CMR99's Custom Clan Skin Factory
Churning out assembly line special snowflakes since 5 minutes ago
So - this is just like a little off-topic post for people who are running clans, and need skins/bodygroup edits done to the models they want. Seeing as I won't be on the server often, I'm doing these for free - but there'll be a few conditions.
1- You put something up on your clan page about the models being textured/edited by me, and acknowledge that I at least helped. I don't always mind if people don't, but it'd be nice. And it means that, like, you don't get people claiming that they did it all themselves (It happened once.. >.>)
2- I own your soul. Ok, maybe not
all of it. But at least like 30%. Give or take. I mean, you aren't using it
that much so it's not that big a deal, right?
NOTE: For the humorously impaired, the last one is a joke. I do not own your soul in any way shape or form.
It's your organs I own.
Back on topic. System will be simple: You apply with a format, I'll reply and get round to it. Eventually. I'll have a list below of the current projects I am working on, and I will go through it as a first-come first-served basis. Hopefully, I will get round to it. Eventually.
AERIS - Full retexture, camouflage fatigues and vest recolour. Aeris logo slapped on several parts of the model. Bodygroups edited, three separate models for each bodygroup.
Cerberus: Minor retextures - placing Cerberus logo on to models in specific places, removing C.E.L.L. decals.
INSIGHT: Sadly, these models didn't get used, as their clan leader left L2 shortly after requesting these. But here they are anyways. Insight logo slapped on to the models, retextured to have a brighter, green camouflage. Personally, I thought they looked quite ugly - but, that's what he requested.
Mexican Cartel: Another unused model, as far as I know. Bodygroup edits, with a small amount of retexturing. Cartel logo put on to the vest and helmet, as requested.
Application format:
Username: [ANSWER HERE]
Link to your Steam Profile (For easier communication regarding this shizzle): [ANSWER HERE]
Clan Name: [ANSWER HERE]
The skin you wish to be edited (Preferably not a workshop link - either the raw .GMA that is downloaded, or a link to a .zip with the extracted GMA's contents): [ANSWER HERE]
Edits you wish to be carried out on the model (At least a paragraph of information please - be detailed):
Any additional textures you want used specifically (IE, logos, camo patterns, or other predefined assets you want used. Specify how they are used above, and make it clear): [ANSWER HERE]
Other details (If you want something specific done): [ANSWER HERE]
Note - if you want mesh edits done on to the model (IE, adding parts to the model that are not already on it. A good example would be adding a hat to a model that does not have a hat bodygroup), then please bear in mind this will take a lot longer to do. This is because I will have to actively model the new meshing on to the model, UV and texture it, and weight paint it to work with Valve models. I haven't actually done this before either, so it's kinda hit and miss.
Any questions, feel free to comment below with em.