Aug 7, 2021, 02:44 PM
Aug 7, 2021, 04:18 PM
Well, sadly we have to say goodbye to one of the best Gmod CityRP servers that came out. Sadly it has only lasted 6 years. I hope we can see this community or something else like this again one day in my life.
Goodbye Limelight Gaming, I'll see you around again hopefully.
Goodbye Limelight Gaming, I'll see you around again hopefully.
Aug 11, 2021, 04:52 AM
From 2015 to 2021, what a massive achievement.
Limelight has come so far since the beginning and to have played a role in this community has been a massive privilege.
There are so many people that I would like to thank but listing them one by one would take forever. With that said, I would like to thank everyone from the FL Team who dropped everything to create Limelight with the hopes of creating a better player experience and advancing the gamemode.
I would like to thank the Limelight Team past and present for your commitment and dedication to Limelight. Unfortunately as time goes on, we all get that bit older meaning that spare time for gaming is something that gets set aside for other responsibilities that must come first.
To the members of Limelight I thank you for the patience you have always had. While things didn't always run as smooth as they could, especially on start-up, everyone was understanding and made the best of the situation at hand.
Hopefully in the future City RP could explore other games and expand into them such as Sbox.
It's a shame the forums aren't going down as well because that unfortunately means my eyes are still able to be polluted by the absolute dribble dispensed by.
For one of the last times., fuck off.
Thanks all, has been a pleasure.
My kindest regards,
Retired Administrator
A little throwback:
Limelight has come so far since the beginning and to have played a role in this community has been a massive privilege.
There are so many people that I would like to thank but listing them one by one would take forever. With that said, I would like to thank everyone from the FL Team who dropped everything to create Limelight with the hopes of creating a better player experience and advancing the gamemode.
I would like to thank the Limelight Team past and present for your commitment and dedication to Limelight. Unfortunately as time goes on, we all get that bit older meaning that spare time for gaming is something that gets set aside for other responsibilities that must come first.
To the members of Limelight I thank you for the patience you have always had. While things didn't always run as smooth as they could, especially on start-up, everyone was understanding and made the best of the situation at hand.
Hopefully in the future City RP could explore other games and expand into them such as Sbox.
It's a shame the forums aren't going down as well because that unfortunately means my eyes are still able to be polluted by the absolute dribble dispensed by
For one of the last times.
Thanks all, has been a pleasure.
My kindest regards,
Retired Administrator
A little throwback:
Aug 12, 2021, 02:14 PM
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain,
We well and truly died a villain. Congratulation on a splendid 6 years.
We well and truly died a villain. Congratulation on a splendid 6 years.
Aug 14, 2021, 05:14 AM
<p>make me not ban glube</p>
Aug 15, 2021, 10:33 PM
<p>An amazing server with an amazing community, its been an honor to play and meet people over the years and i hope in one way or another we will all meet again. thank you for the memories LL <3</p>
Aug 17, 2021, 10:26 PM
Never kept it hidden, I hated the way you guys started. I enjoyed seeing you create something unique as time went on though.
Haven't ever really been actively part of this community, but I did keep an eye on it every now and then, how couldn't I? Seeing as so many of the folks I used to chill and hang out with pre-community split joined Limelight. Still got mad love for you aswell, you know who you are.
A shame to see the biggest part of this community shutting down. I genuinely hope someone takes the initiative and starts something new by building upon what Limelight has created upon the years.
To all the community members and staff that helped building Limelight, I salute you, job well done.
Haven't ever really been actively part of this community, but I did keep an eye on it every now and then, how couldn't I? Seeing as so many of the folks I used to chill and hang out with pre-community split joined Limelight. Still got mad love for you aswell, you know who you are.
A shame to see the biggest part of this community shutting down. I genuinely hope someone takes the initiative and starts something new by building upon what Limelight has created upon the years.
To all the community members and staff that helped building Limelight, I salute you, job well done.
Aug 18, 2021, 05:54 PM
LL shut down now taliban is back
Sep 7, 2021, 03:34 AM
Sweet dreams Limelight, you will always be remembered for helping me through my persistent anxiety and depression, to all those that I played with, argued with, killed and was killed by, it really has been a pleasure.
Dani & Joseph Gavella, signing off.
- Sammijammi 'You're under fearrp you fucking c*' *holding a knife 7ft away*
- Bonasaur 'Get down you fanny' *taser*
Sep 19, 2021, 09:16 PM
Dose this mean im unbanned now?
Sep 26, 2021, 03:17 AM
Make a gamemode on S&Box or ban
Oct 31, 2021, 01:15 AM
(Jul 20, 2021, 05:45 PM)Ketchup Wrote: [ -> ]i will sadly miss the BOA and MTL roofs
Thank you LL and all the members of WY-SEC, A37, MCSO and all the other groups who I created absolute chaos alongside.
Juliette Bravo will now enter retirement from her career as a war criminal and Thomas Cook will leave MCSO and join a new department. Still hellbent on finding bent coppers.
I will never fucking forgive you for the incident with the i8

Nov 1, 2021, 10:05 PM
lemme get half my shit transfer to fearless or sum
Nov 30, 2021, 08:26 PM
Just found this old classic.
Mar 11, 2022, 05:35 PM
Why did I just find this out today?
This really is an end of an era. For those who don't remember me I used to play with you guys before the split and after the split. I am the Israeli kid. I'm talking to a lot of veterans here right now. When you guys were administraitors and regular members in FL. We were really young and full of ambitions back then, I remember how Raptor/NightFury/Whatever his username is now wrote a g** dramatic resignation thread about Soul then a month later the split happened then Soulripper had LL DDOSed on its opening, and CodedBrain got in with an alt account and fucked shit up in the server. We were all in TS together, almost every day. With you f**** making fun of me every now and then, especially you and but hey I was a prick so it served me right. I love you three. Now that I'm getting busier with being a real estator, getting into a university for international business, I completely forgot that LL even existed, hence why I just discovered the closure now. Which to me, it really is an end of an era, the old me where I loved video games as a hardcore gamer, and a nerd, is dead. He would've been aware of the closure the moment the thread was published. He doesn't exist anymore, life killed him. It was a pleasure to share that era with you guys when life was a lot more simple, in a pandemic free world.
And where's Raptor/NightFury/Intergalatia at? What's his name now? I miss my favorite Kuwaiti.
This really is an end of an era. For those who don't remember me I used to play with you guys before the split and after the split. I am the Israeli kid. I'm talking to a lot of veterans here right now. When you guys were administraitors and regular members in FL. We were really young and full of ambitions back then, I remember how Raptor/NightFury/Whatever his username is now wrote a g** dramatic resignation thread about Soul then a month later the split happened then Soulripper had LL DDOSed on its opening, and CodedBrain got in with an alt account and fucked shit up in the server. We were all in TS together, almost every day. With you f**** making fun of me every now and then, especially you
And where's Raptor/NightFury/Intergalatia at? What's his name now? I miss my favorite Kuwaiti.