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v2d so I can doomfort
v17x i like
(Dec 18, 2018, 07:57 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not sure why 17x is even on the list, its just a horrible mish mash of V2D and 33x, but lacking some of 33x's best features such as its hospital and more detailed and expansive industrial zone.

17x removes the hospital entirely with no replacement and plops the UM chem plant there, and replaces the larger, more varried industrial with the original V2D one that had around 4, maybe 5 properties.

It also fails to correct V2d's problem of no tunnels having pedestrian walkways, and 50% of the tunnels being pitch black, ontop of the nexus's elevator system becoming broken from time to time, while a map like EC2 V5P has corrected these issues.

Every map on this list should be a gem for people to choose from, we can't just fill it with some garbage and hope they pick the gems.

If a terrible map ends up being picked from a list filled with garbage and gems, we all get fubberknuckled.

So just to clarify, which map do you vote for?
This is an initial discussion to suggest maps, not comment on the current ones. That comes later. If you want to not choose from garbage, include yourself in to the filtering process, if you just say all these are garbage and you are forcing us to choose from it, while we gave you time to suggest maps I don't know what else we can do?
(Dec 18, 2018, 08:56 PM)Markus Wrote: [ -> ]So just to clarify, which map do you vote for?

I'll be voting for Evocity 2 V5P

Its smaller than rockford in overall playable space, but makes far greater use of said space to the point it actualy feels larger, ontop of it fixing alot of the issues the older evocity maps have had over the years, includeing some of the more popular bits of older maps within the city itself such as the 33x appartments, big bill hells, the tall blue office, the 3 story almost tall mall like office complex, and for some serious nostalgia, the V2D slummy 4 room hovel homes, and just having far more RP variety than the other maps on the list.
bambee i don't need your opinion.

plz EC2 V5P
I think right now we're gathering maps for the vote itself, then the vote is held once a list is formed.
Has anyone suggested Evocity chaos city?
V 5 P  P L E A S E
(Dec 18, 2018, 09:22 PM)LiVHDX Wrote: [ -> ]Has anyone suggested Evocity chaos city?

basically evocityv4b1 or `any other form of pines map`. I think it is posted that there will be no evocity v33x variant of any map.;
(Dec 18, 2018, 10:24 PM)Dicky Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 18, 2018, 09:22 PM)LiVHDX Wrote: [ -> ]Has anyone suggested Evocity chaos city?

basically evocityv4b1 or `any other form of pines map`. I think it is posted that there will be no evocity v33x variant of any map.;

Well if there's no performance issues with Chaos City it would make no sense to not allow it. People want v4b1 and if it's the closest we can get then so be it.
(Dec 18, 2018, 09:35 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]V 5 P  P L E A S E

Really, really, bad idea.

I'm warning you, don't, for the sake of regular player interaction and a map that is not half abandoned, don't choose v5p.
Personally I think any of these maps are good one way or the other, I know that people won't like any outcome and no matter which map we choose someone will complain sooner or later,

Either way I do think v2d had its time in the past and it should stay that way, the map is old and should stay in our memories and nothing else, this is of course my opinion. 

V17 is a safe choice I'd say but people do bring good points on it,

v5p is also another "not bad" idea.

Sorry I am not really sure where I stand on this yet, but I'm interested to see how this goes.
I'm in between v17 and v5p
‍ ‍Can we have the option to stay with Rockford added? It would make sense that the community has the ability to vote down the map vote as well.

Also as I’ve seen that some people actually like Rockford.
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