised of the Patrol Division, Tactical Division, Support Division, Highway Enforcement Division, Headquarters Division, and Criminal Investigation Division. Each division has various assigned units.

The citizens of Marion County expect, and rightfully so, that their Sheriff’s Office and the administration which supervises the exercise of law enforcement authority, be fair and just in their delivery of service to all citizens. In order to meet the expectations of Marion County citizens and to instill a sense of fairness and openness, procedures for investigating and resolving all complaints and allegations of misconduct or lack of performance are mandated.

Our aim is to ensure a safe environment for the citizens of Marion County. An environment in which our citizens are not afraid to walk the streets at night, or speak to strangers. We try to reach this goal with effective punishments aimed to deter criminal behavior and by involving our officers in socializing with the community.

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Born in Morristown, NJ, Jack Mondays became Sheriff when Sheriff Christopher Gray stepped down from his position in January 2019. Sheriff Mondays served in the United States Marine Corps and received a purple heart after being wounded during service. He eventually made a full recovery, and secured his first job as a Law Enforcement Officer in Evo City in 2012, rising through the ranks to Captain in 2017. He then left his residence in EvoCity to pursue a new life in Marion County, where he became a Sheriff's Deputy at the ripe old age of 32. He spent approximately 6 months on the road and was then promoted to Sergeant. He later was promoted to Lieutenant in October 2018, and again to Captain in December of the same year, making him Sheriff Gray's right-hand. 

When Sheriff Gray stepped down in January 2019, his last act was to appoint Mondays to be his successor, stating in a memo that he has "full trust and confidence in [Mondays'] abilities and trusts the right decision is being made".

Mondays took office that same day.
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Marion County Sheriff's Office
Job Descriptions

Leads the Department in its Entirety. Responsible for all personnel.

Right-hand man to the Sheriff. Responsible for all personnel.

Leads one division of the Department. Reports directly to the sheriff. Responsible for all personnel in their assigned division.

Assists the Captain in leading a Division. Reports to the Captain. Responsible for all personnel in their assigned division.

Supervises all personnel out on the road. Reports to the Lieutenant. Responsible for all personnel out on the road in their assigned division.

Senior Deputy
A Deputy with more experience than the average bear. Reports to the Sergeant. No additional responsibility (unless they are the highest-ranking officer on a scene).

Deputy/Highway Trooper
Standard Patrol Deputy. Reports to the Sergeant. No additional responsibility.

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Note: By applying to any position, you understand and agree to completely read and abide by all bylaws, SOGs, and orders given to you by superior members of the office. These will all be laid out to you upon acceptance. You understand that lying and/or purposefully omitting information on an application shall result in immediate denial of your application for employment. Further, you understand that as a member of the office, you are bound by, and shall follow, all Server, Discord, Forum, and Community Rules & Terms of Service statements. You also understand that by applying, your application may take up to 14 days for processing. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

General Requirements

- Applicant must be at least 18 years of age at the time of application submission
- Applicant must live within MCSO Jurisdiction at the time of application submission
- Applicant must have graduated from High School or equivalent
- Applicant must be able to maintain a calm and professional demeanor when dealing with the general public
- Applicant must be willing to learn
- Applicant must be able to follow orders
- Applicant must possess a valid drivers license at the time of application submission
- Applicant must pass a criminal background check
- Applicant must have access to Discord for internal communications
- Applicant must have a microphone
- Applicant must be able to handle stress well
- Applicant must be able to work well with others to solve problems
- Applicants who have prior experience as a Law Enforcement Officer are strongly encouraged to apply

Marion County Deputy Sheriff - Patrol Unit

Salary: 59.500$ a year

Division Specific Requirements:
- Must complete and pass satisfactorily a basic entry-level exam
- Must complete basic training
- Must complete and pass satisfactorily a probationary period riding with a training officer and being evaluated

Job Description:

- Investigate Illegal or Suspicious activity
- Patrol Towns and properties to maintain safety
- Investigate Accidents and determine cause
- Arrest Criminals

Marion County Sheriff's Office - Highway Enforcement Trooper

Salary: 60.250$ a year

Division Specific Requirements

- Applicant must have been part of the Marion County Sheriff's Office or another Law Enforcement Agency for a minimum of 2 months and be in good standing.
- Applicant must satisfactorily pass the Highway Enforcement Entry Exam
- Applicant must complete an interview with current members of the Highway Enforcement Division
- Applicant must successfully complete the Field Training Program
- Applicant must complete a Probationary Period

Job Description:

- Investigate Illegal or Suspicious activity
- Patrol highways, towns, and properties to maintain safety
- Investigate Accidents and determine cause
- Arrest Criminals

Marion County Deputy Sheriff - Criminal Investigations Detective (CID)

Salary: 63.500$ a year

Division Specific Requirements:

- Graduate from Police Academy
- Graduate from College, bachelors degree (Criminal law, forensic science courses)
- Pass a criminal background check
- Have a valid driver's license

Job Description:

- Investigate Crimes
- Collect and secure evidence
- Conduct interviews
- Arrest suspects
- Write detailed reports
- Prepare cases for court
- Possibly Patrol
Marion County Sheriffs Office - Records Clerk

Salary: 32.000$ a year

Position Specific Requirements:

- Knowledge of Clerical practices and procedures
- Basic mathematics knowledge
- High School Diploma

Job Description:

- Maintain personnel, leave, and payroll records
- Process requests for copies of reports submitted to the agency
- Process OPRA requests
- Process applications for firearms
- Performs Clerical Duties
Marion County Sheriffs Office - Public Safety Telecommunicator (Dispatcher)

Salary: 45.000$ a year

Position Specific Requirements:

- Knowledge of Computers
- Some skill in the used software
- Ability to handle stress
- High School Diploma
- Must complete and pass satisfactorily the Basic Telecommunicator Course
- Must complete and pass satisfactorily the Emergency Medical Dispatch Course

Job Description:

- Receive and process calls for service
- Answer 9-1-1 and 10-digit Non-Emergency Phone calls
- Maintain communication with field units through the use of radio

Applications for all open positions must be submitted in our discord. We will no longer accept forum applications.
Reposted with permission of , who stepped down as Sheriff and transferred ownership of the group to me.
(Jan 21, 2019, 11:26 PM)Zaidplays Wrote: [ -> ]-snip-

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Greetings Deputy Woods,

According to my records, you are already on our roster for the Investigations Division. Why there was a request for your transfer to this division on my desk is beyond me, however, if I had to guess it would be a clerical error.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

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Sheriff Jack Mondays
Marion County Sheriff's Office
Goodluck Sheriff Mondays, I wish you the best of luck with running the Sheriff's Department. I am sure you will do a fine job as my successor. Also, as for Deputy Woods...

I already transferred him to Investigations as one of my last actions as Sheriff, must've forgotten to file that... Weird.

Christopher Gray

OOC: Reebs has full permission to continue this group and repost this. All images and text that he copied was requested to me first and permission was granted.
(Jan 22, 2019, 12:59 AM)StephanGH Wrote: [ -> ]Goodluck Sheriff Mondays, I wish you the best of luck with running the Sheriff's Department. I am sure you will do a fine job as my successor. Also, as for Deputy Woods...

I already transferred him to Investigations as one of my last actions as Sheriff, must've forgotten to file that... Weird.

Christopher Gray

OOC: Reebs has full permission to continue this group and repost this. All images and text that he copied was requested to me first and permission was granted.
Must have been that file you forgot sheriff its all done and Updated now Though, Thanks

 -Jamie Woods
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I am pleased to announce multiple promotions within our department.

To start us off, I have decided to promote Lt. Sebastian Kruger () to Captain, which puts him in charge of the Patrol Division.

As his right hand, I have chosen none other than Sgt. Steve Hughes () to fill the role of Lieutenant. 

Following that, I have chosen Cpl. Michael Hays () to be promoted to the position of Sergeant in the patrol division. 

I have also decided to promote Deputy Darren Blina () to Corporal.

And last but certainly not least, I have promoted Cpl. Gene Hunt () to Sergeant of the Investigations Division, making him a Supervisor in said division.

Please join me in congratulating all who were promoted and wishing them the best of luck in their new roles.

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Sheriff Jack Mondays
Marion County Sheriff's Office
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It gives me great pleasure to announce that the Marion County Sheriff’s Office is undergoing a slight change in structure. 

After briefly meeting with the State Police, they have suggested that we open a Highway Patrol Division. I am pleased to announce we have done just that. Our highway patrol division will consist mainly of “Highway Troopers”, who have the same rank and authority as a Deputy. The Highway Trooper Rank was created in our department simply to show the area of specialization. 

And with a new division, comes expansion. Please join me in welcoming Highway Trooper Christopher Steel and Highway Trooper Steven Baumann. Both Troopers are transfers from the State Police and are well versed in highway policing. 

I look forward to working with both Troopers, and wish them the best of luck. 

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Sheriff Jack Mondays
Marion County Sheriff's Office
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Please join me in welcoming three new Deputies to the Sheriff's Office.

First up, we are pleased to welcome Deputy Nate Wolf. Deputy Wolf was sworn in on January 28 2019 as a member of our Sheriff's Office. He will be serving the citizens of Marion County as a member of our patrol division.

Next, we have Deputy Max Cairns, who was sworn in on January 28 2019, who will be serving with our patrol division.

And last but certainly not least, Deputy Colton McCoy, who was sworn in on January 28 2019. He will be serving with the patrol division.

Once again please join me in welcoming all three new deputies, and wishing them the best of luck in their new occupations. 

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Sheriff Jack Mondays
Marion County Sheriff's Office
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Dear citizens and colleagues,

I am sorry for my inactivity and inability to perform the duties of an Acting Lieutenant withing the Supporting Staff. For the time being any applications to the Supporting Department will be handled by other supervisors untill I am capable of returning to active duties.

For those wondering, during my vacation I had a car accident which caused me to be hospital bound. At this time I am recovering well and I hope to be able to return to minor duties very soon.

For those that sent your prayers I thank you for standing with me during this time. Hopefully I am capable of repaying all of you when I am back on active duty.

I would also like to express my utter gratitude towards Sheriff. Mondays, it is heartwarming to see how you have handled your new position and taken care of the Office I was once in charge of. Even though it was only a short while.

Lozano would be proud of you Mondays, he really would be. Continue your good work, you are doing a better job than I could've ever dreamed of doing.

With much love,

Lt. Christopher Gray
Support Division Commander / Director of Communications / Detective
Marion County Sheriff's Office
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On February 10, 2019, the Marion County Sheriff's Office took to the streets of the City of Truenorth for their regularly scheduled shift. All Deputies made it home safely, and one Deputy went home very happy. 

After quite a long time of observation by his superior officers, Command Staff has felt it appropriate to promote Deputy Riley Irons () to the position of Corporal in the Sheriff's Office. 

Please join me in congratulating Corporal Irons and wishing him the best of luck in his new position.

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Sheriff Jack Mondays
Marion County Sheriff's Office
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Tonight, the Deputies of Marion County took to the streets to tackle Crime and hand out punishment. Throughout this shift, the MCSO responded to multiple 911 and non-emergency calls for assistance, including 3 hostage situations and a house fire.

I would like to extend my gratitude to Cpl. Darren Blina () and Sgt. Michael Hays () for not only organizing the department while I was away at a meeting out of the county, but for their continued support in our operations.

I would also like to take this chance to welcome two new faces to the office. First up, Lt. Stiles Stilinski (), who is a transfer from the State Police. Lt. Stilinski will be joining our Investigative Division.

Next up, I would like to welcome Deputy John Internet (), who will be joining the Patrol Division.

Congratulations and welcome to the force!

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Sheriff Jack Mondays
Marion County Sheriff's Office
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Coming Soon...

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After a brief meeting with our Highway Enforcement Division, the decision has been made that it's time to begin expansion. Deputies, polish that brass and fix that cover, because you can now submit a request through the Sheriff to be transferred to the prestigious Highway Enforcement Division. Only the best of the best will be considered, so you must be a current member of the Marion County Sheriff's Office and be in good standing. Internal transfer requests are to be submitted directly to the Sheriff.

Further, I would like to congratulate Trooper Christopher Steel () on his long overdue promotion to Sergeant. Although he refuses to go anywhere near the mines, Trooper Steel has been, and will continue to be a valuable asset to the Sheriff's Department. In addition, Trooper Steven Baumann has been promoted to Corporal. Trooper Baumann worked well with Sergeant Steel out on the road together, so I find it only fitting he rise through the ranks with Trooper Steel and become his right-hand.

Congratulations, Troops!

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Sheriff Jack Mondays
Marion County Sheriff's Office
hello jack monday,

i have noticed it says florida on ur badge so i am wondering why are you in canada?? kinda outta ur jurisdiction innit

-jose petinos,
crime bud - large bud
(Feb 27, 2019, 04:44 AM)greg Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Jack Monday,

I have noticed it says Florida on your badge. So, I am wondering why are you operating in Canada? You are kinda outside of your jurisdiction, arn't you?

-Jose Petinos,
Crime Bud - Large Bud

Hello, Mr. Petinos ‍ ,

The Marion County Sheriff's Office has a fantastic working relationship with all of our Local, State, and International law enforcement partners. As such, we have been requested to assist our allied partners in the Greater TrueNorth area. We can operate in their jurisdiction based off of this request.

Furthermore, may I recommend you take some English and grammar classes. Please see my quote of your original question for a reference on proper, grammar, spelling, and common knowledge of the English language.

Corporal Baumann
Marion County Sheriff's Office - Highway Patrol Division

* WZSteve drops mic
Attention All Staff!

Please note MVAS (Marion Volunteer Ambulance Service) has recently contacted us offering training for all deputies in basic first aid skills. This months coverage will cover burns!

Contact Corporal Baumann - Highway Division for further information.

- Sergeant Steel
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