Jan 28, 2025, 07:20 PM
1.1:Weapon licences may be obtained through the President
1.2:Weaponary Classes: A, B, C
1.2.1:Class C: All forms of Melee weaponary and pistol / SMG
1.2.2:Class B: Shotguns, Semi-Automatic Rifles, Automatic Rifles
1.2.3:Class A: All other non-listed weaponary
1.3:Melee weaponary are to only be used for self defence as a last resort
1.4:Licences are required for Class C, B & Melee weaponary - Class A is unobtainable
1.5:Weaponary may only be used / shown on private property
1.6:Weaponary may NOT be used against or shown to government workers / officials unless asked
1.7:Missuse of licences / weaponary will result in a revoking of licence / access to the weapon
2.1:Inner-city speed limit is 30MPH with a 2MPH lee-way
2.2:Outer-city speed limit is 50MPH with a 1MPH lee-way
2.3:Vehicles are required to stop at red lights
2.3.1:You are required to stop at stop signs
2.3.2:If you begin to approach an Amber / Yellow light, you must slow
2.4:You are required to have no on-coming vehicles or be turning on a bend when overtaking: Do not be unsafe
2.5:Vehicles are required to use proper parking spaces, parking within the white lines
2.6:You are required to move out of the way for emergency vehicles on call-out
2.6.1:You are required to pull-over upon law enforcement officers following you with lights + sirens and are not passing you
2.7:Wreckless driving is unacceptable
2.8:Hit and run are also unacceptable
2.9:You are required to use the blinkers provided with your vehicle
2.10:During night, you are required to use your headlights
2.11:Moving through a checkpoint with force, and without being checked results in imprisonment
3.1:Walls reaching higher than 2 of an averaged higheted citizen / officer are not to be used
3.2:Blocked windows may deem a property to be suspicious and are advised to not be used
3.3:You are not subject to a search from ANYONE unless warranted - stranger danger
3.4:Suspicious activities within a property are a valid reason to be given for a search
4.1:Government officials are no different from the rest, therefore not subject to public abuse
4.2:Allow a government worker to do their job:don't get in the way
4.3:Do not help government officials unless asked to:allow them to do the job they have been trained to do
4.4:All meetings are to be arranged through the Nexus Desk Secretary
4.5:Abuse / missuse of the 911 system is unacceptable
4.6:Corrupt government workers will be demoted without hesitation
4.7:All government related complaints must be sent using the 911 system and sent only once
4.8:Police officials are required to fulfil their job fully else face a demotion of corruption
4.9:Failure to comply will result in a fine, or max, an arrest
4.10:Impersonation of a government official will result in arrest
5.1:Public abuse is fully unacceptable
5.2:Manslaughter is unacceptable but does happen and will result in a lesser prison sentence than murder
5.3:Murder is a felony
5.4.1:Sexual Assault or dismemberment of any sort is fully unacceptable
5.4.2:Prostitution is not to happen
5.5:Hostaging / Mugging is unacceptable
5.6:Masks are banned from use unless granted permission by the President. An identity is something to be proud of, not hide
5.7:Arson, or any kind of damage to property through the use of fire with intent is unacceptable
5.8:Attempted or successful Jailbreak will result in imprisonment
6.1:All persons require a drivers licence in order to legally drive any vehicle
6.2:A drivers licence may be obtained through the President
6.2.1:A drivers licence comes at the cost of $250
6.3:Repeat vehicle related offences will result in the licence being revoked
6.4:All official government personel are excempt from obtaining a drivers licence (While on-duty)
6.5:Failure to provide a valid drivers licence when asked by a government official will result in a punishment
6.5.1:Impounding of a vehicle | To receive your car back, you must pay a fee of $500 to any police officer
6.5.2:A fine to be received from the officer of which must be paided at the pull-over scene
7.1:No current groups are banned
8.1:All businesses require a licence in order to run
8.2:All licences are permanent when baught under the presidentcy of Harry Walshie.
8.3:The sales and possession of marijuana and steroids requires a licence to help protect citizens lives
8.4:Licences come at a cost - Failure to pay the set price will result in your licence being revoked / not added
8.4.1:Business licence: $1,000
8.4.2:Class C weaponary licence: $750
8.4.3:Class B weaponary licence: $1,500
8.4.4:Class A weaponary licence: Reserved to government officials only (Does not apply to Pass holders)
8.4.5:Marijuana and Steroids use and possession licence: $750
8.5:A licence may be purchased from any official in the list below
8.5.2:Vice President
8.5.3:Nexus Desk Secretary
8.5.4:Head of Police
8.5.5:Head of S.W.A.T
8.5.6:Secret Service Agents
8.6:Licences of which are not purchased from a member of the stated list are unofficial
[Third Party Organisations]
9.1:There are no current third party organisations working along side the government
10.1:Possession of any drug will result in punishment
10.2:Steroids are the only legal, medical drug that may be used
10.3:Marijuana is an illegal substance that doctors may gain a licence for to distribute accordingly
10.4:The distribution of legal or illegal substances without the correct licencing is arrestable
10.5:Growing, cooking, (etc..) of any form of drug is illegal and will result in an arrest
1.1:Weapon licences may be obtained through the President
1.2:Weaponary Classes: A, B, C
1.2.1:Class C: All forms of Melee weaponary and pistol / SMG
1.2.2:Class B: Shotguns, Semi-Automatic Rifles, Automatic Rifles
1.2.3:Class A: All other non-listed weaponary
1.3:Melee weaponary are to only be used for self defence as a last resort
1.4:Licences are required for Class C, B & Melee weaponary - Class A is unobtainable
1.5:Weaponary may only be used / shown on private property
1.6:Weaponary may NOT be used against or shown to government workers / officials unless asked
1.7:Missuse of licences / weaponary will result in a revoking of licence / access to the weapon
2.1:Inner-city speed limit is 30MPH with a 2MPH lee-way
2.2:Outer-city speed limit is 50MPH with a 1MPH lee-way
2.3:Vehicles are required to stop at red lights
2.3.1:You are required to stop at stop signs
2.3.2:If you begin to approach an Amber / Yellow light, you must slow
2.4:You are required to have no on-coming vehicles or be turning on a bend when overtaking: Do not be unsafe
2.5:Vehicles are required to use proper parking spaces, parking within the white lines
2.6:You are required to move out of the way for emergency vehicles on call-out
2.6.1:You are required to pull-over upon law enforcement officers following you with lights + sirens and are not passing you
2.7:Wreckless driving is unacceptable
2.8:Hit and run are also unacceptable
2.9:You are required to use the blinkers provided with your vehicle
2.10:During night, you are required to use your headlights
2.11:Moving through a checkpoint with force, and without being checked results in imprisonment
3.1:Walls reaching higher than 2 of an averaged higheted citizen / officer are not to be used
3.2:Blocked windows may deem a property to be suspicious and are advised to not be used
3.3:You are not subject to a search from ANYONE unless warranted - stranger danger
3.4:Suspicious activities within a property are a valid reason to be given for a search
4.1:Government officials are no different from the rest, therefore not subject to public abuse
4.2:Allow a government worker to do their job:don't get in the way
4.3:Do not help government officials unless asked to:allow them to do the job they have been trained to do
4.4:All meetings are to be arranged through the Nexus Desk Secretary
4.5:Abuse / missuse of the 911 system is unacceptable
4.6:Corrupt government workers will be demoted without hesitation
4.7:All government related complaints must be sent using the 911 system and sent only once
4.8:Police officials are required to fulfil their job fully else face a demotion of corruption
4.9:Failure to comply will result in a fine, or max, an arrest
4.10:Impersonation of a government official will result in arrest
5.1:Public abuse is fully unacceptable
5.2:Manslaughter is unacceptable but does happen and will result in a lesser prison sentence than murder
5.3:Murder is a felony
5.4.1:Sexual Assault or dismemberment of any sort is fully unacceptable
5.4.2:Prostitution is not to happen
5.5:Hostaging / Mugging is unacceptable
5.6:Masks are banned from use unless granted permission by the President. An identity is something to be proud of, not hide
5.7:Arson, or any kind of damage to property through the use of fire with intent is unacceptable
5.8:Attempted or successful Jailbreak will result in imprisonment
6.1:All persons require a drivers licence in order to legally drive any vehicle
6.2:A drivers licence may be obtained through the President
6.2.1:A drivers licence comes at the cost of $250
6.3:Repeat vehicle related offences will result in the licence being revoked
6.4:All official government personel are excempt from obtaining a drivers licence (While on-duty)
6.5:Failure to provide a valid drivers licence when asked by a government official will result in a punishment
6.5.1:Impounding of a vehicle | To receive your car back, you must pay a fee of $500 to any police officer
6.5.2:A fine to be received from the officer of which must be paided at the pull-over scene
7.1:No current groups are banned
8.1:All businesses require a licence in order to run
8.2:All licences are permanent when baught under the presidentcy of Harry Walshie.
8.3:The sales and possession of marijuana and steroids requires a licence to help protect citizens lives
8.4:Licences come at a cost - Failure to pay the set price will result in your licence being revoked / not added
8.4.1:Business licence: $1,000
8.4.2:Class C weaponary licence: $750
8.4.3:Class B weaponary licence: $1,500
8.4.4:Class A weaponary licence: Reserved to government officials only (Does not apply to Pass holders)
8.4.5:Marijuana and Steroids use and possession licence: $750
8.5:A licence may be purchased from any official in the list below
8.5.2:Vice President
8.5.3:Nexus Desk Secretary
8.5.4:Head of Police
8.5.5:Head of S.W.A.T
8.5.6:Secret Service Agents
8.6:Licences of which are not purchased from a member of the stated list are unofficial
[Third Party Organisations]
9.1:There are no current third party organisations working along side the government
10.1:Possession of any drug will result in punishment
10.2:Steroids are the only legal, medical drug that may be used
10.3:Marijuana is an illegal substance that doctors may gain a licence for to distribute accordingly
10.4:The distribution of legal or illegal substances without the correct licencing is arrestable
10.5:Growing, cooking, (etc..) of any form of drug is illegal and will result in an arrest