Good morning,
While I would agree that a new player like yourself would receive a permanent warning over what would have been such a minor rule breakage, you're missing out a lot of the other pointers and your general attitude throughout the day. Not only that, but you also have more than 20 hours in our community. I don't think it's completely out of line for me to think you've had the time to at least have read some of our rules already by now.
Anyways, some examples of context that you left out would be that I blacklisted you earlier that day from your PTE (Physgun, Toolgun and Entities)-access as you were building floating elevators.
When confronted, you had an unwanted attitude with me during the @-sit and kept punching around even when I told you to stop and treat it a bit more seriously. You were pushing to have the @-sit stopped so you could help the player who just rolled up on your contraption so you could service him, too, but that was minor in my opinion. I told you to read the rules when I released you.
Over the day, this played out:
Quote:said "/advert ZaidPlays move your car from my building or your car will be clamped. You got 5 minutes to move it."
said "/ooc It's an advert not OOC"
Thermoscope (STEAM_0:1:110137590) said "/ooc Oh for crying out loud"
said "/advert Shitbag move your car from my building or your car will be clamped. You got 5 minutes to move it."
said "/ooc Happy now?"
said "/advert Baron Richfuck you got 4 minutes"
said "/advert Dipshit you got 3 minutes to move it"
said "/advert Thank you dipstick"
Quote:said "/pm Slow You know what? No! I'm not getting repairs from a lazy-ass like yourself. Expect to explain your laziness in an admin sit"
Quote:said "/ooc No, the mechanic that is on is AFK and the admins are too lazy to do shit about it"
Quote:said "/ooc I'm not a mechanic dipstick"
Quote:said "/ooc Very mature dipshit"
Quote:said "/ooc If you're going to insult me do it in OOC you scared cunt"
Quote:said "/ooc That's what I thought, pussy"
And this isn't including the attitude you had in the @-sit when I finally pulled you aside.
I did listen to your side of the story and I understood that the phonebooth call might've been a bit out of place, however, I told you to make an @-call about it instead of insulting someone on the GOOC. When you started having attitude with me during the @-sit when I was trying to explain to you that your response wasn't in good with our rules, I figured you needed some time to cool off and also slapped an additional punishment regarding OOC usage on you.
In my opinion, the punishment issued to you (looking at your priors and your attitude over GOOC and both @-sits), is valid. You even said so yourself in your OP. The punishments are a mere addition to your record so other staff members who might deal with you in the (near) future, understand what has happened previously.
If you don't have any further statements to make or additional evidence to add to your appeal, I'll have a supervising staff member evaluate and conclude the report.