(Jun 4, 2020, 12:48 PM)Tails Wrote: [ -> ] (Jun 4, 2020, 10:59 AM)Quest Wrote: [ -> ]13 People arrested out of the thousands protesting on the streets - sounds so violent to me.
In a riot, police only arrest the leaders of the mob - the ones who are instigating violence and "hyping up the crowd". If they tried to go for everyone, they would be overwhelmed almost immediately. This is one of the reasons why mass rioting (not protesting) is done in large numbers, because people know they will get away with it 95% of the time.
On another note, I like how nobody even acknowledge the link that goilge posted showing a white man being killed in the same manner 3 years ago, does anyone remember those riots?
The number of people killed by police without justification is so low that comparisons like this are legitimate and necessary because they highlight the point that these killings aren't racially motivated. Obviously people will ignore things like Goigle linked. I asked my friends if they heard about this incident before, and almost of all them were shocked. But the conversation soon changed when I told them it was a white person
Sure, in the last 20 years there has been examples of racially motivated killings. But you can count them on one hand. And they aren't limited to white on black. As people have provided adequate proof here. Racism exist everywhere in all races and cultures.
Poor police training is not racist. Bad cops kill people of all races, but no one wants to acknowledge that. A lot of people (Not all) see George Floyds death as another example of the white man taking away from the black community. When in actuality the black community takes away from the black community, more than white people or police do.
A white man is more likely to be killed by a black man than a black man is to be killed by a white man. The same way a white man is as likely to die to a white man as a black man is likely to die to a black man.
Black on Black crime, and white on white crime is literally the same and is the bigger issue. People are dying because they commit/engage in crime. And most of this crime happens in areas largely affected by the rocky economic history that is found in almost all countries.
Again this issue far exceeds the conversation we are having. Its not a racial issue. Its an economic issue, which policing is a very, very small part of. Again, what was it. Less than 20 unarmed people shot and killed last year, of which 9 were black, and 3 were unjustified and resulted in jail time for the officers.
3 People isn't bad going all things considered. Its like Climate Change protest. The issue is there, no one denies that but people focus on small things that make no difference. The message and the resolve is convoluted because no one wants to rationalise the issue and talk about it, the way it is. Because reality is offensive.
If you truly want to solve bad policing, maybe introduce training through out the job to maintain good standards. Maybe include cultural awareness? But all in all that will stop less than 0.12% of black deaths in America each year.
The real goal should be improving the living standards, bringing people out of the poverty line. Improving education and opportunities. We shouldn't be scared of the fact that black people commit a lot of crime,
so do white people. We should embrace it as an issue and work towards resolving. Not scapegoat the issue onto and blame the police for literally doing their job.
Also I want to highlight why I focus on the idea that these protest are anti-police.
Its because largely they are. In the UK a lot protesters are holding signs that say "Defund the police" (Which is actually a problem pertaining to people dying as less funding equates to worst standards and training, so this idea solves nothing) and "Fuck the police". And prior to the protest spreading abroad, companies like Discord said they support the cause and highlighted policing as an issue.
No one has really been saying its an economic issue,
which it is.