Name: Democratic United Provinces of Korea
Age: Formally established in 2018 Following the Second Korean War/North Korean Independence War (2015-2018)
Land: The Entirety of the Korean Peninsula and the Islands previously owned by both North and South Korea.
Capital:통일시 (Reunification City, situated near the old "DMZ", which was in use from the end of the Korean War until the final pieces of the plan to reunify the peninusula fell into place.)
Major Cities: Seoul, Pyongyang, Seogwipo, Daejon, Kosang, Jonchon
Population: 71 Million
Leader: -Elections Underway- (Current Federal Parties include the conservative Saenuri Party (NFP), the liberal New Politics Alliance for Democracy (NPAD), the Unified Progressive Party (UPP), the True Korea Socialist Party (TKSP), the ex-defector formed Neo Korea Reform Party (NKRP) and the Justice Party.
Government Type: Parliamentary Democracy
Government Factions:
Federal Ministries:
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Environmental Affairs
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Finances
Ministry of Equality
Ministry of Immigration and Integration
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Transportation
Ministry of Health
Federal Ministries are few, meaning each one has a significant workload to ensure national stability. Provincial Ministries vary by province.
Federal Government and Provincial Government. The Prime Minister of Korea is elected in federal elections every 4 years, while PM/Premiers (Provincial Prime Ministers) are elected in provincial elections every 5. The Prime Minister of Korea may serve up to 3 consecutive terms, while Provincial Prime Ministers may serve indefinitely, unless a petition that garners over 100,000 signatures is sent to the federal Prime Minister for review, where a provincial summit is held and the decision to initiate an emergency election (where the provincial premier who's been petitoned against may not run) is reached.
Interesting Fact: Most DUPK government hearings are held on live television. This became a law following the toppling of the reclusive Northern Dictatorship. The governmental processes of the DUPK are nearly 100% transparent. Election Ballot counts are done in stadiums or are televised per city.
Currency: Korean Won (₩)
Economic System: Socio-Capitalist Mixed Economy
D.U.P.K.'s Military Size:
(National conscription is currently being debated in Parliament. Diplomatic tensions are high with Japan's mobilization of troops and material, as well as with Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist groups, following the recorded slaughter of 14 Korean tourists is Tanzania.)
Number of Active Military Personnel (Following Re-unification, prior to 2nd Conscription Act): 581,116
Number of Vehicles

Tanks: 3281, AFV's: 3562, Self-Propelled Guns: 3507, Multiple Rocket Launchers: 2502
Number of Artillery: 5203
Number of Jet Fighters: 857
Number of Helicopters: 870
Nuclear Weapons: The entirery of the former nation of the DPRK (North Korea)'s Nuclear Arsenal was confiscated and remains in secure storage in until a decision on the Nuclear ICBM's and TNW's has been reached
Nuclear Capable: True
D.U.P.K.'s Navy Size: (OOC: Tried keeping it realistic, I mean, the only country with 2+ Aircraft Carriers in the whole world is the USA.)
Overall Fleet Size: 177 Ships
Submarines: 23
Frigates: 11
Aircraft Carrier(s): 1 (DUPKS
Yi Sun-sin -Class Aircraft Carrier)
Destroyers: 12
Corvettes: 19
Mine Warfare Crafts: 10
Patrol Crafts: 81
Military Branches:
DUPK Armed Forces Branches:
Korean General Intelligence Organization (Classified)
Korean Military
Korean Navy, Korean Air-Force/Korean Aero-Space Exploration Bureau (Yes, a government-owned company that's technically tied to the air-force. All Korean astronauts are active military personnel.)
Korean People's Defense Force (Essentially a Korean National Guard to create an interest in a military career in children, teenagers and young adults)
National Animal: Amur/Siberian/Korean Tiger
Main Export: Refined Petroleum, Integrated Circuits, Cars, Cargo and Passenger Ships, LCD's, Coal, Iron Ore, Textiles
Main Import: Crude Petroleum, Corn, Wood
Valuble Resources: Iron Ore
Needed Resources: Farmed Produce
Short History:
![[Image: I3vj1H0.gif]](
Following an international crisis on North and South Korean border disputes in the years 2015-2017, China intervenes and invades Northern Korea, following nuclear threats made by the North. South Korea uses this as momentum, and invades the North. Also using the oppurtunity given to them, civilians in the North rebel, and the Facist dictatorship in power is overthrown. A joint United-Nations Coalition led by Korea's neighbours across the pacific to the East, the United-States and Canada, capture North Korea's Nuclear Inter-Continental-Ballistic-Missile sites. The revolution in the North lasted several months, during the most of which the European Union provided aid to the newly-emancipated North Koreans. China occupies the territory it captures, so the U.S., cautious not to start yet another Cold War, does not act. For the remainder of the Korean Revolutionary War, the U.S. establishes military bases at the location of the seized warheads with its ally, Canada, and does not move deeper into the North. The U.S.A.'s omission pays off, and China relinquishes ownership of the 65% of North Korea it captured, to the South, in return for increased trade and the creation of new political bonds. The South accepts, and forms a placeholder government with the rebels in the North. Diplomats from around the world are flown into Seoul for further negociations. The current president of the North is detained, and awaits his U.N. trial. 14 months following the execution of the head of the north, a formal parliamentary government is formed, and the Democratic United Provinces of Korea become an internationally-recognized country, its military a patchwork of Southern and Northern men, women, vehicles and weapons.
Life Expectancy: 79.36 years
Civil Rights: (OOC: English version of the Republic of Korea (S.K.)'s Bill of Rights and Freedoms, slightly modified by me. When copy-pasted from pdf, there were no spaces, so I included only a few articles. Logical laws would apply.)
Article 10
All citizens shall be assured of human dignity and worth
and have the right to pursue happiness. It shall be the duty
of the State to confirm and guarantee the fundamental and
inviolable human rights of individuals.
Article 11
(1) All citizens shall be equal before the law,and there shall
be no discrimination in political, economic, social or cultural
life on account of sex, race, sexuality, religion or social status.
(2) No privileged caste shall be recognized or ever established in any form.
(3) The awarding of decorations or distinctions of honor in
any form shall be effective only for recipients, and no
privileges shall ensue therefrom.
Article 12
(1) All citizens shall enjoy personal liberty.No person shall
be arrested, detained ,searched ,seized or interrogated except
as provided by a verdict reached in an official court of law. No person shall be punished, placed
under preventive restrictions or subject to involuntary labor
except as provided through lawful procedures.
(2) No citizens shall be tortured or be compelled to testify
against himself in criminal cases.
(5) No person shall be arrested or detained without being
informed of the reason therefor and of his right to assistance of counsel.
The immediate family and lawful guardian(s) of
a person arrested or detained shall be notified without delay
of the reason for and the time and place of the arrest or
(6) Any person who is arrested or detained, shall have the
right to request the court to review the legality of the arrest
or detention.
(7) In a case where a confession is deemed to have been
made against a defendant's will due to torture,violence,
intimidation, unduly prolonged arrest, deceit or etc., or in a
case where a confession is the only evidence against a
defendant in a formal trial, such a confession shall not be
admitted as evidence of guilt, nor shall a defendant be
punished by reason of such a confession.
Article 13
(1) No citizen shall be prosecuted for an act which does not
constitute a crime under the Act in force at the time it was
committed, nor shall he be placed in double-jeopardy.
(2) No restrictions shall be imposed upon the political rights
of any citizen, nor shall any person be deprived of property
rights by means of retroactive legislation.
(3) No citizen shall suffer unfavorable treatment on account
of an act not of his own doing but committed by a relative.
Article 39
(1) All citizens who reach the age of 18 shall have the duty of national defense for a period of 2 years under
the conditions as prescribed by The National Conscription Act of 2015.
(2) No citizen shall be treated unfavorably on account of the
fulfillment of his obligation of military service.