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Jan 28, 2025, 07:20 PM
1.1:Weapon licences may be obtained through the President
1.2:Weaponary Classes: A, B, C
1.2.1:Class C: All forms of Melee weaponary and pistol / SMG
1.2.2:Class B: Shotguns, Semi-Automatic Rifles, Automatic Rifles
1.2.3:Class A: All other non-listed weaponary
1.3:Melee weaponary are to only be used for self defence as a last resort
1.4:Licences are required for Class C, B & Melee weaponary - Class A is unobtainable
1.5:Weaponary may only be used / shown on private property
1.6:Weaponary may NOT be used against or shown to government workers / officials unless asked
1.7:Missuse of licences / weaponary will result in a revoking of licence / access to the weapon
2.1:Inner-city speed limit is 30MPH with a 2MPH lee-way
2.2:Outer-city speed limit is 50MPH with a 1MPH lee-way
2.3:Vehicles are required to stop at red lights
2.3.1:You are required to stop at stop signs
2.3.2:If you begin to approach an Amber / Yellow light, you must slow
2.4:You are required to have no on-coming vehicles or be turning on a bend when overtaking: Do not be unsafe
2.5:Vehicles are required to use proper parking spaces, parking within the white lines
2.6:You are required to move out of the way for emergency vehicles on call-out
2.6.1:You are required to pull-over upon law enforcement officers following you with lights + sirens and are not passing you
2.7:Wreckless driving is unacceptable
2.8:Hit and run are also unacceptable
2.9:You are required to use the blinkers provided with your vehicle
2.10:During night, you are required to use your headlights
2.11:Moving through a checkpoint with force, and without being checked results in imprisonment
3.1:Walls reaching higher than 2 of an averaged higheted citizen / officer are not to be used
3.2:Blocked windows may deem a property to be suspicious and are advised to not be used
3.3:You are not subject to a search from ANYONE unless warranted - stranger danger
3.4:Suspicious activities within a property are a valid reason to be given for a search
4.1:Government officials are no different from the rest, therefore not subject to public abuse
4.2:Allow a government worker to do their job:don't get in the way
4.3:Do not help government officials unless asked to:allow them to do the job they have been trained to do
4.4:All meetings are to be arranged through the Nexus Desk Secretary
4.5:Abuse / missuse of the 911 system is unacceptable
4.6:Corrupt government workers will be demoted without hesitation
4.7:All government related complaints must be sent using the 911 system and sent only once
4.8:Police officials are required to fulfil their job fully else face a demotion of corruption
4.9:Failure to comply will result in a fine, or max, an arrest
4.10:Impersonation of a government official will result in arrest
5.1:Public abuse is fully unacceptable
5.2:Manslaughter is unacceptable but does happen and will result in a lesser prison sentence than murder
5.3:Murder is a felony
5.4.1:Sexual Assault or dismemberment of any sort is fully unacceptable
5.4.2:Prostitution is not to happen
5.5:Hostaging / Mugging is unacceptable
5.6:Masks are banned from use unless granted permission by the President. An identity is something to be proud of, not hide
5.7:Arson, or any kind of damage to property through the use of fire with intent is unacceptable
5.8:Attempted or successful Jailbreak will result in imprisonment
6.1:All persons require a drivers licence in order to legally drive any vehicle
6.2:A drivers licence may be obtained through the President
6.2.1:A drivers licence comes at the cost of $250
6.3:Repeat vehicle related offences will result in the licence being revoked
6.4:All official government personel are excempt from obtaining a drivers licence (While on-duty)
6.5:Failure to provide a valid drivers licence when asked by a government official will result in a punishment
6.5.1:Impounding of a vehicle | To receive your car back, you must pay a fee of $500 to any police officer
6.5.2:A fine to be received from the officer of which must be paided at the pull-over scene
7.1:No current groups are banned
8.1:All businesses require a licence in order to run
8.2:All licences are permanent when baught under the presidentcy of Harry Walshie.
8.3:The sales and possession of marijuana and steroids requires a licence to help protect citizens lives
8.4:Licences come at a cost - Failure to pay the set price will result in your licence being revoked / not added
8.4.1:Business licence: $1,000
8.4.2:Class C weaponary licence: $750
8.4.3:Class B weaponary licence: $1,500
8.4.4:Class A weaponary licence: Reserved to government officials only (Does not apply to Pass holders)
8.4.5:Marijuana and Steroids use and possession licence: $750
8.5:A licence may be purchased from any official in the list below
8.5.2:Vice President
8.5.3:Nexus Desk Secretary
8.5.4:Head of Police
8.5.5:Head of S.W.A.T
8.5.6:Secret Service Agents
8.6:Licences of which are not purchased from a member of the stated list are unofficial
[Third Party Organisations]
9.1:There are no current third party organisations working along side the government
10.1:Possession of any drug will result in punishment
10.2:Steroids are the only legal, medical drug that may be used
10.3:Marijuana is an illegal substance that doctors may gain a licence for to distribute accordingly
10.4:The distribution of legal or illegal substances without the correct licencing is arrestable
10.5:Growing, cooking, (etc..) of any form of drug is illegal and will result in an arrest
(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2025, 07:53 PM by BasicallyMental. Edited 2 times in total.)
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Jan 28, 2025, 07:26 PM
"You are not torturing people in your office"
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Jan 28, 2025, 07:34 PM
A party so focused on the "people", that it's named after it's founder.
Do you really want egotistical politicans representing you? I know I don't.
Don't hope for a better life, vote for one. John Barstow for Mayor!
- This messaged was officially endorsed by John E. Barstow, incumbent independent Mayor of Marion County
Have I helped you out? Leave a rep!
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Jan 28, 2025, 07:38 PM
(Jan 28, 2025, 07:34 PM)Taylor Wrote: A party so focused on the "people", that it's named after it's founder.
Do you really want egotistical politicans representing you? I know I don't.
Don't hope for a better life, vote for one. John Barstow for Mayor!
- This messaged was officially endorsed by John E. Barstow, incumbent independent Mayor of Marion County
Good Evening Mr. Barstow.
Thank you for showing your concern to the name of the administration. It was named after my late grandfather, in honour of the work he did to support the nation during WWII. I have since become the third Director following my grandfathers passing, and fathers retirement.
We hope to work closely with you in the future.
Harry Walshie.