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CMR's Custom Clan Skin Factory - Printable Version

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CMR's Custom Clan Skin Factory - CMR99 - Jan 24, 2016

CMR99's Custom Clan Skin Factory
Churning out assembly line special snowflakes since 5 minutes ago

So - this is just like a little off-topic post for people who are running clans, and need skins/bodygroup edits done to the models they want. Seeing as I won't be on the server often, I'm doing these for free - but there'll be a few conditions.

1- You put something up on your clan page about the models being textured/edited by me, and acknowledge that I at least helped. I don't always mind if people don't, but it'd be nice. And it means that, like, you don't get people claiming that they did it all themselves (It happened once.. >.>)

2- I own your soul. Ok, maybe not all of it. But at least like 30%. Give or take. I mean, you aren't using it that much so it's not that big a deal, right?

NOTE: For the humorously impaired, the last one is a joke. I do not own your soul in any way shape or form. It's your organs I own.

Back on topic. System will be simple: You apply with a format, I'll reply and get round to it. Eventually. I'll have a list below of the current projects I am working on, and I will go through it as a first-come first-served basis. Hopefully, I will get round to it. Eventually.


  • Cerberus
  • (to be added)


AERIS - Full retexture, camouflage fatigues and vest recolour. Aeris logo slapped on several parts of the model. Bodygroups edited, three separate models for each bodygroup.
Cerberus: Minor retextures - placing Cerberus logo on to models in specific places, removing C.E.L.L. decals.
INSIGHT: Sadly, these models didn't get used, as their clan leader left L2 shortly after requesting these. But here they are anyways. Insight logo slapped on to the models, retextured to have a brighter, green camouflage. Personally, I thought they looked quite ugly - but, that's what he requested.
Mexican Cartel: Another unused model, as far as I know. Bodygroup edits, with a small amount of retexturing. Cartel logo put on to the vest and helmet, as requested.


Application format:

Note - if you want mesh edits done on to the model (IE, adding parts to the model that are not already on it. A good example would be adding a hat to a model that does not have a hat bodygroup), then please bear in mind this will take a lot longer to do. This is because I will have to actively model the new meshing on to the model, UV and texture it, and weight paint it to work with Valve models. I haven't actually done this before either, so it's kinda hit and miss.

Any questions, feel free to comment below with em.

RE: CMR's Custom Clan Skin Factory - Oobrie - Jan 24, 2016

This is great.
You are great.
Great work.

RE: CMR's Custom Clan Skin Factory - Enzyme - Jan 24, 2016

Did an extremely good job with AERIS uniform. Great initiative with this thread, CMR.

RE: CMR's Custom Clan Skin Factory - Preditor - Jan 24, 2016

+Support saved mine and enzymes clan with these models. Though she owns our souls now. Also owns our (sexual) organs.

RE: CMR's Custom Clan Skin Factory - Sammijammi - Jan 24, 2016

Pm'd you CMR.

RE: CMR's Custom Clan Skin Factory - Blurr - Jan 24, 2016

Good luck CMR! Seen your previous models and they look brilliant!

RE: CMR's Custom Clan Skin Factory - General Rickets - Jan 24, 2016

Username: General Rickets
Link to your Steam Profile (For easier communication regarding this shizzle): You have me on steam already.

Clan Name: Cerberus International

The skin you wish to be edited (Preferably not a workshop link - either the raw .GMA that is downloaded, or a link to a .zip with the extracted GMA's contents): You already have a copy of our models as you made them.

Edits you wish to be carried out on the model (At least a paragraph of information please - be detailed):

I would like you to fill the pistol holsters on cellassualt2player, cellassualt3player and cellassualt4player. I would also like, if possible, a copy of cellassualt2player with the old man head/face wearing a beret a similar colour (grey) as the helmets on the models.

Any additional textures you want used specifically (IE, logos, camo patterns, or other predefined assets you want used. Specify how they are used above, and make it clear): Follow the same colour scheme as the models. CRB logo put onto the beret if possible (As long as it doesn't look retarded). Please check with me once the beret model is completed as I am unsure on how it will look. (good/bad)

Other details (If you want something specific done): I believe that I have answered it all above. Feel free to contact me on steam.