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(May 28, 2020, 06:30 PM)Cole_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 28, 2020, 05:29 PM)Maveric Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 28, 2020, 05:18 PM)ForceGhost Wrote: [ -> ]It's choking me up thinking about it.

I'm going to be fairly honest, even if I might get a forum warning. The fact you think hat this topic is funny enough to joke about it it disgusting, let's say your wife was choked to death by a police officer and some guy was going round saying the shit you're saying. You wouldn't be happy, there are people who this has affected the fact you dont care is your opinion. But if you're going to go onto a discussion that is serious and start being an asswipe, then that crosses a line. I'm sure you wouldn't want to lose a significant other or a family member and then have someone joke about it. It's quite simple, just be considerate of other people.

wow you must be so funny and edgy for a grown adult
(May 29, 2020, 09:55 PM)Andromeda Wrote: [ -> ]But then again public perception is a bitch, because sadly sensationalism is key to public perception. Its true for everything. 

Yeah that's an unfortunate fact now. The media used to be better, but now sensationalism is the only story that sells. Reporters used to be very good at investigations (i.e. reporters uncovered the Watergate scandal), but now they search for a quick headline that sparks outrage and divisive behavior. It's only gonna get worse from here.
(May 29, 2020, 10:13 PM)Quest Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 28, 2020, 06:30 PM)Cole_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 28, 2020, 05:29 PM)Maveric Wrote: [ -> ]I'm going to be fairly honest, even if I might get a forum warning. The fact you think hat this topic is funny enough to joke about it it disgusting, let's say your wife was choked to death by a police officer and some guy was going round saying the shit you're saying. You wouldn't be happy, there are people who this has affected the fact you dont care is your opinion. But if you're going to go onto a discussion that is serious and start being an asswipe, then that crosses a line. I'm sure you wouldn't want to lose a significant other or a family member and then have someone joke about it. It's quite simple, just be considerate of other people.

wow you must be so funny and edgy for a grown adult

(May 29, 2020, 10:31 PM)Cole_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 29, 2020, 10:13 PM)Quest Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 28, 2020, 06:30 PM)Cole_ Wrote: [ -> ]ok
wow you must be so funny and edgy for a grown adult


haha le epic troll triggering the liberals


(May 28, 2020, 06:45 PM)Gmans DAD Wrote: [ -> ]the cop was a shit cop but this is not a race issue

Is it not? I can't speak for US but I can for the UK and that is while we have gone in a good direction for equality we are still not there yet.
(May 30, 2020, 04:32 PM)Eddie Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 28, 2020, 06:45 PM)Gmans DAD Wrote: [ -> ]the cop was a shit cop but this is not a race issue

Is it not? I can't speak for US but I can for the UK and that is while we have gone in a good direction for equality we are still not there yet.
Being perfectly honest it doesn’t matter to me if it is a race issue, a training issue, an incompetence issue, or any other issue. 

It is still an issue, and I am completely thrilled that they arrested the officer, and hope they arrest the other three.
So far dozens of buildings have been burned and countless more have been looted and trashed. I, for one, am deeply disappointed with both sides of this issue - protesters/rioters and police. The Police and our local administration in Minnesota (my home state) have failed to establish any sense of law and order in the city over the past few days, allowing this destruction to happen. And the protesters/rioters have completely lost any control over the message they were attempting to send initially. 

I understand that that there are voices which need to be heard and issues that need to be addressed, but this is NOT the right way to go about it. Any message of ending police brutality and equality for all has completely been lost in my eyes. Instead of looking to lift up those who are in trouble, these riots have served as nothing but a means to tear everyone down. This senseless destruction and lashing out only hurts everyone in Minneapolis/St. Paul and serves to divide rather than unite everyone under a common cause to solve these issues. 

Discrimination and excessive force exercised by the police is a very real issue across the whole United States. But this "movement" has not sparked hope in my eyes that these problems can and will be fixed - only fear.
(May 30, 2020, 09:03 PM)Theo Wrote: [ -> ]So far dozens of buildings have been burned and countless more have been looted and trashed. I, for one, am deeply disappointed with both sides of this issue - protesters/rioters and police. The Police and our local administration in Minnesota (my home state) have failed to establish any sense of law and order in the city over the past few days, allowing this destruction to happen. And the protesters/rioters have completely lost any control over the message they were attempting to send initially. 

I'm just speculating here, but the mayor has great control over the police force so he can limit the force the police use. If he wanted to end the riots, he could tell the police and they are trained to deal with it. In Portland, the mayor actively restricted police actions during the protests where Rose City Antifa clashed with conservative groups. The cops wanted to step in, but the mayor stopped it. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Mayor Frey has limited police action during the riots. Yes, there are cops in the street, but they made relatively few arrests compared to the number of people seen looting and acting as instigators in the crowd (if you watch various instances of riot police across the country, they cherry pick people who are instigating those around them and separate the leaders from the followers). They could do epic encirclements like in Washington, DC after Trump's inauguration, but they aren't.

Watch police do an epic encirclement (3:00ish)

Edit: Also, for some reason, a riot started at the CNN center in Atlanta. They attacked one of the news sources that has been morally justifying their behavior every single time. Makes you question the intentions of the "protestors."
(May 31, 2020, 06:25 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 30, 2020, 09:03 PM)Theo Wrote: [ -> ]So far dozens of buildings have been burned and countless more have been looted and trashed. I, for one, am deeply disappointed with both sides of this issue - protesters/rioters and police. The Police and our local administration in Minnesota (my home state) have failed to establish any sense of law and order in the city over the past few days, allowing this destruction to happen. And the protesters/rioters have completely lost any control over the message they were attempting to send initially. 

I'm just speculating here, but the mayor has great control over the police force so he can limit the force the police use. If he wanted to end the riots, he could tell the police and they are trained to deal with it. In Portland, the mayor actively restricted police actions during the protests where Rose City Antifa clashed with conservative groups. The cops wanted to step in, but the mayor stopped it. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Mayor Frey has limited police action during the riots. Yes, there are cops in the street, but they made relatively few arrests compared to the number of people seen looting and acting as instigators in the crowd (if you watch various instances of riot police across the country, they cherry pick people who are instigating those around them and separate the leaders from the followers). They could do epic encirclements like in Washington, DC after Trump's inauguration, but they aren't.

Watch police do an epic encirclement (3:00ish)

Edit: Also, for some reason, a riot started at the CNN center in Atlanta. They attacked one of the news sources that has been morally justifying their behavior every single time. Makes you question the intentions of the "protestors."

Preach. Protesters also dont attack and burn down their own communities.

De-EsCaLaTiOn YeS
(May 31, 2020, 07:23 PM)Andromeda Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 31, 2020, 11:42 AM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]

De-EsCaLaTiOn YeS

I live by one rule on the Internet. Never trust videos that are cut conveniently. That said I know some clips are actually be investigated. That horse trampling that person has been in the news.

Ah yes here is 10 second clip of police using force with no context plz get angry blue man bad

"40,000,000 Americans unemployed"

Coronavirus is still rising

The combination of these protests, riots, lootings, the civil unrest, George Floyd killing, Trump unpopularity, the 13 year old girl rape case, documents, tweets like these, state of emergency, the coronavirus, the unemployed, the second wave that is dued for winter, the incoming great recession, increasing tensions and conflict, is going to damage this country way beyond repair, it will never be the same.
Twitter is a cesspit.
(Jun 1, 2020, 08:26 AM)Zombie Wrote: [ -> ]

"40,000,000 Americans unemployed"

Coronavirus is still rising

The combination of these protests, riots, lootings, the civil unrest, George Floyd killing, Trump unpopularity, the 13 year old girl rape case, documents, tweets like these, state of emergency, the coronavirus, the unemployed, the second wave that is dued for winter, the incoming great recession, increasing tensions and conflict, is going to damage this country way beyond repair, it will never be the same.

Those rises in Cov-19 can solely be attributed to Brazil, the country who has officially the worst rise in daily case rate. That said, I would still say the virus poses a threat. And a rebound could happen, we still don't understand this virus.
(May 31, 2020, 07:48 PM)Catfish Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 31, 2020, 07:23 PM)Andromeda Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 31, 2020, 11:42 AM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]

De-EsCaLaTiOn YeS

I live by one rule on the Internet. Never trust videos that are cut conveniently. That said I know some clips are actually be investigated. That horse trampling that person has been in the news.

Ah yes here is 10 second clip of police using force with no context plz get angry blue man bad

If you would see a 10-second clip of Russian/Chinese officers doing the exact same you all would be "oMg RuSsiA dIcTaToRsHiP sTaTe BrUtaLiTy". But if US-cops do it, you come with any argument like this one above. There is more than enough context available to see that it is not a "10 sec-clip taken w/o context xd".
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