posting for my mans
I know I said I wouldn't reply but just because of how disgustingly sickening your post is I think I might have to.
Good thing I have loyal friends
I know you love to stack up less than minor infractions and present it as some big case just to try and pile bans on me as if you have nothing better to do, but how about we break it down and see how none of it is so bad.
Keep in mind I'm already fighting an uphill battle because of my lack of ability to format and quote but I'll do my best.
The first one, 'threatening players with reports' you act as if that's a bad thing when in most cases you'd PREFER if somebody said something before wasting your time with a player report. Don't you guys already have enough to deal with? Having said that, you know damn well that's not serious and I think that's almost the reason you put it here, you just couldn't think of a better name for the so-called infraction.
To clarify, I have no quarrel with this guy, seemingly he did not take offence to it. Like many things I say that you seem to fail to get your head around, IT IS A JOKE. In fact I seem to recall at least one ironic 'XD' coming out of that afterwards. See that, I'm including people in a joke. But you failed to include this. I'm bringing the community together with comedy, surely you would appreciate that?
Next thing, you can remove the insulting players part straight away since I immediately clarified it's not the person I found annoying but the act of having to deal with a lot of @ calls in general. I don't really see how this could be seen as an insult either, when a staff member who was literally ONLINE AT THE TIME, yet did not punish me for this because, why would you?, then started talking about how staff responsibilities can get exhausting especially when dealing with calls which could have been resolved IC. Considering a staff member (Stell90 if you must know) literally took into account what I said, and added to the conversation around it, why do you feel the need to include this in the so-called 'evidence'? There is no need.
You say bringing up an uninvolved situation like again that's a bad thing. OOC isn't a strictly formal or business forum. I could bring up how much I like pineapple on pizza which is both uninvolved, and could maybe start an argument, yet I wouldn't be banned for it. Perhaps the argument would be a little fun. Fun which is exactly what I thought we were having until I tried to log in later with a ban.
Fat NEXT is another supposed threat, and this one is just ridiculous.
First of all, I'm not even the one who edits the videos. I contribute minor pieces of footage every now and then, but I have literally no editing skill. My friends do that to help me. So I'm literally incapable of carrying through with this 'threat'
Secondly, how can you legitimately find any sentence containing the words 'ali-a intro' threatening? Like, I understand the guy has a bit of a scary, hollow face and kind of looks like a walking skeleton, but I'm obviously not offering halloween costume suggestions here. Yet again it's a JOKE which is a concept you seem to have trouble grasping.
Next one is me trying to get his attention. Well, duh, of course I would. I was talking to him, and all of a sudden he stopped replying. Once I got his attention I simply considered the already existing dynamic. I fire some laughable playground tier insult and he fires one back. It doesn't really cut too deep. I don't see the harm.
Yes, I brought up a demotion, but he was quick to bring up my bans beforehand, something that you have again chosen to omit, yet if you included it that would once again put us level.
Next one is just more bantering I have nothing else to say.
Next one is a sad truth and you guessed right, it's for you. You are in slavery and much of your motivation to work comes from your position of power. If you were to lose that, I have no doubt you'd stop doing dev work, yet the power is ultimately meaningless. I'm sure you know that limelight would die without you, or at least be forced into looking for new developer talent which would take a lot of time and resources. Perhaps, then, you shouldn't let them work you like a robot, since you are the only source of development. I care about the server just as much as you, but everything in moderation. Sometimes I feel sorry for you, but let's not get off-topic, this is a conversation for another time.
I wasn't 'blaming' anything on context. I literally just pointed out, since the guy barely had 100 hours, that he hadn't been around long enough to understand the feud of sorts between us here.
The next one is just continuing the conversation dynamic. In fact, for the most part the chat seemed to have enjoyed witnessing the conversation. There were many joking remarks of 'shots fired' etc. and they seemed to be enjoying the show. Once again, I'm bringing the community together with comedy despite this irreparable relationship with Wesley. When life gives you shit, make kool-aid.
Last one, if you think is related to the insult earlier, it's not. It comes from much later, and is not random either. People were then talking about LGBT, with one person even saying 'Let's Go Bully the Queers'. All I did was reference some statistics that I'd seen, and yet you chase after me for that and leave this. Once again, you seem to have very selectively chosen your logs despite trying to make it look like you're being fair.
For reference, I'm not sure of the legitimacy of this article, but this is the source that the poster I saw cited with the statistics, and they appear to match up:
I won't post an image of the poster itself, because it contains language that some people will deem hateful, and my edge is not that sharp. This source is simply what I was referring to and it has nothing to do with any hate speech, merely what I have glimpsed over previously as statistics.
A lot of what Wesley said is comparable; you're just, understandably, biased.
Now for you Wesley my friend since I'm here
I've gone over some of the shit you said already but I'll address what I missed.
First of all, I'm glad I was able to grab your attention again.
Now, I don't appreciate that you went completely behind my back on this. I was under the impression you were enjoying it. At no point did you try to give a warning which I know from previous experience you're very fond of doing.
Of course it's completely out of character, always was, it's the OOC chat. You act as if insulting an ex-staff makes it any different. You are aware I'm an ex-staff member too as I've said before? Does that not put you in the same place?
As I've addressed previously, the word slave for the current staff in question wasn't an insult, it was pity.
And you're right, there were two staff members online. Throughout the whole thing until the very end. And yet instead of contacting them while they were online, you chose to take it to another administrator in an informal report. This leads me to ask again, why? I want to hear you say it. Not only did you have the option at any to make a formal templated player report, you also had access to not one but TWO staff members online at the time. Two staff members who clearly appreciated it was a joke. Neither of them have been living under a rock and have been around long enough. They ARE aware of this context, yet still chose to do nothing. Perhaps if you felt you were being harassed you could have got them to shoot me a PM and this would all have been resolved quite easily. But no, you wanted more, you went to your little friend in there with the big boys. You've already lost your first, I wouldn't put your other in a position to lose him too.
The stinker and toilet bowl insults have nothing to do with racism. It's all in the theme that I was saying you smell bad. It's playground insults. Chill out.
If anyone's wondering the 'it would also be gay' thing is in response to someone saying it would be incest to fuck your clone or some shit. So ignore that and don't use it in your case.
Lastly, I didn't come on the server with the intent to do anything to you, nor did I want to troll anyone. In fact, you joined the server AFTER I had. In the past week I've been accrueing cash with contraband andthe like and I have been in a couple of RPs, with a few OOC memes sprinkled in here and there. You see, I find spontaneity to be key in enjoying the gamemode. Too many people get burned out because they force themselves into serious roleplays in the hope get them recognition, even if they don't enjoy it too much. I just want to have fun in whatever legal capacity possible. I never feel like I'm overstepping any boundaries, yet a select few seem to treat it like I am. I never understood why this is.
I just want to have fun. Be glad for once that my definition in particular of that isn't RDM or propsmashing as it usually ends up being with the reason "it's fun".
And who knows, looks like I might just make a little fun for some other people along the way. For those peeping in, and I know there's a few of you, despite what some people might lead you to believe I actually care about this server even if I don't see eye to eye with every member of its management. This will never change, and no matter what stupid memes I shit out in OOC, when it comes to the gameplay side of things I just want to enhance everyone's experience along with my own.