Good morning community.
I want to start by saying that all feedback is appreciated, and each person's input is vital to how this community evolves. This thread is being made to find all core concerns and issues with limelight from a community member's perspective.
There's been a rise in negative attitude in how limelight is perceived in the last few months, and this could be down to an abundance of reasons. But in order to start correcting the course of the community whom some deem as going downhill, we need to identify what the issues are in order to find a workable solution.
All feedback, regardless if its negative, aimed at individuals is accepted, and encouraged.
This is not a thread to discuss other's views of the problems within limelight, but a thread to discuss YOUR views only, so I will ask that you respect the views of others, regardless if you agree or not.
Thank you for any feedback given on behalf of the Limelight Staff Team.
Deadline for any feedback: 23:59 on the 20th February.
Obviously remember to be constructive at some point if you feel the need to rant. No harm shall come to you.
Every attempt to expand the community into another game or mode fails. Limelight will eventually depend on outward expansion to survive as an entity and when that time comes I think it should be fully prepared. Just because Garry's Mod has miraculously thrived in the past 10 years does not mean it will be that way forever. I think the staff team should perform a search program for new games that have multiplayer server compatibility that have large and untapped player bases. Once they find some games maybe throw it toward the community with a poll or something. I realize that's easier said than done but you have to start somewhere or forever hold your place.
Economy is inflated, rp is dying, certain members of staff are baised. Etc etc etc..
It feels as if the independence and freedoms we got from the start are all but consumed.
The lack of people in some Government Jobs *cough* Secret Service, EMS, Firefighter *cough**cough*
The almost lack of player base during low hours
The lacking variety of chauffeurs IG
The opinion on Staff team: 75% of the staff are doing a great job, and/or either like to do their admin job and Roleplay at the same time while the 25% of the staff are either inactive, don't enforce the rules well, they just roleplay everytime, but overall I gotta say that the LL Staff team does a great job
(Feb 14, 2017, 07:04 AM)IsThisaNewFLRP? Wrote: [ -> ]The lack of people in some Government Jobs *cough* Secret Service, EMS, Firefighter *cough**cough*
The almost lack of player base during low hours
The lacking variety of chauffeurs IG
I'm fairly certain this thread is directed towards community issues, not individual jobs and things you want ingame.
(Feb 14, 2017, 07:07 AM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ] (Feb 14, 2017, 07:04 AM)IsThisaNewFLRP? Wrote: [ -> ]The lack of people in some Government Jobs *cough* Secret Service, EMS, Firefighter *cough**cough*
The almost lack of player base during low hours
The lacking variety of chauffeurs IG
I'm fairly certain this thread is directed towards community issues, not individual jobs and things you want ingame.
On my behalf, I personally see the 3 things as community problems for me
This thread is directed at any reasons you personally feel is letting limelight down. That can be community issues, staff issues, organisational issues, gameplay issues..Anything constructive.
Also it seems that the updates, while expansive and innovative have been drifting Limelight more towards the RPG and away
from the RP, whether this is a good or bad thing is up to the majority of the playerbase but personally I prefer the RPs I saw in
the past.
(Feb 14, 2017, 07:58 AM)Dig Wrote: [ -> ]Also it seems that the updates, while expansive and innovative have been drifting Limelight more towards the RPG and away
from the RP, whether this is a good or bad thing is up to the majority of the playerbase but personally I prefer the RPs I saw in
the past.
DO you mean this in the sense that the updates are not providing enhancements to roleplay, but enhancements to one's solitary experience on the server?
(Feb 14, 2017, 08:25 AM)Jono Wrote: [ -> ] (Feb 14, 2017, 07:58 AM)Dig Wrote: [ -> ]Also it seems that the updates, while expansive and innovative have been drifting Limelight more towards the RPG and away
from the RP, whether this is a good or bad thing is up to the majority of the playerbase but personally I prefer the RPs I saw in
the past.
DO you mean this in the sense that the updates are not providing enhancements to roleplay, but enhancements to one's solitary experience on the server?
What I'm saying is that while I love the additional content there hasn't been an influx of people on the streets doing interesting roleplays anymore. Infact the opposite has happened, I'm not saying that the updates that are being added are bad but merely that I don't think there has been enough support for the roleplays that used to fill the streets of the server and add a sense of liveliness that seems just dead nowadays. Once the server is stable and all (bugs?) are fixed I'd hope to see a more PassiveRP orientated agenda from the dev team atleast for a little while.
That's just my opinion though
I noticed that more & more people come online just to minge around, as i see often *Spawning Vehicle* *Instantly gets into Police Chase because he rammed a cop Car and is now ramming every Car he Sees while fleeing from the police.*
Or that just some people are driving around & Spam their Mic with Songs or Scream the whole time *Fuck the Police / Fuck you* It just feels like people only want to do shit and think its funny to annoy other Players. There are still some decent RPs, but mostly when you try to join them, some of the Said minges comes & Ruins it. Or you get mugged.
Sent via Phone
- The lag on the server dissuades me from wanting to play
- I know this is an IC issue but getting arrested for the dumbest things that are unrealistic and basically failrp (Police should have a higher hour limit and maybe a questionaire as mentioned in a thread.)
- Search warrants are given out too lightly
- Lack of staff at times, 2 staff members for 40 people online is not enough, I know these are real people who have lifes but more admins/mods are needed
- Staff members are rude sometimes and treat you like an actual criminal for breaking a minor rule, im not saying they should be sunshine and rainbows but some respect would be nice
- Less blacklists, more bans with blacklists ontop of them.
Thats just my 2 cents

1) Servers left unadministered for hours on peak hours.
This an issue which affects everything, mainly rulebreakers going in a spree before an admin is called in via steam to come on and punish them. Another thing is, because there is no staff on, people know their roleplay won't get noticed so they postpone it until an admin gets on in hopes of getting a REP, meaning that most of the time passiveRP will not happen unless someone just enjoys do it. This also dicourages players staying online for prolonged times as they get too annoyed.
2) Communication between players and the staff.
Most recent example of this would be lag spikes, it took almost 1 month before there was an formal announcement that devs acknowledge the issue and officially saying they are working on it and there was no announcement of the fix being deployed/issue being resolved.
3) UndergroundRP/AggresiveRP is never rewarded.
In 1100 hours I have played on LL I have seen this being awarded to one group once. There are so many times where groups roleplay decently but still fail to get acknowledgement for that. I have seen hostage situations being "roleplayed" exceptionally by all sides and still only the government being rewarded REPs.
4) PassiveRP rarely rewards players economically.
This is another reason people are discouraged from doing passiveRP and turn to either to woodcutting or meth/contraband. There have been numerous suggestions asking for a change in said subject.
5) There are very few "big" events.
They were very few on 2016 and they were not advertised enough on the forums. We need to encourage players and give them the freedom of "directing" their event or at least find a solution where people feel confident about hosting one. Also events that happened felt that they got out of hand.
6) Gamemode is rather unfriendly towards new players.
There have been various attempts on making tutorials on the forums but when a player gets on the server he should be introduced to 5-10 basic rules, shown how to unlock/lock/fix/refuel/park their car, change their name/job, make money and what restrictions exist in which jobs. While yes, teachers are here for this, it could be made far easier for players to learn this if they are shown to them instead of just told.
7) Gamemode gets repetitive content wise.
Things you can do (excluding RP made by players) are few, giving players new jobs, something to work on or at least something less repetitive than cops and robbers. ex. Trucking, Garbage Collection, Banking, Trade/Sale of ECSE stocks ect.
8) It is too easy for players to go on a "power trip"/abuse their power.
Especially officers, this needs to be limited somehow, usually this is killing any type of RP that being passive or aggressive and annoys people off the server.
Limelight is still awesome, but if this are worked on it would make limelight more "complete".