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Tbh I really don't mind Rockford.
Added v17x to the current maps list.
I'm going to make myself very clear. v33x and v4b1 will not be added to this list, due to the massive issues which we have noted countless times. Messaging staff via steam about this will not change this.
Why don't you just add a Map Rotation? It wouldn't be boring for the players, just a cycle of 3 months and then change the map to something, every 3 months a map change and do the same for the next year and just continue where you started. And time after time adding some maps to the cycle and maybe removing maps that are not popular.
It would be more fun for everyone in MY opinion because you always have something new again and not just
the same map everyday, year after year until there finally comes a map change.
I can already see it... everyone will cry after Rockford in 3 months.
M a p r o t a t i o n p l 0 x
(Dec 18, 2018, 07:06 PM)Slowkiller965 Wrote: [ -> ]Why don't you just add a Map Rotation? It wouldn't be boring for the players, just a cycle of 3 months and then change the map to something, every 3 months a map change and do the same for the next year and just continue where you started. And time after time adding some maps to the cycle and maybe removing maps that are not popular.
It would be more fun for everyone in MY opinion because you always have something new again and not just
the same map everyday, year after year until there finally comes a map change.
Because that ends up with greater strain on both back-end and front-end systems to be able to support it.
v2d is shit and old
v5p is meh
Pines will cause issues with the gamemode
Downtown is too kewl for LL
Florida is up in the air
ChaosCity might be a good idea
v4b1 is definitely a good idea
V5P - I'm a real bitch for it.
v2d is the only good option here
I'm not sure why 17x is even on the list, its just a horrible mish mash of V2D and 33x, but lacking some of 33x's best features such as its hospital and more detailed and expansive industrial zone.
17x removes the hospital entirely with no replacement and plops the UM chem plant there, and replaces the larger, more varried industrial with the original V2D one that had around 4, maybe 5 properties.
It also fails to correct V2d's problem of no tunnels having pedestrian walkways, and 50% of the tunnels being pitch black, ontop of the nexus's elevator system becoming broken from time to time, while a map like EC2 V5P has corrected these issues.
Every map on this list should be a gem for people to choose from, we can't just fill it with some garbage and hope they pick the gems.
If a terrible map ends up being picked from a list filled with garbage and gems, we all get fubberknuckled.
Chaos City is a good map, a lot of different environments for RP.
Will stay Neutral for now, But I think V5P and V17x is overall nice, will post a new comment if I change my mind
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