Sorry for the delay in getting to this - there's been a lot to sort recently and this is one of many posts in a similar issue, really. I'll try to address a few key points here, but for the rest I recommend looking at the other thread.
Does being a company change us? A little.
So, in regards to us being a company, yes, it is quite a major change, but honestly, most of that does not bleed through to the servers or community itself. It affects the gamemode a little, but only to the extent that developers can expect pay for their work so development is now more limited based on membership income, as opposed to expecting everyone to always work for free. Otherwise, it's generally to ensure that we're running legally - we're probably one of the few gmod communities that actually pays taxes on its membership/donation income. Because we're legally required to be transparent in that department, it also means that players have a better idea of how much money is going in and out so that they can see we're not just pocketing everything and refusing to spend on development. I think it's important that everyone here has a decent idea of where their money is going (nearly all server upkeep and development right now).
That being said, I have to admit, us becoming a company does open up a few opportunities. We are taken much more seriously by hosting providers and security companies, and this has helped us quite drastically in mitigating DDoS attacks. It can honestly be quite amazing the see the improved level of support we get just due to being a legit company. It has really been a huge benefit for long-term server stability (not including optimisation). Likewise, it has given opportunities to quite a few of us - myself and Burnett have gained good jobs from experienced and references gained here, and I'm always open to write a reference for strong development team members.
As for profit.. well, as I mentioned, we don't expect our developers to work for free and as such development is limited by income. However, we're quite willing to spend a lot on developers and I really want to increase this even more in the next year. There's not really any take-home profit for anyone. None of the directors are claiming anything, and the only direct expenditures we've been making outside of servers/security is on development and the occasional bit of necessary business/legal work. But the vast majority of our money goes towards development. While we do need to consider ways to increase income (and therefore development/servers) if we look to expand and improve our gamemode, it's really important to me that we balance this carefully and that we're always offering a strong free roleplay server without major balance problems due to pay-to-win.
It certainly has fallen at times, but based on the stats, our player numbers have been fairly resilient. We're doing some more in-depth analysis now to see if there aren't any particular regions or areas we can tackle and improve access to, but that may take a while yet. Otherwise, we've had a major change in development focus recently to focus on topics that are brought up in suggestions, and on updates that either provide new interactive content or improved stability - you won't see us adding any new huge batches of cars for a long time now. A few, maybe, but we're looking at these now as 'final' (for now) replacements to get the versions people like best in and leave them alone for a long time.
Server stability
Ah, the big one. This really has been a huge problem. We've sorted a group of developers to tackle this issue and as our next few updates roll out we're going to be increasing the focus on this all of the time. We've already had some decent improvements, such as a 30% reduction in server-side networking, with more to come hopefully soon. We're also looking at tackling the client-side area of this by both improving code and making some necessary sacrifices in the content we serve. This is a big part of where money will be going over the next year - the current budget for our optimisation plan is £600 with a contingency of £400, but we are likely to increase this even further if it is not sufficient. It won't be an easy fix, but we're putting a lot of effort into fixing this issue.
Staff activity - Please see Enzyme's response here:
Roleplay quality
I tend to just develop and manage now, so I can't really speak for this unfortunately. There have been a lot of suggestions made into improving roleplay quality, and internal ones to improve what we offer on the event server and for teachers and mods to manage that. Hopefully some of these things help as they're implemented, but really I think the key thing is for us to provide an environment where players can drive the roleplay, not teachers or staff.
We do have a working group looking at development plans and implementation here. It's temporarily frozen due to a couple of issues HR and the clan officer are working through to ensure a future clan environment with less bias and drama than before, but there is a decent budget and good dev resources that will be focused on this within the coming months.
The stock market is being slowly worked on and aspects are likely to be tied into clans in the future, though this may change. As for the radio, there's another thread on it in which Barkles has posted some good information.
I do definitely miss the events we used to have, though I'm not sure what it's looking like now, to be honest. I hope that we can provide decent support for events from a development perspective, but otherwise I believe it will be the admins, mods, teachers, and community that drive this.
I hope that answers some of your questions, Falcon. I'm really busy nowadays especially during work hours, but let me know if you want a chat at some stage if you've any more.