Alright its time for me to finally throw in my 2 cents. Sorry for the long delay here but i have been a bit busy and had to change my response a little (as it was a tat too long...)
First of all I agree with the points @"Gungranny" made:
We all care (else none of us would be here/partake in this discussion). That means 2 things:
- We have enough ressources and means to recover from this - and we will (the question is how fast that will be)
- We need to focus on how to use these ressources as efficiently as possible instead of utilising the current problems to back up old rivlarys or come up with scapegoat schemes..
A lot of the feedback has been very constructive and interesting. Though some has been utterly conterproductive. If we result to scapegoating or celebrating our leave and frustration the only change that this may bring us may be a change for the worse. As we contribute to this discussion we do so hoping that the time and toughts we invest in it will be a usefull investment afterall - so lets make it worth it.
Furthermore events like the Idaho Gubernatorial Debate or Kimmy's Fishign Palooza alread sucesfully buffed the server population for several hours. Whilst rp events alone are not the main solution, they have shown that they can sucessfully contribute to solve the problem.
There is a sorta threshold-effect: The more people are on the server - the more will join. Unfortunatly that can also mean that we may have a time where 5 people are on, with another 15 waiting for the server to reach at least 20 people and another 10 wait for the 30 player mark. If all were to hop on everyone would be happy though since no one knows of the otthers or has a guarantee the server wills tay populated, the server stays empty instead.
So id like to encourage more passive rps and discourage that "we are doomed" mentality, since if it does anything at all, it turns into a selffullfilling prophecy. And NO we are most definatly not doomed.
Map Feedback (Rockford would be a needed compromise)
As you know i really do like the theme and layout of True North. I think it has a very good atmosphere and a sophisticated maplayout that offers a lot of potential. Though I realise that with the current playercount it may be a litle too large for now.
Id favor Rockford as its the best compromise between the elaborate map structure of TN and the compact design of evo. We did not really have any mayor population issues on Rockford and it is still large enough to accommodate a great variety of RPs that would be very difficult if not impossible to do on Evo.
Hot Spots and Server Population
Whilst Evo's compact and nostalgic design is probably a plus we still need a few people to make the map feel allive. Wether thats 10/15 peole roaming around Rockford's or Evo's Mainstreet does not make a difference. People that want to seclude themselves to farm etc. will allways have that option and will allways leave the same impact.
Restrictive Layout and Problems
Meanwhile the circular or in some cases dead-end map layout of the evo maps is realy restrictive on rps. Police pursuits can easily choked off, racing events are impossible without locking down vital roads (the same goes for likewise events/rps) bus routes can only go in one driection...
yes to some degree it is impossible to avoid others - that forced level of interaction may bring more problems that it will solve. Chokepoints are never a good idea if they have no alternative. Large scale rps (like disasters/zombies etc.) will easily block off vital map parts, passive people will get caught too easily in the crossfire of others and even the most basic small scale rp like road-maintenance or a properly rped accident will cause chaos.
Building Space
Rockford has much more spaces to build. Unlike evo all its highways offer enough space to either side to build a great variety of dupes whilst large parking lots and plain fields like the areas near the beach or the crossing of us 64 and 54 are perfect for bases and events. Meanwhile evocity has grassy fields (which although its a pretty boring plain area/without any neat scenery :/ is a plus) but lacks alternative small/mid-sized building areas. The only ones that come to my mind are some plains near DTM, the small field right after the hospital tunnel as well as smaller areas within industrial and the suburbs (which allow for limited dupes).
The Shops
Evo lacks shops. Yes Evo City does feature a few shops but they are located and setup very unevenly. With the ampm, the burker king, the bank and the 2 shops on mainstreet beeing the most desirable ones we will see competition for those places that can be a massive burden on the servers rp-economy. Rockford on the otherhand has a larger ammount of empty stores located evenly in several places ensuring that everyone will get a change to setup shops and rps.
Furthermore Rockford has almost no predecorated shops which makes it much more convenient to build litterarly anything you like. The AMPM, the bank and the clothing outlet on mainstreet impose unescessary limits and make it hard to build freely.
Unique locations and the overall enviroment
Most evo maps do not have any elevation, making skiing/sledding, bungeejumping, paragliding, larger waterparks, mountainclimbing and various base designs etc. impossible. This may sound minor and is indeed not a major concern - but it is a very unescessary limit on a great variety of rps/dupes and ideas.
This concern also becomes more important with a look towards the further development of MESKA and its Mining&Material part. Rockford does have a ravine, TN had a mine. Evo lacks those.
Service Stations
Rockford has a neat setup for all the public service stations. Especially the police station is a really nice feature as Evo lacks that. And its firestation (whilst a bit too large) is much better then Evos (the same goes for its bank and townhall btw.).
Texture quality and competition
The overall texture quality of evo is just a bit upsetting with some buildings having unfunctional windows and overall poor texturing.
Also, i am not sure wether it is a wise idea to switch to a map wich is used by competing communities. What set LL appart from others is that we have a more modern and advanced style... If we close that gap we may loose a massive advantage.
In short:
Yes I know that many of you like evo. And i gotta admit i do enjoy its nostalgic vibe too, though it also feels old, outdated and shows unescessary flaws/restrictions. A great variety of RPs I did are simply impossible or hard to setup on a map like evo:
- a large scale bowling alley that would not fit into the city would make little sense in the woods
- several funfairs are dependant on elevation or an open lake/ocean
- racing tracks and impactfull events (contaigion/zombie events/large crashes/fires) are impossible without choking off half the map.
And as mentioned above: our gamemode and map make us stand out - lets keep it that way.
Content and Economy
Whilst I can assure you that our devs are working hard I agree that we need more content and that we could really benefit from new contributors as well.
It may be helpfull to point out though that major updates like stormfox and the first stage of MESKA (which is a really promising project btw) take their time. We release those large scale projects in about the same pace other communitys do.
Though we could benefit from smaller updates (like new misc items, vehicle/clan skins, cahnges to our economy etc.). I have a few ideas in mind some of which i still need to write down orderly. Ill submit those soon. There have been quite a few promising ideas both in this thread and the suggestions section and im eager to see the discussion in todays meeting.
With that beeing said:
We can recover, we will recover and it will be worth it
Thanks for all the contributions to this discussion and the efforts that went into that direction.