Hi Zona.
I've had the opportunity to discuss this with @
Enzyme and we've came to a solid conclusion that we will
not be lifting either suspension.
As for the DA case, as you were well aware when we spoke to each other, I was keeping a casefile which I'm able to reference again in this unban appeal. Please note that I'll be redacting username's of those who I spoke to, as in most cases you know who they are, except in the case of staff/ex-staff.
So to confirm the match, I approached Temar initially to confirm the IP's matched. Due to information about the tool being present, I'm not able to show this chatlog, though he does confirm it's a link.
Prior to this, I also approached another developer who has access to this, PaulB.
Quote:[L²] PaulB #BringBackBrynn: My opinion:
[L²] PaulB #BringBackBrynn: 1st Guy is Norwegian, never connected with a different IP that wasn't norwegian. Second guy comes along and connects with UK IP's that frequently differ
[L²] PaulB #BringBackBrynn: One time he connects with an IP used 484 times by the first guy
[L²] PaulB #BringBackBrynn: So the chances of him going to Norway from the UK
[L²] PaulB #BringBackBrynn: and matching the IP's with the 1st guy
[L²] PaulB #BringBackBrynn: Makes me 99.99% confident he's DA
[L²] PaulB #BringBackBrynn: gonna check timestamps to see wheen 2nd guy came
[L²] PaulB #BringBackBrynn: also makes me fishy
[L²] PaulB #BringBackBrynn: 2nd guy only came 12 months after 1st guy
[L²] PaulB #BringBackBrynn: no past connections
This led me to take you into a voice call on Discord, which I recorded (with your consent), and have shown to Enzyme as part of the investigation. You had lied throughout the call, and conspired to do this with the other person who is in the call who will remain unnamed, but you know who this is.
Quote:22:47 - **REDACTED**: oh btw do you remember when u had to go in a call with me and zona bc u did think we was double accountin
22:48 - Nightmare: ye
22:48 - **REDACTED**: well
22:48 - **REDACTED**: i have something to tell u
22:48 - Nightmare: hm
22:48 - **REDACTED**: we bullshited thru that
22:48 - **REDACTED**: i gave him my account to play LL lmfao
22:49 - Nightmare: has he done it since the talk?
22:49 - **REDACTED**: nope
22:49 - **REDACTED**: only that time
As for Enzyme's suspension,
When compounded with another extremely serious TOS violation, why are we to lift these suspensions for you? Especially when you state...
Quote:... I haven't changed as a person...
If you haven't changed, then how can we be expected to believe that you won't do this again? You've violated TOS twice now and have had lying to staff now thrown into the picture. I personally wouldn't be comfortable lifting either suspension, and it seems Enzyme shares the same opinion. If you realized the gravity of the situation and how serious we're talking here, then perhaps this may have been considered more. You stole content, then doubleaccounted with another person to get circumvent our system, conspired with them and lied to me in the process.
Appeal denied.