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Nations RP - Country Profiles - Printable Version

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Nations RP - Country Profiles - Judge Rage - Aug 19, 2015


So as you know, myself and Davidson have been setting up a Nations RP and so, here we are: before I post the roleplay thread, and before you can participate you'll need to fill out a Country Profile - and some rules are below. Also, Once we are full, you cannot apply! Sorry.

As for rules just use your common sense really, keep numbers realistic and what-not. If something seems stupid, don't do it.

Age: (Of country)
Land: (The countries on a world map that belong to yours)


Major Cities:

Government Type:
Government Factions: (Example, US has Department of Defense, what do you have?)
Economic System: (Capitalist based, Communist etc.)

Military Size:
Number of Vehicles:
Number of Artillery:
Number of Jet Fighters:
Number of Helicopters:

Nuclear Weapons:
Nuclear Capable: (IE you don't have nukes but you are capable of making them)

Navy Size: (Include types of ships and how many you have.)
Military Branches: (What are the names of your military branches and functions?)

National Animal:
Main Export:
Main Import:

Valuble Resources:
Needed Resources: (What does your country need?)

Short History:

Life Expectancy:

Civil Rights: (What are your citizens allowed and not allowed to do by law?)

My own profile:

Name: United Kingdom of South Star
Age: 400
Lands: British Isles, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Hong Kong, France, Spain

Flag: [Image: 1b87224f7a84dd64633f6786a497ca7e.png]

Capital: London
Major Cities: Glasgow, Manchester, Belfast, Hong Kong
Population: 479 million
Leader: Prime Minister Alexander Knight, King Jordan II

Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy
Government Factions:
National Security Council - Led by the Prime Minister
Ministry of Defence - Led by the Minister of Defence
Ministry of Transportation - Led by the Minister of Transportation
Ministry of Finance - Led by the Minister of Finance
Ministry of Culture - Led by the Minister of Culture
South Star Police Service - Unified national police force, unarmed and follows the Peelian Principles of Policing. (Google it.) Led by the Chief Constable.
Hong Kong Police Service - Only non-unified Police Service in the South Star, covers Hong Kong.
More info:
South Star Fire & Rescue Service - Led by the Brigade Manager
South Star Ambulance Service - Led by the Director of the Ambulance Service
Currency: Pounds £
Economic System: Capitalist Based

Military Size: 2.5 million (Active military), 3.2 Million (Reserve military)
2 Hundred Thousand (Navy)
3 Hundred Thousand (Air Force)
1 Million (Army)
3.2 Million (Reserve)
Number of Vehicles: 600 Challenger II Tanks, 300 M1A2 Abrams Tanks, 700 LAV-25 Armored Personnel Carriers, 1000 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles (various types), 2000 other vehicles (utility, military police etc)
Number of Artillery: 400 Pieces
Number of Jet Fighters: 1000
Number of Helicopters: 1500

Nuclear Weapons: 900 Trident D5 Missiles, launched from both Nuclear submarines and Missile silos.
Nuclear Capable: Yes

Navy Size: 50 Frigates, 10 Aircraft Carriers, 40 Minesweepers, 50 Transport Vessels, 55 battleships, 66 destroyers.
Military Branches:
South Star Royal Navy - Led by the Admiral of the Fleet
South Star Royal Air Force - Led by the Marshal of the Air Force
South Star Army - Led by the Commander of the Army
1st Mechanised Infantry Regiment
2nd Mechanised Infantry Regiment
3rd Mechanised Infantry Regiment
1st Scots Armored Regiment
2nd Scots Armored Regiment
1st Armored Regiment
2nd Armored Regiment
3rd Armored Regiment
4th Light Infantry Regiment
5th Light Infantry Regiment
6th Light Infantry Regiment
Royal Guards Regiment
Medical Corps
Royal Engineering Corps
Royal Military Police Corps
Special Air Service

Equipment & Uniforms, etc:

National Animal: Horse
Main Export: Technologies, Metals
Main Import: Food, Fuel, Ammunition

Valuable Resources: Technologies, Metals
Needed Resources: Fuel and Ammunition

Short History: South Star has been around for many hundreds of years - first being formed in 1030 AD, when a group of City States formed together into a Kingdom, and then slowly expanded covering the entire British isles by the 1600s.

Life Expectancy: Male - 87
Female - 90

Civil Rights: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Movement, Freedom of movement etc
Gay Marriage is allowed, Capital Punishment has been abolished

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Lord Octagon - Aug 20, 2015

Name: Empire of the Papal States
Age: 700
Land: Mesopotamia (Iraq, Kuwait, the northeastern section of Syria,  parts of southeastern Turkey and of southwestern Iran)

[Image: 2na0hzq.png]

Capital: Vatican City
Major Cities: Babylon, Eridu, Assur, Nippur, Nineveh, Uruk
Population: 50,000,000
Leader: Holy Father Francis II (Real name: Alfonso Evangelista Auciello)

Government Type: (Holy See) Absolute monarchy, Ecclesiology and Elective Theocracy
Government Factions:
Ministry of Petroleum
Ministry of Energy
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Ministry of Intelligence and National Security
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Health and Medical Education
Ministry of Cooperatives
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics
Ministry of Roads and Transportation
Ministry of Welfare and Social Security
Ministry of Industries and Mines
Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Corps of Firefighters and Medical Assistance
Corps of Gendarmerie (police)
Directorate for Security Services and Civil Defence

Currency: Vatican Lira (VAL)
[Image: 252px-500lirevaticano.jpg]

Subunit: Centesimo
[Image: 220px-Italian20centesimi1912.jpg]

Economic System: Libertarian based

Military Size:

300,000 (Army)
500,000 (Air force)
300,000 (Navy)
100,000 (Air Defence)
300,000 (Reservists)

Number of Vehicles: 1700 Tanks, 1000 AFVs, 300 SPGs
Number of Artillery: 2,000
Number of Jet Fighters: 100 F-14A, 100 Mig-29A/UB, 100 Mirage F1, 100 F-7M
Number of Helicopters: 260

Nuclear Weapons: C-802 missiles, RDS-1 to 7s, RDS-37, 53-58 torpedos, LGM-118 Peacekeeper, 8F675 warheads, counter-nuclear defences.

Nuclear Capable: Able to enrich uranium

Navy Size: 100 Improved Kilo-class submarines, 50 Frigates, 20 destroyers, 20 powerboats, 20 hovercrafts, 5 aircraft carriers, 20 corvettes, 50 mini submarines.

Military Branches:
Pontifical Swiss Guard - Chief Commander
Palatine Guard - Chief Commander
Noble Guard - Chief Commander
Imperial Navy of the Empire
Imperial Air Force of the Empire
Imperial Air Defence Force of the Empire
Imperial Ground Forces of the Empire

National Animal: Cardinal (get it?)
Main Export: Crude petroleum, petroleum gas, refined petroleum, ethylene polymers, iron ore, religious material
Main Import: Gold, semi-finished iron, wheat, corn, rice, electrical machinery, tools and appliances

Valuable Resources: (See Main Exports)
Needed Resources: (See Main Imports)

Short History: The Papal States were formed after several treaties allowed it to break off from a previous kingdom, however, many thought it was their manifest destiny to have the lands of Mesopotamia ruled over by one empire. The Empire of the Papal States were formed after even more agreements which imposed strict rules on the election of the monarch. The Empire is now the base of the Catholic Church.

Life Expectancy: 80

Civil Rights:
  • Basic universal human rights
  • Same-sex marriage is not allowed
  • Transgenders must remain the sex they are born with (unless a medical probability exists)
  • MSMs may not donate blood
  • No capital punishment
  • No life time sentences.
  • All citizens have diplomatic immunity against lawsuits/trials in foreign courts.

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Jono - Aug 21, 2015

Name: Democratic Republic of Demoria
Age: (Of country) 75
New Zealand


[Image: flagalone.png]

Capital: Atiya
Major Cities: Foundland, Bufferchrist, Redridge, Westport.
Population:  113,000,000
Leader: President Rezar, First of his name. (Rezar Tyrel, 3rd of the Rezar family ruling of Demoria.)

Government Type: Democratic. (Actually an  Elected-dictatorship, however there has only been a single opposing faction in the history of the nation, which was shortly after the nation's founding. This movement was quickly overturnned, and all associated and supporters were executed, resulting in the death of over 6,000,000 Dymorians. Speaking of this is punishable by death.

Government Factions:
The House of Rezar - National soverignty resides here. The Official building is found in the military stronghold of Atiya.
All other departments also reside in Atiya. The President has total control over all strings, however they are still manned by Ministers (Advisors) in a tiered system, which allows all decisions made by the President to be educated, and directly accountable.
Currency: The Dymorian Dollar. (DYD)
Economic System: Capitalist based, although the state relies a lot on bribes from trans-national corporations rather than tax. This has resulted in a lot of the world's organizations, and big businesses, including many banks, having their headquarters in this wonderful nation.

Military Size:
3,125,000 regular
6,000,000 reserve.
Every person between the age of 18-21 must spend 2 years in National Service, regardless of gender. This has resulted in a potential standing army, if a call to arms is issued, of over 65,000,000. (Those aged between 18-60.)
Number of Vehicles: Fairly small ground force, of only around 15,000 ground-only vehicles. A lot of military spending has gone into building up the amphibious technology, which is almost exclusive to our great nation. With this, there are over 90,000 amphibious vehicles.
Number of Artillery:81. Specicially adapted ships result in the entirety of the island being within strike distance from their cannons, and as such a ground force is not needed. All current Artillery has positioned perminently on the island in military strongholds, and are non-maneuverable. 
Number of Jet Fighters: 8,753. Over 2000 of which are utilizing pre-generation technology from the cold war 45 years ago, and are in the process of being replaced at a rate of 143 a year.
Number of Helicopters: 435. Many of which reside on the naval ships.

Nuclear Weapons: 289 nuclear warheads, positioned on various places around the islands, and 90 of them on a submarine system named CORDEX. (Similar to the trident missile system.)
Nuclear Capable: Has been creating missiles for rogue nations for the last 32 years, much to the dismay of the United Nations.(Assuming is exists in this world.)

Navy Size: 544 ships with 523,000 active personnel, 32 aircraft carriers, 132 submarines, 13 of which carrying Nuclear Missiles.
Military Branches: (What are the names of your military branches and functions?)

National Animal: The Double-crested Cormorant. (A bird capable of diving under water, and flying long distance. This is suiting for this nation, and their military strategy of a very strong navy and airforce.)
[Image: main-qimg-7a37d3559ca9e291ee9d421e8da76e..._webp=true]

Main Export: Manufactured goods, generally of high technology, aircraft components, Oil, ammunition and weaponry.
Main Import: Food.

Valuable Resources: Fuel, technology, tax haven, human rights haven.
Needed Resources: Food.

Short History: Demoria is a fairly new nation in the world's stage. It was formed from the former Australian Empire, (Or equivalent country if Australian land is taken.) In the 1930s, fierce civil resistance formed against the Australian Empire, led by Haztat Tyrel. Guerrilla fighting over an 8 year period claimed the lives of over 14,000,000 Dymorians. In 1940, it was finally given independence. Over the next 75 years, The Democratic Republic of Demoria has had a massive technological impact on the world, mainly in maritime and aviation fields. 75 years later, Tensions are still extremely high with the Australian Empire, in which Demoria maintains an extremely large standing army in a bid to deter any hostile activity with Australia. A cold war, starting at the initial split of the nations, has continued over the 75 year period, and tensions are at an all time high.

[Image: 800px-New_Zealand_location_map_transparent.svg.png]

The country  been split in half since it's birth, with military completely controlling the northern half of the island. The northern half of the island is incredibly well fortified, with hundreds of military bases and fortifications around the coast and mountain range. The only civilian inhabited area is Atiya, the capital of Demoria. This capital is also home to the House of Rezar, as well as all other governmental branches. It is said to be one of the most secure locations in the world, and the crime rate in the area is incredibly low. Due to an governmental initiative in 1995, in which any Trans-national corporations that employ Dymorians can enjoy a complete tax haven. A large amount of the country's funding comes from money exchanged between the government and large corporations.

The country, in 2005, invested into it's space program heavily, with many military satellites now being in orbit. The first manned flight to the moon is expected to occur in 2016, with plans to potentially colonize it.

Life Expectancy: 79

Civil Rights: All peoples between 18-21 must serve 2 years in the Services, unless progressing into other governmental branches, such as the Police Force, or the Health Service.
All people are entitled to free healthcare, education, transportation.
Serious crimes are punishable by Capital Penalty.
Gay Marriage is allowed, however you're likely to be shunned. It's very taboo in this nation.
Immigration into the country is also incredibly hard, with under 15,000 migrants.
Avoiding military duty will result in punishment to the individual. As a further deterrent, all their family may also be punished by association. (There are other options to those whom don't wish to serve, such as the health service, and firefighters etc.)

Recently Demoria has adopted a new national anthem, and is often played while moving into battle.

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Dig - Aug 21, 2015

Name: The Commonwealth of Austrians, Hungarians and Croats (C.A.H.C)
Age:1917-1976 [60 Years or so]
Land: [Image: MPCjdgz.png]
Flag: [Image: nBfUmFe.pnghttp]

Capital: Vienna / Budapest
Major Cities: Vienna, Budapest, Dalmatia, Prague, Salzburg, Tyrol
Population: 56.8 million in 1917
Leader: Adorjan Müller (Elected 1920)
Government Type: Commonwealth Republic

Currency: Deutsche Mark [DM]
Economic System: Capitalist, however the country does focus on the socialist ideals laid down by it's founder.

Military Size: Medium
Service is optional and not mandatory, most of it's protection comes from the US.


United States
German Empire
Polish Republic
Bulgarian Republic

Number of Vehicles: Small
Number of Artillery: Large
Number of Jet Fighters: Zero
Number of Helicopters: Zero

Nuclear Weapons: Yes (As of 1962, the US supplied the Commonwealth with Nukes during the Cold War)
Nuclear Capable: Yes

Navy Size: Large (About the size of France)
Military Branches:
Defense Force of Austria & Hungary
People's Army of Austria

National Animal: None
Main Export: Oil
Main Import: Electronics

In 1914 the Arch-Duke of Austria-Hungary: Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Pan-Slav supporters, the country in a state of turmoil declared war upon the Kingdom of Serbia, thus starting World War I aka The Great War. During the war a democratic idealist by the name of Adrian Muller led a coup against the government, kicking out the once prominent Hapsburg dynasty and founding a democratic socialist commonwealth to replace the monarchy. The country thrived until WW2 hit and it was invaded by Nazi Germany, the USSR and Romania. After being occupied from 1940 to 1942 it regained it's independence and ceded autonomy to states within the republic. During the cold war between the USSR and the US it sided with the USA, which gained it access to nuclear weapons. The country would later dissolve in the late 1970s after protests and a brief civil war between the countries' minorities and majorities (Hungarians, Austrians VS Croats, Slovenes and Romanians)

Successor States:
People's Republic of Hungary
Austrian Republic
Croatian Republic
Republic of Transylvania
Republic of Bohemia and Moravia

[Image: 6issdwb.png]

Life Expectancy: 70

Civil Rights: The country is incredibly liberal and is the most liberal country by 1960, allowing the free usage of certain non harmful drugs to the population and legalizing gay marriage.

[Image: Dx79jVz.gif]

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Trident - Aug 27, 2015

Name: People's Republic of Maroc
Age: circa 1000 (Basically since the Crusades)
Land: Morocco,Algeria,Tunisia,Libya,Egypt,and Mauritania

Flag: [Image: GJGxkTp.jpg]

Capital: Casablanca
Major Cities: Rabat , Marakesh, Maroc City
Population:80 million
Leader: Rightful Leader Rahman
Government Type:Republic
Government Factions:

Ministry of Education
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics
Ministry of Roads and Transportation
Ministry of Welfare and Social Security

Currency: Magherib Dinar
Economic System: Communist

Military Size: Large
Number of Vehicles: 300,000 Land about 100,000 on Water
Number of Artillery: 400,000 Units
Number of Jet Fighters: 200,000 Units
Number of Helicopters: 100,000 Units

Nuclear Weapons: None
Nuclear Capable: We are very capable of making such weapons but we do not see the need to use them
Navy Size: Medium
Military Branch: Maghrebi  Navy, Royal Berber Military, Maroc AirForce

National Animal: Donkey
Main Export(s): Colbalt, Wines, Meats
Main Import: Petrol

Valuble Resources: Cobalt, Zinc, Iron, Lead 
Needed Resources: Petrol,

Short History: Rahman was a god from the skies that restored Morocco from its terror started by former King Achor who sold land and lead the country to a wreckage. Rahman was said to descend from the skies when the moon was blue as a sapphire. Rahman Erased Achor and started a new government system he is currently working on a new project for superhuman soldiers


[Image: qagw5.png][url=][/url]

Life Expectancy: 80

Civil Rights:

∙Freedom of Religion is allowed But they must practice non muslim practices in Private

∙Wine is Illegal

∙Pork is legal but can only be bought by non muslims

∙Tattoos are Illegal

∙Disrespecting Islam will get you kicked out of the country

∙Drugs are illegal and will result with a life sentence in jail

∙Sexual relations outside marriage are punishable by law

∙Homosexuality is a criminal offense (OOC sorry if this is slightly offensive but IRL things like this exist in the world)

∙It’s illegal to possess pornographic material

∙Donkey Carts must Ride adjacent to the sidewalk but not on the street

∙Cars drive on the right side of the road

∙Murder is a Crime that will lead to severe punishment

∙Prostitution is Illegal and will lead to years in jail

∙Voodoo and Blackmagic is illegal and you be kicked out of the country if found practicing any of these rituals

∙Public Affection outside of Holy Sites is highly disrespectful and illegal

∙It is illegal to own or sell Bibles in Arabic to distract faithful Muslims from Allah

∙All fines go towards the Military

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - PoutinePirate - Aug 29, 2015

Name: Democratic United Provinces of Korea
Age: Formally established in 2018 Following the Second Korean War/North Korean Independence War (2015-2018)
Land: The Entirety of the Korean Peninsula and the Islands previously owned by both North and South Korea.

Flag: [Image: 2000px-Unification_flag_of_Korea.svg.png]

Capital:통일시 (Reunification City, situated near the old "DMZ", which was in use from the end of the Korean War until the final pieces of the plan to reunify the peninusula fell into place.)
Major Cities: Seoul, Pyongyang, Seogwipo, Daejon, Kosang, Jonchon
Population: 71 Million
Leader: -Elections Underway- (Current Federal Parties include the conservative Saenuri Party (NFP), the liberal New Politics Alliance for Democracy (NPAD), the Unified Progressive Party (UPP), the True Korea Socialist Party (TKSP), the ex-defector formed Neo Korea Reform Party (NKRP)  and the Justice Party.

Government Type: Parliamentary Democracy
Government Factions:

Federal Ministries:
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Environmental Affairs
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Finances
Ministry of Equality
Ministry of Immigration and Integration
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Transportation
Ministry of Health

Federal Ministries are few, meaning each one has a significant workload to ensure national stability. Provincial Ministries vary by province.

Federal Government and Provincial Government. The Prime Minister of Korea is elected in federal elections every 4 years, while PM/Premiers (Provincial Prime Ministers) are elected in provincial elections every 5. The Prime Minister of Korea may serve up to 3 consecutive terms, while Provincial Prime Ministers may serve indefinitely, unless a petition that garners over 100,000 signatures is sent to the federal Prime Minister for review, where a provincial summit is held and the decision to initiate an emergency election (where the provincial premier who's been petitoned against may not run) is reached.

Interesting Fact: Most DUPK government hearings are held on live television. This became a law following the toppling of the reclusive Northern Dictatorship. The governmental processes of the DUPK are nearly 100% transparent. Election Ballot counts are done in stadiums or are televised per city.

Currency: Korean Won (₩)
Economic System: Socio-Capitalist Mixed Economy

D.U.P.K.'s Military Size:

(National conscription is currently being debated in Parliament. Diplomatic tensions are high with Japan's mobilization of troops and material, as well as with Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist groups, following the recorded slaughter of 14 Korean tourists is Tanzania.)

Number of Active Military Personnel (Following Re-unification, prior to 2nd Conscription Act): 581,116
Number of VehiclesSadTanks: 3281, AFV's: 3562, Self-Propelled Guns: 3507, Multiple Rocket Launchers: 2502
Number of Artillery: 5203
Number of Jet Fighters: 857
Number of Helicopters: 870

Nuclear Weapons: The entirery of the former nation of the DPRK (North Korea)'s Nuclear Arsenal was confiscated and remains in secure storage in until a decision on the Nuclear ICBM's and TNW's has been reached
Nuclear Capable: True

D.U.P.K.'s Navy Size: (OOC: Tried keeping it realistic, I mean, the only country with 2+ Aircraft Carriers in the whole world is the USA.)
Overall Fleet Size: 177 Ships
Submarines: 23
Frigates: 11
Aircraft Carrier(s): 1 (DUPKS Yi Sun-sin -Class Aircraft Carrier)
Destroyers: 12
Corvettes: 19
Mine Warfare Crafts: 10
Patrol Crafts: 81

Military Branches:

DUPK Armed Forces Branches:

Korean General Intelligence Organization (Classified)
Korean Military
Korean Navy, Korean Air-Force/Korean Aero-Space Exploration Bureau (Yes, a government-owned company that's technically tied to the air-force. All Korean astronauts are active military personnel.)
Korean People's Defense Force (Essentially a Korean National Guard to create an interest in a military career in children, teenagers and young adults)
National Animal: Amur/Siberian/Korean Tiger
Main Export: Refined Petroleum, Integrated Circuits, Cars, Cargo and Passenger Ships, LCD's, Coal, Iron Ore, Textiles
Main Import: Crude Petroleum, Corn, Wood

Valuble Resources: Iron Ore
Needed Resources: Farmed Produce

Short History:

[Image: I3vj1H0.gif]

Following an international crisis on North and South Korean border disputes in the years 2015-2017, China intervenes and invades Northern Korea, following nuclear threats made by the North. South Korea uses this as momentum, and invades the North. Also using the oppurtunity given to them, civilians in the North rebel, and the Facist dictatorship in power is overthrown. A joint United-Nations Coalition led by Korea's neighbours across the pacific to the East, the United-States and Canada, capture North Korea's Nuclear Inter-Continental-Ballistic-Missile sites. The revolution in the North lasted several months, during the most of which the European Union provided aid to the newly-emancipated North Koreans. China occupies the territory it captures, so the U.S., cautious not to start yet another Cold War, does not act. For the remainder of the Korean Revolutionary War, the U.S. establishes military bases at the location of the seized warheads with its ally, Canada, and does not move deeper into the North. The U.S.A.'s omission pays off, and China relinquishes ownership of the 65% of North Korea it captured, to the South, in return for increased trade and the creation of new political bonds. The South accepts, and forms a placeholder government with the rebels in the North. Diplomats from around the world are flown into Seoul for further negociations. The current president of the North is detained, and awaits his U.N. trial. 14 months following the execution of the head of the north, a formal parliamentary government is formed, and the Democratic United Provinces of Korea become an internationally-recognized country, its military a patchwork of Southern and Northern men, women, vehicles and weapons.

Life Expectancy:
79.36 years

Civil Rights: (OOC: English version of the Republic of Korea (S.K.)'s Bill of Rights and Freedoms, slightly modified by me. When copy-pasted from pdf, there were no spaces, so I included only a few articles. Logical laws would apply.)

Article 10
All citizens shall be assured of human dignity and worth
and have the right to pursue happiness. It shall be the duty
of the State to confirm and guarantee the fundamental and
inviolable human rights of individuals.

Article 11
(1) All citizens shall be equal before the law,and there shall
be no discrimination in political, economic, social or cultural
life on account of sex, race, sexuality, religion or social status.

(2) No privileged caste shall be recognized or ever established in any form.

(3) The awarding of decorations or distinctions of honor in
any form shall be effective only for recipients, and no
privileges shall ensue therefrom.

Article 12
(1) All citizens shall enjoy personal liberty.No person shall
be arrested, detained ,searched ,seized or interrogated except
as provided by a verdict reached in an official court of law. No person shall be punished, placed
under preventive restrictions or subject to involuntary labor
except as provided through lawful procedures.

(2) No citizens shall be tortured or be compelled to testify
against himself in criminal cases.

(5) No person shall be arrested or detained without being
informed of the reason therefor and of his right to assistance of counsel.
The immediate family and lawful guardian(s) of
a person arrested or detained shall be notified without delay
of the reason for and the time and place of the arrest or

(6) Any person who is arrested or detained, shall have the
right to request the court to review the legality of the arrest
or detention.

(7) In a case where a confession is deemed to have been
made against a defendant's will due to torture,violence,
intimidation, unduly prolonged arrest, deceit or etc., or in a
case where a confession is the only evidence against a
defendant in a formal trial, such a confession shall not be
admitted as evidence of guilt, nor shall a defendant be
punished by reason of such a confession.

Article 13
(1) No citizen shall be prosecuted for an act which does not
constitute a crime under the Act in force at the time it was
committed, nor shall he be placed in double-jeopardy.

(2) No restrictions shall be imposed upon the political rights
of any citizen, nor shall any person be deprived of property
rights by means of retroactive legislation.

(3) No citizen shall suffer unfavorable treatment on account
of an act not of his own doing but committed by a relative.

Article 39
(1) All citizens who reach the age of 18 shall have the duty of national defense for a period of 2 years under
the conditions as prescribed by The National Conscription Act of 2015.

(2) No citizen shall be treated unfavorably on account of the
fulfillment of his obligation of military service.

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Safira - Aug 29, 2015

Name: Jabadau
Age: 52
Land: Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia (Current countries included are  Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia)

[Image: QjALhf7.png]

Capital: Taman Sri Senai
Major Cities: Bandar Pertahanan, Changlun, Rakit Timur
Population: 310 Million
Independent Population: 264 Million
Dependent Population: 46 Million
Leader: Awangku Zakiyya Bin Azziz Suhaila

Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy
Government Factions:
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Energy
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Religion
Currency: Jabadau Ringgit ($JBDR)
Economic System: Capitalist Based

Military Size: Active
Active Frontline Personnel - 1,800,000
Active Consensual Reserve - 4,780,000
In the event of an offence/defence, all members of the independent population who are considered fit by the Ministry of Health will automatically be enlisted.
Active RJN (Royal Jabadau Navy) - 575,000
Active RJAF (Royal Jabadau Air Force) - 390,500

Number of Vehicles: 720 (An extra 250 provided by British Garrison)
Number of Artillery: 56 (An extra 20 provided by British Garrison)
Number of Jet Fighters: 110
Number of Helicopters: 480 (Majority of these are used to transport troops. An extra 10 provided by British Garrison)

Nuclear Weapons: Currently attempting to develop nuclear weapons with the Oil Money
Nuclear Capable: No

Navy Size: 575,000 Navy Seals.
Submarines - 18 DSME 209, 7 Scorpène class (known as Perdara Mentiri)
Frigates - 20 Sigma 9118, 30 Squadron 23 Class, 5 Leiku Class
Missile/Fast Attack Boats - 3 Waspada Class, 8 KCR40, 17 CB90 Class
Corvettes - 5 Bung Tomo, 10 Laksmana, 2 Kasturi
Military Branches:
Royal Jabadau Military (RJM)
Royal Jabadau Naval Services (RJNS)
Royal Jabadau Air Force (RJAF)
Jabadau Intelligence Organisation (Code-name omitted for security reasons)

National Animal: King Cobra
Main Exports: Crude oil, natural gasses, military, rubber
Main Imports: Machinery, foodstuffs, electrical items

Valuble Resources: Crude oil, natural gas, large rainforest
Needed Resources: Metals, pharmaceuticals

Short History: After the split from the British Empire, the union of Singapore, Malaya and Indonesia came to be, forming Jabadau.
Continuing with all three nations' traditional monarchical system, the throne has been in the Suhaila name for 6 generations, with a Menteri Besar (governor) for each district of Jabadau.
Jabadau played a crucial role in providing manpower and specialised artillery to the superpowers during the world's third major war, and thus former leader Abdullah Bin Waddien II Suhaila focused Jabadau's earnings into developing a noteworthy military, with the British King's garrison as a gift to show his gratitude.

In 1993, a mass riot broke out in Taman Sri Senai over the strong militant focus, causing 28 deaths and 589 arrests. Since then, Jabadau has been under Emergency law, allowing the Sultan to rule by decree and overrule the parliament.

Many countries view Jabadau to provide a 'rent-an-army' service, as they have been known to fight on both sides of controversial conflicts.

Life Expectancy: 78

Civil Rights:

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Judge Rage - Sep 4, 2015

All of the above look good - we should be ready to go soon enough.

BY THE WAY: this is set in an alternate timeline, the year is 2015 but there is no USA, UK etc etc - the lands means the countries today that your country would take up.

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Judge Rage - Sep 14, 2015

yeah uh chocolate just saying the british isles includes most of the lands you just mentioned, so sorry but you're gonna have to choose some other land mate

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Trident - Sep 18, 2015

Oi Labrador i have Gibraltar :< maybe it can be like a dispute between nations who has it

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Michael - Sep 18, 2015

Name: Republic of Bulgaria
Age: 25 Years
Land: Bulgaria

Flag: Capital: Sofia
Major Cities: Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Blagoevgrad.
Population: 17,245,677
Leader: President Michail Gotsev

Government Type: Unitary Republic
Government Factions:
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Environmental Affairs
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Finances
Ministry of Equality
Ministry of Immigration and Integration
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Transportation
Ministry of Health

Currency: Bulgarian Lev (BGN)
Economic System: Capitalist based.

Military Size:
Number of Vehicles: 130,000
Number of Artillery: 35,000
Number of Jet Fighters: 32,500
Number of Helicopters: 21,500

Nuclear Weapons: 2
Nuclear Capable: Capable

Navy Size: Low
Military Branches: Bulgarian Military, Bulgarian Navy, Bulgarian Air Force.

National Animal: None
Main Export: Oil
Main Import: Computers.

Valuble Resources: Oil
Needed Resources: Metals

Short History: Bulgaria was first established in 1946 as a communist state (People's Republic of Bulgaria), just one year after the World War II had officially ended. Later in 1990, communism was abolished and the country's name was changed to 'Republic of Bulgaria'.
In 2015, Bulgaria still remained one of the most cheapest and affordable countries in Europe.

Life Expectancy: 85

Civil Rights:
Basic universal human rights
Same-sex marriage is allowed
No capital punishment
No life time sentences.
All citizens have diplomatic immunity against lawsuits/trials in foreign courts.

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Jono - Sep 18, 2015

(Sep 18, 2015, 08:08 PM)Michael link Wrote: snip

Yo man, might want to relook at your population/military numbers. (Also if you're having a big military, in terms of a large amount of aircraft, helis, transports etc, you'll need a large population to support it. A good guide to go by is the US army's rosters, and scale your army when compared. ^.^

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Michael - Sep 18, 2015

(Sep 18, 2015, 08:13 PM)Jono link Wrote: [quote author=Michael link=topic=1184.msg18569#msg18569 date=1442599739]

Yo man, might want to relook at your population/military numbers. (Also if you're having a big military, in terms of a large amount of aircraft, helis, transports etc, you'll need a large population to support it. A good guide to go by is the US army's rosters, and scale your army when compared. ^.^
I'll edit it, thanks for the feedback.

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Dig - Sep 19, 2015

Salzburg Times
Der Staatenbund Zeiten
16, September 1968
"The news of Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Transyllvania since 1937"
Translated from German ::: Übersetzt aus Deutsch
[Image: franklin-kameny-first-admitted-homosexua...ngress.jpg]
The beloved leader of the commonwealth in eastern europe was found dead this saturday in the chair of his office after
nearly a ten year term to his service. Some skeptics claim this to be a murder plot by hungarian officials, however all reports by hungarian media have denied such allegations. "It was almost certainly a plot by the Hungarian local government, who else could be behind such an act?" says Austrian house minister, Reginald Fitch.

"These unfortunate turn of events will almost surely increase already high tensions between the Austrians and Hungarians in our country." states Mikkel Raznovy of the Slovak autonomous parliament.

[Image: protesta03.jpg]

Slovaks, Croatians and Hungarians have been taking to the streets in the commonwealth today burning down houses, robbing local shops and protesting in the streets of the state capitals; military police have been dispatched to most cities to handle the protesters adequately and disperse any possible rebellions.

In other news, American GIs have been dispatched to croatian port cities in Dalmatia to take down local communist revolutionary forces held up in Croatia as apart of a NATO mission, they will be working alongside German and Polish infantry. "Quick, clean and anything but red, we'll clean up those commie bastards in a month" says Richard G. Watts, US. Marine Corps local General

Re: Nations RP - Country Profiles - Judge Rage - Sep 23, 2015

Once we get enough countries, might be expanding my land a bit more because it seems very unrealistic to have tons of unclaimed land.
Also we should probably take the world map and mark out our countries