(Mar 7, 2018, 08:55 PM)Noble Wrote: (Mar 7, 2018, 08:46 PM)IVNT Wrote: (Mar 7, 2018, 08:28 PM)Noble Wrote: Kinda a sad existence if you ask me, and I'm keeping it pretty tame.
It was a valid questions though as you've admitted that you're not here for the community or the majority of people here. Want to know why I'm here?
- To make cool shit
- Create things that players can enjoy and interact with
- Brighten the future for Limelight
Notice how none of that even remotely aligns to your reason? I can say pretty confidently that I'm here for the right reasons. Notice how your respect isn't on that list? It's because I'm not here discussing this to earn or force your respect. The staff that haven't blasted you like they could have definitely deserve that respect though as they aren't compensated in anyway to deal with those who act like you.
Want people to take you and your opinions seriously? Start acting like an adult more than the kid you idolize. I promise you that the moment you do I'll be the first here to recognize it. Acting like an adult can be tough but I promise life is a lot easier when you do.
Why do you have to be so agressive, no negative. He can act like a kid if he wants and you have NO right to tell him to act his age, its a shit move and makes you look like a inconsiderate man. People can act how they wish to act so don't come here acting all big because your older than him...
If you can't conduct yourself in a mature manner you shouldn't be here, simple as that. If you want to minge about and act like a 5 year old DarkRP is always available to you. His actions have shown that he can't and I would expect better from someone his age.
Now you're going to try to call me out for being aggressive and negative? That's the pot calling the kettle black. I've spent countless hours dedicating my time to create things for players to enjoy, what about you? I'm going to call out players that act like minges just as I've called you out before.
Admins have given you the leniency to act immature and attempt to ruin the fun for others, but you won't get that from me. You have no rights, play nice.
I have no rights? So you're saying I have no rights to speak, to play, to do any of that shit, and you, a Limelight developer can tell me that? Reported, the fact you think you can say we have no rights because you have a rank is disrespectful. I don't need to spend hours to create things for players because I don't do that shit, so don't say 'What have you made?' as i've done nothing for this place. I've donated, you're saying that my donations are worthless?