Various projects from the team
Visible Protection
Current Stage: Testing
Allowing armour to be displayed on the person.
F1 Menu HTML Optimisation
Current Stage: Solutions Testing
Improving the F1 menu performance.
Event updates
Current Stage: Event panel
Various updates (mainly some addon packs or staff systems) to improve big roleplay events.
Livery and Vehicle Update
Current Stage: Investigation & Planning
Government CP
Current Stage: UI Coding
MESKA: Resources
Collection and use of resources to reduce the impact of money.
Mining Resources
Current Stage: Gameplay Balance
Generation of raw resources.
Refining Materials
Current Stage: Resource Models
Turning raw resources into usable ingredients.
Crafting Workbench
Current Stage: Models
Interfacing with the core, to create items from ingredients.
MESKA: Systems
Integrating current and new systems into MESKA.
Contraband Overhaul
Current Stage: Planning
Updating contraband and adding skills and achievements.
Woodcutting Overhaul
Current Stage: Planning
Updating woodcutting and adding skills and achievements.
Fishing Phase 2
Current Stage: Planning