God Save The King
The official website of the government of the United Kingdom of Weyland and East Nightingale.
Below information on the country may be found.
This section contains information on travelling the border, the borders themselves and what to expect.
Connectivity Road
Waterfront Road
What to expect:
At the border, you'll have to pull over for border officers and show documentation they ask for.
You can expect your vehicle to be searched, including sniffer dogs and mirrors checking the underside of the vehicle.
Documentation you should carry includes: - Passport - REQUIRED FOR ENTRY
- Driving Licence
- Citizen ID Card
The following cannot be taken across the border without special permission- Firearms
- Knives
- Medicine or drugs
- Explosives
- Tactical equipment
- Contraband including money printers or similar
- Offensive weapons
Firefighters and Paramedics may enter The United Kingdom of Weyland and East Nightingale at any time with emergency lights and sirens on to carry out their duties which extend into due to agreements.
Evocity Police do not have authority in the country, and often will be treated as normal citizens requiring them to relinquish all items not allowed for carry.
Agreements may be put in place for police officers in pursuit of a suspect or similar to pass through the border escorted by a UKWEN Police Officer, however this is down to current EvoCity government.
The United Kingdom of Weyland and East Nightingale uses a first-past-the-post voting system, electing a Member of Parliament for each of the four constituencies. The leader of the party with the majority of MPs becomes Prime Minister. The Prime Minister then chooses the Ministers, and the four highest offices. In addition, when needed the Prime Minister may appoint a Deputy Prime Minister. In order to pass legislation, a majority of the MPs must vote for the legislation. In order for your party to run for government you must register your party with the Electoral Commision. (ooc: Create a thread clearly stating your intentions as a political party in the country, and wait for a response.)
Greater Weyland - Connectivity Road & The Industrial District (The City of Weyland)
East Nightingale - Downtown Road and buildings on this dis-including the 'Hidden Village'
Nightingale - Corleone Tunnel to the border on Waterfront Road and all buildings in this area.
Thornville - 'Hidden Village'
Prime Minister:
Deputy Prime Minister: (Office not in use)
Chancellor of the Exchequer:
Foreign Secretary:
Home Secretary:
Member of Parliament for Greater Weyland:
Member of Parliament for East Nightingale:
Member of Parliament for Nightingale:
Member of Parliament for Thornville:
House of Lords:
The House of Smith (Royal Family)
The United Kingdom of Weyland and East Nightingale
Founder: Winston I
Current Head: Winston I
Members: His Majesty the King Winston I
Her Royal Highness Duchess of Weyland Katie
Her Royal Highness Princess of Nightingale Kate
All current acts of law can be found
here. (work in progress)
In order to amend laws, the Parliament must debate on and vote on the new laws. Some laws and enforcement powers are devolved to local authorities. (The councils of each Constituency)
Emergency Services
The United Kingdom of Weyland and East Nightingale prides itself on having world-class emergency services. Several agencies with such powers set out in law may be found below.
(logo coming soon)
Logo of the national police service
Flag of the National Police Service
United Kingdom National Police Service
The National Police Service is responsible for all law enforcement in the UKWEN. It is accountable to the Home Secretary, and follows the nine Peelian Principles of Policing
- To prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force and severity of legal punishment.
- To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour, and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.
- To recognise always that to secure and maintain the respect and approval of the public means also the securing of the willing co-operation of the public in the task of securing observance of laws.
- To recognise always that the extent to which the co-operation of the public can be secured diminishes proportionately the necessity of the use of physical force and compulsion for achieving police objectives.
- To seek and preserve public favour, not by pandering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws, by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all members of the public without regard to their wealth or social standing, by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humour, and by ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting and preserving life.
- To use physical force only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient to obtain public co-operation to an extent necessary to secure observance of law or to restore order, and to use only the minimum degree of physical force which is necessary on any particular occasion for achieving a police objective.
- To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.
- To recognise always the need for strict adherence to police-executive functions, and to refrain from even seeming to usurp the powers of the judiciary of avenging individuals or the State, and of authoritatively judging guilt and punishing the guilty.
- To recognise always that the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.
Each Police Officer is issued a Warrant Card and a Collar Number, which until up to the rank of Sergeant is worn on their epaulette on their shoulder. Each Collar Number is also the officer's call sign, and corresponds to a division, i.e:
W (Whiskey) 400 (100-500 = Constables) = W 400 - A Police Constable assigned to Greater Weyland
W (Whiskey) 4 (1-99 = Sergeants and above) = W 4 - A Police Sergeant assigned to Greater Weyland.
W (Whiskey) 9 (1-99 = Sergeants and above) = W 9 - An Inspector assigned to the Greater Weyland - however his collar number is not shown on his shoulder due to rank, and is only produced when requested, displayed on Warrant Card and used on radio.
SO (Sierra Oscar) 7200 (7 = Divisional Identifier - 100-700 = Constables) - A Police Constable assigned to the Special Operations division.
SO (Sierra Oscar) 720 (7 = Divisional Identifier - 11-99 = Sergeants) - A Police Sergeant assigned to the Special Operations division.
SO (Sierra Oscar) 706 (7 = Divisional Identifier - 1-9 = Inspectors and above) - An Inspector assigned to the Special Operations division - however his collar number is not shown on his shoulder due to rank, and is only produced when requested, displayed on Warrant Card and used on radio.
The ranking system can be found (here - work in progress)
Applications are currently not open.
The logo of the United Kingdom of Weyland and East Nightingale Border Force
Flag of the Border Force
Border Force is responsible for operating the borders that neighbor with EvoCity as well as investigating, enforcing and arresting illegal immigrants within the country. In order to carry out their duties, like the National Police, they are attested (sworn in) as Police Constables in front of a Judge. They are issued with a warrant card, however the powers of Police Constable is, unlike the National Police, in the card and not the person, meaning that the officer would require his Warrant Card to use his powers off-duty, unlike the National Police.
Border Force officers may use their powers in connection with anything border-related, or any whom they believe with reasonable suspicion to be illegally in the country. They also exercise their powers over the inhabitants of the Corleone Estate. When requested by a Constable or higher of the National Police they can act as Police Officers in support of normal police, extending their powers to the same as a Constable of the National Police.
John 'Blazing' Long ([L²:RP] Blazing) - Director of the Border Force
Aaron 'Pac' Wilson - ([L²:RP] Pac) - Border Enforcement Officer
Applications are currently not open.
(logo coming soon)
Logo of the United Kingdom National Ambulance Service
Flag of the United Kingdom National Ambulance Service
Despite the fact that EvoCity Paramedics and Firefighters respond to calls within the country, the UKWEN operates it's own ambulance service for smaller calls. It's ambulance service has a number of divisions and specialist training.
Applications currently not open.
(logo coming soon)
Logo of the United Kingdom National Fire and Rescue Service
Flag of the United Kingdom National Fire and Rescue Service
Despite the fact that EvoCity Paramedics and Firefighters respond to calls within the country, the UKWEN operates it's own ambulance service for smaller calls. It's ambulance service has a number of divisions and specialist training.
Applications currently not open.
The Security Service
The Security Service, accountable to the Home Secretary is responsible for protecting the country against threats of terror both domestic and international and is also jointly responsible with the National Police Service for providing security to senior members of His Majesty's Government and His Majesty's Government locations. Agents are attested as Constables and carry warrant cards. Often, MI5 agents operate marked as 'POLICE'.
Members of this agency are handpicked from the Army, Police and Border Force.
The Secret Intelligence Service
The Secret Intelligence Service are responsible for working overseas and outside of the country, developing intelligence and counter-intelligence. The UKWEN Ministry of Defence keeps most information about the Service secret, meaning most people outside of the service do not know how it operates, or who is part of it.
Members of the Secret Intelligence Service are handpicked from the Police, Army and Border Force.
National Crime Agency
The NCA's mission is to lead the country's fight against serious and organised crime. It follows the same ranking system as the regular police, however deals with more serious and organised crime, as well as investigating such crimes. The Chief Constable of the NCA is able to direct the Chief Constable of the National Police on what to focus on.
Members of the NCA are handpicked from the National Police, Border Force and the Military Police.
Armed Forces
Weylandinian Army
Current Commander-in-Chief: King Winston I
Commander of the Army: (none)
1 Weyland Regiment
Officer Commanding:
Royal Military Police - 1 Provost Regiment
Officer Commanding:
free from outside control; not subject to another's authority.
"an independent country"
We hope this clarifies some recent adverse happenings.
Thank you for reading the Website of the official government of the United Kingdom of Weyland and East Nightingale.
Have a nice day.