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(Jun 1, 2020, 03:04 PM)Andromeda Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun 1, 2020, 02:59 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 31, 2020, 07:48 PM)Catfish Wrote: [ -> ]Ah yes here is 10 second clip of police using force with no context plz get angry blue man bad

If you would see a 10-second clip of Russian/Chinese officers doing the exact same you all would be "oMg RuSsiA dIcTaToRsHiP sTaTe BrUtaLiTy". But if US-cops do it, you come with any argument like this one above. There is more than enough context available to see that it is not a "10 sec-clip taken w/o context xd".

LMAO would I? Is that how I reacted to the 10 second clips in the Coronavirus thread? Big Grinoubt:

I rather directed this to Catfish than you.
(Jun 1, 2020, 03:31 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun 1, 2020, 03:04 PM)Andromeda Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun 1, 2020, 02:59 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]If you would see a 10-second clip of Russian/Chinese officers doing the exact same you all would be "oMg RuSsiA dIcTaToRsHiP sTaTe BrUtaLiTy". But if US-cops do it, you come with any argument like this one above. There is more than enough context available to see that it is not a "10 sec-clip taken w/o context xd".

LMAO would I? Is that how I reacted to the 10 second clips in the Coronavirus thread? Big Grinoubt:

I rather directed this to Catfish than you.
Let’s be clear. 

If requiring context to why the officers used is an excuse and not needed before crucifying cops then we truly are in trouble.

1. Many of these videos, if you watch the context, you will literally see the reason the force was used. Surrounding a car and throwing rocks at it? Grabbing the officers taser? Either way. 

2. I know from having use of force incidents investigated before, having people who are not law enforcement trained telling police officers how they should do their job is the most hilarious thing ever. You were not there, you are sitting comfortably on your couch right now, likely watching this all unfold from your living room TV. These officers are there. They have to make split second decisions while you spend 10x as much talking about what they could’ve done better and why it was wrong.
Shit's pretty crazy right now. Near me they had a 7:30pm curfew announced over the emergency alert system (makes everyone's phones play an alert tone at the same time). National guard has been deployed too.

Apparently a Whitehouse guard post was lit on fire too
(Jun 1, 2020, 02:55 PM)Andromeda Wrote: [ -> ]What significance does suppressed rifles have? The most common use (as far as I know) for suppressors is to remove the need for ear protection. The guns are still loud as hell (Unless they are like, .22). 

So why are we highlighting suppressors exactly? I am confused.

IDK what you are referring to here but you are correct. Suppressors reduce the volume to a level that does not cause permanent hearing damage for some calibers, but not for all. Besides .22, even with a suppressor, it is loud as fuck. Just not permanently damaging.

There is an issue where people are either willfully ignorant or just have no idea what a suppressor is. People call them silencers and lead others to believe that they make guns absolutely silent, which is obviously bullshit. In my home state, they are outright banned except for LEOs and active military, but they are legal in other states.
Supposedly President Trump was rushed to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center for a little under and hour during the protests. Yikes.
(Jun 1, 2020, 08:14 PM)goigle Wrote: [ -> ]Shit's pretty crazy right now. Near me they had a 7:30pm curfew announced over the emergency alert system (makes everyone's phones play an alert tone at the same time). National guard has been deployed too.

Apparently a Whitehouse guard post was lit on fire too

Yeah people have been locked in too long and are exploding their tensions into the riots. There are many groups involved, but it's hard to distinguish between them now. In some areas, there are peaceful protests where people want their voices heard. In other areas, people believe that violence and looting sends a more impactful message and is morally justified. The last group are the ones who either hop on the bandwagon or take the looting as an opportunity to get rich and travel to high-end shopping malls to raid them. The ones who are raiding Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, etc. are taking advantage of the situation.

There has been some violence in New Jersey, but not a lot. The most violence/looting happened in Trenton, which despite being the state capital is one of the worst cities in the state. The only "protests" in my area have been white people thinking they are doing something by posting shit on their instagram stories.
(Jun 1, 2020, 09:29 PM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun 1, 2020, 02:55 PM)Andromeda Wrote: [ -> ]What significance does suppressed rifles have? The most common use (as far as I know) for suppressors is to remove the need for ear protection. The guns are still loud as hell (Unless they are like, .22). 

So why are we highlighting suppressors exactly? I am confused.

IDK what you are referring to here but you are correct. Suppressors reduce the volume to a level that does not cause permanent hearing damage for some calibers, but not for all. Besides .22, even with a suppressor, it is loud as fuck. Just not permanently damaging.

There is an issue where people are either willfully ignorant or just have no idea what a suppressor is. People call them silencers and lead others to believe that they make guns absolutely silent, which is obviously bullshit. In my home state, they are outright banned except for LEOs and active military, but they are legal in other states.

Someone posted a comment that was later deleted. They highlighted that officers were carrying rifles that were suppressed. I asked what the significance was.
Americans are dumb as they come oh a cop killed a black person so let’s go ruin and terrorise our city, no logic whatsoever
well, if you think it's just "cops killed a black person" you're just plain ignorant.

but you're right, it's not like Europe riots. Especially not over someone being killed by the police, much less shot by the police! not in the queen's country, no sir! no bloody way!

[Image: 1KPb6Lo.png]

there were no riots due to a police shooting in London and other parts of the UK in 2011. 3,000 people were not arrested because burning the cities is unique to America. and even if they did burn stuff it's not like they looted (oh wait...). but that's an exception, surely the highly civilized Europeans wouldn't burn things over a tax right?

[Image: ndkz15M.png]

uh oh. looks like protesting the government with fire isn't unique to America :~)
(Jun 2, 2020, 05:39 AM)goigle Wrote: [ -> ][europe burning shit snip]

It's fine. They are just burning vauxhall cars and shit. It's a real crime when they burn Ford Explorers. If the American rioters were burning Mini Coopers or those fucking ugly box cars I would let it slide, but the Ford Explorers are too nice.
(Jun 2, 2020, 02:10 PM)Andromeda Wrote: [ -> ]But that's up to the states, and the people in those respective states. That's how American politics work. [...]

I wish more Americans would realize that. Too many people only care about national elections and don't vote in the midterm elections. Local government tends to affect your life a lot more than federal governments.

(Jun 2, 2020, 02:10 PM)Andromeda Wrote: [ -> ]Is policing in the U.S Flawless? no. But is it a nation wide problem? No. Its a state by state problem. What in my mind needs to change? Well, first off. The laws that protect U.S Police, when they shoot and kill someone. While I've not fully read the laws concerning this (Qualified immunity). It stands to reason that just because you have a badge, you shouldn't be in a better position than someone who hasn't for the same crime. 

I disagree here. It is a nation wide problem, but the solution is not at the national level. It's like drunk driving: that's something that impacts the entire nation but is typically handled by local resources (even if federal money is given for it). Qualified immunity means they can't be sued as an individual, someone would have to sue the PD or what have you. It's not just a legislation issue. Juries tend to be easier on cops too and let them off.

(Jun 2, 2020, 02:10 PM)Andromeda Wrote: [ -> ]Moreover, communication between the police and the people needs to be improved. [...]

I think this would help a lot too. People are too quick to assume charges are not going to be filed due to past experiences or pessimism and the government doesn't clearly communicate what they're doing because it's an active investigation. While their reasoning for withholding information makes sense and it is how they treat other investigations when one has such high public interest people, especially with the internet, expect fast answers. TV shows make people think the justice system moves much faster than it does.
(Jun 2, 2020, 03:47 PM)goigle Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun 2, 2020, 02:10 PM)Andromeda Wrote: [ -> ]Is policing in the U.S Flawless? no. But is it a nation wide problem? No. Its a state by state problem. What in my mind needs to change? Well, first off. The laws that protect U.S Police, when they shoot and kill someone. While I've not fully read the laws concerning this (Qualified immunity). It stands to reason that just because you have a badge, you shouldn't be in a better position than someone who hasn't for the same crime. 

I disagree here. It is a nation wide problem, but the solution is not at the national level. It's like drunk driving: that's something that impacts the entire nation but is typically handled by local resources (even if federal money is given for it). Qualified immunity means they can't be sued as an individual, someone would have to sue the PD or what have you. It's not just a legislation issue. Juries tend to be easier on cops too and let them off.

If I recall correctly, Qualified Immunity also isn't a law, but rather a judicial opinion, brought in after the Civil Rights Act allowed individuals to sue over breaches of their civil rights.
Thank fuck I'm not American right now
(Jun 2, 2020, 06:07 PM)George Wrote: [ -> ]Thank fuck I'm not American right now

Just wait until Sunday, shit is supposed to kick off in London
(Jun 2, 2020, 10:48 PM)Faustin Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun 2, 2020, 06:07 PM)George Wrote: [ -> ]Thank fuck I'm not American right now

Just wait until Sunday, shit is supposed to kick off in London

Oh no! A peaceful protest how terrifying!
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