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Unpopular Opinion:
They all suck. They're all poorly optimized and some are way too big for an immersive roleplay experience.
I think an option that would be worth going over is taking donations and actually paying a map creator to make a better map that is properly optimized.
I know I would be more than happy throwing money toward getting a proper RP map built, with all the best parts of all of the maps. Im sure many other people aswell would throw money toward something better.
(Jan 23, 2019, 12:22 PM)Auston Wrote: [ -> ]Unpopular Opinion:
They all suck. They're all poorly optimised* and some are way too big for an immersive roleplay experience.
I think an option that would be worth going over is taking donations and actually paying a map creator to make a better map that is properly optimised*.
I know I would be more than happy throwing money toward getting a proper RP map built, with all the best parts of all of the maps. I'm* sure many other people as well* would throw money toward something better.
Issue is custom maps are a bitch for new players. I know personally a custom map is a slight turn-away, as I'd have to find it, sift through all the crap on the workshop, then FINALLY join this server, only to find out I need membership for x. I've simply stopped joining custom mapped servers at this point.
I know v4b1 isnt going to be put on the list, but what would really put my and probably others mind at ease is to have another awnser than "preformance issues" like WHY does it have preformance issues? I mean I get just about the shit fps on any map
(Jan 23, 2019, 10:55 PM)Decay Wrote: [ -> ]I know v4b1 isnt going to be put on the list, but what would really put my and probably others mind at ease is to have another awnser than "preformance issues" like WHY does it have preformance issues? I mean I get just about the shit fps on any map
Nexus leaks Doc said.
(Jan 23, 2019, 10:59 PM)Markus Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 23, 2019, 10:55 PM)Decay Wrote: [ -> ]I know v4b1 isnt going to be put on the list, but what would really put my and probably others mind at ease is to have another awnser than "preformance issues" like WHY does it have preformance issues? I mean I get just about the shit fps on any map
Nexus leaks Doc said.
Which means?
(Jan 23, 2019, 11:01 PM)Decay Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 23, 2019, 10:59 PM)Markus Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 23, 2019, 10:55 PM)Decay Wrote: [ -> ]I know v4b1 isnt going to be put on the list, but what would really put my and probably others mind at ease is to have another awnser than "preformance issues" like WHY does it have preformance issues? I mean I get just about the shit fps on any map
Nexus leaks Doc said.
Which means?
Not a single idea.

(Jan 23, 2019, 11:01 PM)Decay Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 23, 2019, 10:59 PM)Markus Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 23, 2019, 10:55 PM)Decay Wrote: [ -> ]I know v4b1 isnt going to be put on the list, but what would really put my and probably others mind at ease is to have another awnser than "preformance issues" like WHY does it have preformance issues? I mean I get just about the shit fps on any map
Nexus leaks Doc said.
Which means?
Probably in reference to area portals and other optimization methods used to control visibility (
what you can see - what is rendered)
So, made is easy for me as I dont speak robot he spoke english to me
"basicly the longer the server is running, the closer to crashing it is
due to memory leaks"
(Jan 23, 2019, 11:51 PM)Decay Wrote: [ -> ]So, made is easy for me as I dont speak robot he spoke english to me
"basicly the longer the server is running, the closer to crashing it is
due to memory leaks"
Hence why clients crashed after about 2 hours on V4B1 and not so frequently on V2B
Memory leaks occur when memory isn't released when it's no longer being used. I'm guessing in this case the Nexus is loaded but is never unloaded when one leaves the area. Because of this it will constantly be loaded into memory until there is not enough for the client the function, hence a crash.
Not super knowledgeable about it but that's the rough idea.
Okei thats fair enough but, cant you just fix it?
Not without messing about with the map I don't think, but I'm not a mapper and I don't think anyone in the dev/contributor team is
It's a relatively easy fix but it's not going to fix the map from sucking
(Jan 24, 2019, 12:40 AM)Nevy Wrote: [ -> ]It's a relatively easy fix but it's not going to fix the map from sucking
And if I'm right in saying, it takes a lot of time to do as well. Got a feeling it involves recompiling the whole map which takes forever with source.
Yeah the map would need to be recompiled in order to fix and it would then be a different version of the map. Every new player would have to download it when joining.
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