Greetings my fellow citizens,
Id like to introduce you to my newest Company "Murdock Co." To give you a brief overwiev of what Murdock Co. is about here is a little Q.A as well as a brief history:
The first businesses opening of the Murdock Family were years ago in various citys all across Evo County. Without a general struckture like the one we hope to create now, we used to run small foodtrucks simplistic gunshops and similar small dealerships. As time went by and more revenue was made, further and larger business were added like "Joes Diner", its larger companion the Murdock Diner, the Channel 5 Studio and our latest business opening the Waterfront Bowling Alley. As Murdock Co. is interested in a keeping evo citys economy on a healthy and busy level most of our buildings are provided free of any cost to any enthusiastic entrepreneur that wants to start a business using one of our facilitys.
dupes can be found in the public folder "murdock co"]
List of current businesses (might be split up in seperate replys - as well as this list will change and is always considered to be wip)
the following buildings are (with 2 exeptions) done and functional. Not all of the listed Construction will be made public. Some might be kept in private use to the company. Most businesses however will be distributed free of charge.
The publishing of some instalations might be dealt with through personal contact to avoid any abuse/exploit. Depending on your behavior you might get blackliste/excluded from the participation or usage of some of the assets.
Rules for the distriubtio will be published below once they have been established.
Please understand that it will take me a while to propperly publish the information (as well as in some case) the dupe itselve to the forum/the public folder.
Waterfront Bowling alley
Location: Waterfront road
Propcount: 90 (aditional decoration save seperately)
Status: Private
![[Image: B5CqjrP.jpg]](
![[Image: y0s6dgB.jpg]](
The Operateion of the alley requires a number of tools and specifc settings (such as manipulated masses, materials, physical entities and specific no colide settings that are not all possible to save with the ad in the way the dupe is set up for now. The Alley however is fully functional thanks to a simple recovery siystem for the bowling balls and a pinsetter that can reset the pins via a userfriendly controlinterface. Constructed in april 2017 - Marsh
Joes Diner
Location: Nightingale Road
Propcount: available in a 30 and 40 prop version
Status: Public,Free
![[Image: 7FXZkiz.jpg]](
This is one of the older diners. Its unsual location (nightingale) gives a little more detail to the area and does almost ensure you you can place it down at anytime without needing to worry about the location beeing occupied. A premade menu with reasonable prices is mounted to the counter but can be altered or removed at any time.
The blank sign on the roof is best to be used as a background for your "sign" (avaible on the market in the "misc" section). Otherwise it can be easily written on if the procount is matching
The Sauce Dispenser (seen in the background of the last picture) need to be recolured in red, yellow, egshell and dark red to provide a nice rp detail) It is recomended to use coffe machines for even more detail and propper diner operation.
Martins Diner
Location: Downtown road - opposite little village
Propcount: 90
Status: Private
![[Image: q8mYLW0.jpg]](
![[Image: MGYMH4y.jpg]](
![[Image: xJbE5uA.jpg]](
![[Image: csxYjxa.jpg]](
This lovely Diner is set up on a remote yet beautiful location. Just on the side of one of evo citys busy roadways its serves hungry drivers, travelers and officers. It features 3 parking spots, enough tables for everyone, cable tv, a large kitchen, a working cash register and a preset reasonably priced menu. Its one of the latest gastronomic buildings of Murdock Co. but has alreeady went through quite a few funny storys to tell. Its certainly a great place to hang out and get a break from the stressfull riddels of our buisness.
Use an elevator to make the cash register work. The following food, meth and misc items are recomended: sign, tv, coffee machine, fire alarm, meth stove&pots.
McMurdocks/Murdocks Foodtruck (capable of mobile deployment)
Location: Anywhere (capable of a mobile setup)
Propcount: available in a 30 and a 40 prop edit
Status: Public, Free
![[Image: SLSPuEE.jpg]](
![[Image: OaHX3ul.jpg]](
![[Image: lEFPZxp.jpg]](
This compact and reliable caravan has been serving food to the citizens of evo city for years. Its portability makes it perfect to be used litterarly anywhere. With this stup you can reach any customer. Wether you want to deploy it in the city, as a remote rest stop or you want to attach yourselve to larger events. Anywhere - anytime.
The sauce dispenseres need to be coloured with the color tool as those settings typicly dont save. The truck comes with a complete reasonably priced menu (coffe machines havent been a thing back then) that can be taken off at any moment. The keypad on the 30 propversion is set to 5548. The 40 propversion has a no colide door that can be turned into a faiding door at any time. The following misc and food items are recomended: Cofee machine (1-3x), Fire alarm, Meth stove&Pots (can enhance the rp although you should not forget to propperly put it back to your inv afterwards), probably a tv. This setup does not require a sign as it comes with a preset neon advertisement. However if you need the props or you fell youcan setup a better sign feel free to replace/remove it. As i said this instalation is mobile: you dont need to paste it at its "original location" although the preset spots do fit.
Channel 5 Studios
Location: Industrial - front right corner warehouse
Propcount: approx. 90 props depending on the setup
Status: Public, Free (see notes)
![[Image: HxaYPhB.jpg]](
This is one of the Latest Murdock Co. Constructions. This modern compact studio is fully functional to serve almost every kind of public entrertainment. The Studio fits 27 visitors is equiped with a compact counter and coatcheck area, and elevate editing room, a small backstage and office area as well as specific walkways infront and above the the audience for light sound and camera technicians. If you want to host and own show or esle make sure to contact us. Well probably even do it for free if you take care of your own crew and special needs. Dont hesitate to ask

This building is best to be used with the following misc items: sign(1x) camera(1-2x) rtscreen(2-3x). Be aware that to avoid lag all screens should be set to one camera rather then individual ones. The usage of the rt camera tool and the "rt_screen" prop is recomended. Depending on the format of your show elevators could help a lot (mechanic curtains, hydraulic sliding or rotating stages etc.). For largere events you can ask an admin to spawn stage lighting as seen in the last picture.
The Doors leading to the eiditng room and the office/coatcheck-counter can be made functional by removing their nocolide setting and adding a faidingdor+keypad. Built on March-April 2017 - Marsh
the first version i published to the folder so far has a little more then 60 props, ill try to work on a 60 and a 70 prop version as well as seperate assets (stage decoration) soon
Top Street Security Office
Industrial Impound Lot
Location: Industrial rear
Propcount: 90
Status: Public, Free
![[Image: XEaXEeg.jpg]](
![[Image: FSnEVQs.jpg]](
![[Image: e7plXlt.jpg]](
![[Image: Fi4VHaf.jpg]](
While this is certanly not the most ionic "construction" Murdock Co. has made in its history it does serve a simple purpouse. This slightly overgrown and rusty old scrapyard is used as an impound lot. It fenced of with barbed wire fences and comes with a nice and safe gatekeeper house that overlooks its front maingate. A old busted rv has been repainted and turned into a lovely yet simple home. Its definatly not the most luxurious business but it does have its very own character. Who knows perhaps youll find something valuable in all this junkt, or youll make your money reparing and impounding cars. Nevertheless.... is a solid&safe business if you think about the horrifying driving skills of some of our fellow citizens.
Keypads are preset to 5548. The maingate is supposed to be used as an elevator (elevators do not copy in ad)
DTM Cardelaership & Customs
Puzzles Bar&Jazzclub (upcomming)
List of Current Government Buildings and Public & Residential Spaces
Waterfront PD / Highwaypatrol
Location: 147 Waterfrontroad
Propcount: available in a 30 and a 40 prop version
Status: Public,Free
![[Image: p7494WD.jpg]](
![[Image: yoP2eNl.jpg]](
![[Image: KXR9VIo.jpg]](
this older Police Post was established way back in the spring of 2016. Back then due to budged cuts in the law enforcement the stations sizes has been limited to use no more then 40 components. However our architects have manage to design it in a compact yet pragmatic layout. It comes with 2 parking spaces, 2 work desks, a counter to be manned by a secretary or similar and a nice simple waiting room for any visitors. The furniture includes lockers, a landline phone, pinboards 2 desks, a computer and a office printer (*furniture alters depending on the version you use)
The Keypad code for the second door is set to 5548 and teamacces (it activates numpad 2 to activate the door). The door can be open from the inside using the door handle. It is recomended to use the following misc/food items: coffe machine, police computer, sign, firealarm
189 Downtownroad (Police Department)
Location: Downtownroad - near the motel
Propcount: 86
Status: Public, Free
![[Image: YS8LkkB.jpg]](
![[Image: x4PGmqu.jpg]](
![[Image: 0feEW6F.jpg]](
![[Image: H6TKOvR.jpg]](
![[Image: TQmOifc.jpg]](
This larger police station serves almost any need of modern law enforcement. It come with 3 parking spots desk space for 5 officers (including a lovely secluded sergeants office), A counter and waiting room area, a coffee kitchen, a lockeroom and a holding cell. Therefore it can take almost any task you wish to use it for. Many shifts have been started right here.
The Keypads are preset to the code 5548 and team acces. They do activate numpad1-9 if you wish to replace them.
Using 86 props you still got slight room for deploying traffic cones, barriers etc (as i do understand the importance of spawning further items during government rp). However i recommend to use the "rope" tool 3-5 times somewherere were no one can see it (under a desk or such). This way you make sure then when you are undoing any traffic cones or barriers you playced in you have not accidently deleted the station (with a few ropes deployed you get alerted "undone elastic" before you accidently undo the dupe).
The following misc and food items are recommended: police computer (best to be put on the counter-next to the radio scanner), firalarm, coffe machine, tv, sign (best to be put to the right side of the entrance (like seen in the picture). Use the colouring tool to make the signs body dissapear. Use percision weld to move/push the sing through the wall.
Please be carefull using the police station, spawn it at its original location (make sure its not too close to the road) and keep in mind that while the holding cell is a thing, you have to use it responsibly (there is a difference between a detailed reasonable rp and locking up a supsect for an eternity)
Firehouse 22 (avaible in 3 versions)
Medical Tent
Public Libary (in planning)
Soccer field
Location: Waterfrontroad, DTM or grassys
Propcount: available in a 30 or 40 prop edition
Status: Public, Free
![[Image: R8MzhTP.jpg]](
![[Image: iKUWvDS.jpg]](
This is a fairly simplistc construction. It does probably not serve the most complex buisness or rp structure but is defiantly quite entertaining. Who knows probably one day youll win the championsship
The Soccer field comes with a premade ball (that is set to a mass of 60-65, and the physical entity "metall"). You play by simply running against the ball. Do not pick it up! (otherwise you may set its mass to 70 to disable anyone to pick it up). Be carefull whilst playing the ball can hurt people or driving cars when it gets out of control. Just like a parked car can sometimes crush you against the curvstone this ball can technicly hurt people. Although the total number of accidents happend is still lower then the ones of the bowling alley or other businesses.
Questions and Answers regarding the Distribution:
Q: What is this project about?
A: This project is ment to provide anyone, wether he is a complet rookie or limelight veteran with some suitable dupes to start an rp. Therefore this project bundles any of my building projects under one common structure, eneabling me to propperly present and distribute them to you.
Q: Distributions
Most of those businesses are provided for free - The dupes will be obtainable from the "murdock_co" folder that is located in the advanced duplicators public folder.
I recently thought about putting a bunch of older 30-40 prop buildings into a public folder (inclduing the foodtruck, Joes Diner and most likely the "csa government assets). The distribution will be fore free as i find it more rewarding to find my buildings (which i usually put a fair ammount of afford in) to get popular and therefore in frequent use, rather them have them rotting somehwere because of any prices. While i do appreciate donations or whatever i think it would be more beneficial for all of us if even a complete beginner with struggles or barely any time to set up a complex build has the opportunity to at roleplay with some premade projects. Besides i simply like to see the city flurish a little. There are already plenty of people with nice decorations and businesses. Just imagine what it would be like to see empty spaces like dtm grassys etc. to be filled with a little bit more life.
Large dupes (my 90 prop versions) migt however be either distributed directly or will be kept on hold depending on the situation (the police station for some weird reason got bugged with the public ad - i apologise)
Questions and Answers regardign misc. subjects
Q: Revenue.
A: Depending on the rp-setup our businesses will work on a profit. Eg. a diner - just like any other Diner will seel food just slightly above its market value. However everything depends on the specific business and circumstances. Some buisness might be distributed for free or offered for rent (deployment). Some employees will get an extra paycheck - some are seek to be volunteers.
At the end however this structure does not serve as a profit based project. Plenty projects will still be for free or on "rp"-prices (like 10$ for a bowling session)
Q: Does this change anything?
A: mostly not. Just like explained above the main purpouse for this company is to have a common ground for forum post and larger acivitys. Its not going to become a clan nor are any of my current policys and prices (if existent) changing
Q: Money
A: While I do appreciate dontaions and financial support the main purpouse of my company is to entertain our fellow citizens including me. Dont hesitate to stop by any Murdock Co. Business. Most of the prices (expsecially if no production costs [food,weapons etc.] is involved will remain symbolic. As i want everyone to have the oppurtunity to use any of our services. Depending on the scenario sallarys for employees therfore might have to be cut although those are always negotiable.
Q: Upcomming acitivitys.
A: as a company Murdock Co. is interested in launchin larger events using its current and future projects. At the moment things like a bowling turnament or a further music show are planned. Those, depending on how spontaious and important theyll be will be set up as propper events.
Q: How do i get involved?
A: Respond to the adverts ingame. Whenever staff is needed adverts will be made ingame. It also works to apply on your own initiative by simply swining by one of the active busineeses even though it might be possible that depending on the situation those applications could be denied or accepted for other duties then the one applied for (unless you d be interfering i most likely give you a job anyways)
Q: The CSA government assets
A: "CSA government assets" was my first attempt to provide free government dupes etc. However it partially struggled, the large dtm-station got bugged and im not sure wether all the dupes were included in the folder. As they were constructed by the Murdock family a copy of them will be included in the my upcomming public folder.
Q: Family?
A: To keep the realism differen business should hopefully be run by seperate people althougn (as seen in the recent news) character names might not allways be altered as im sure you understand that after 700h all my Martin, Joe, Steve and Bob Murdocks would be burried in a giant family cementary by now and sometimes you simp,y forget to change the name or stick with an well known one (like "Alex Warren" "Mia Swarzn" "Wesley Lawrence".. or "Martin Murdock") Ill try to put some attention towards its realism though.
Q: Change?
A: Depending on how things go this structure my alter. The company and the family might expand. Further Projects will be added. Patnership and "contracts" could be made (although theres very slight interested in money). And perhaps itll transform into a clan (as such structures would be more usuall to be found in one - even though id could imit my current options)
Rules, Blacklist and other
Rules for any publicly or privately distributed project:
The Buidings and constructions provided by Murdock Co. are ment for responsible public use. Therefore the follwing rules are needed and seem to be self evident:
- I (MrMarsh aka Martin Murdock) created all those buildings listed. Do not take credit for them. Since they are publicy listed your fraud will easily be detected anyways.
- As the creator i hold myself accountable for any issues with the listed buildings (as long as they are not caused by customising them) Therefore i hope to be able to help you with any such issues
- You may customise those buildings to your liking as long as the customsation is within reasonable ways (dont turn a police station itno a contra base etc.) Customising any of those builds does not alter the applience of the rules i set up for this distribution (taking credit etc.)
- All of the publicly distributed Buildings are distributed with the intention to turn this city into a slightly nicer place. Theyfore they will stay public. Do not exclude others from participating as long as this is avoidable (eg, dont claim a government station as your own and be open minded to hire people for any of the businesses)
- Dont change their purpouse of any of the distributed buildings. While you may customise them you are not supposed to use them for unrealistic or drasticly changed purpouses (do not use them as your private criminal hideout, dont turn a police station into the "super secret k9 heavy duty cia unit" or else - you may turn some of the buildings into private homes thoug as long as the conversion is done reasonably, builds like the caravans the junkyard or the Waterfront PD can be converted into neat homes)
- Any violation of ingame rules related to or done using one of my buildings will be deemed a violation of the distribution rules as well.
- Stay nice and reasonable. Unfortunatly this rule seems to be needed even though its self explanatory. Do not use any of my buildings for unreasonable, unrealistic or mean/harmfull purpouses.
- I myself reserve to change any of those rules, buildings or other aspects of this project.
- The violation of any of those rules might exclude you from recieving further dupes, support or participation in any of the projects related to Murdock Co. I will not support people breaking the rules.
The following people will be (temporarly) be excluded from recivieving or participating in our services:
[L²:RP][BLSO] Estel Catcoon is no longer welcome on the Waterfrotn bowling alleys as he repeatedly has shown no interest in a serious roleplay and tried to interfeer if not destroy the project to and extend that made it impossible to keep operating the business. Your blacklist (yet) does not effect any other instalations. Is not to be understood personel and might be lifted over time.
- ShadowNinjaYT is no longer welcome in the Channel 5 Studios. We dont appreciate people that decide to hostage our host as soon as they get bored reheasing for they show (yes - apperently some people participate perfectly well... ... till they eventually get board and decide to turn a passive rp rehearsal into a shootout) Your blacklist (yet) does not effect any other instalations. Is not to be understood personel and might be lifted over time.
- Apex will be excluded from any Studio 5 related rolplay as best as possible. His self centered way of conflict solution (killing a farily passive/nice person) in my audience for reasons that i frankly do not understand have once again screwed over a complicated an complext passive rp. This blakclist will not to be used for powergaming (forcefull exclusion) but is understood as a polite advice. It is not to be understood personal and may be lifted depending on future behavior/developement.
I ll try my best to have the fewest restrictions possible on this project. To remain openminded and avoid metagaming (as blacklist do impose this). However in some situations (eg. customers tht tried to cdm me or broke other ooc rules) will be avoided as best possible as it is a very sad fat that not a single of my listed instalation hadnt had a single time where it has been abused, destroyed or was interfered by other ooc or intentionally harmfull circumstances. I will not spent more then 10 h on a dupe to turn it into the hand of a complete troll. I do this (mostly) for free. So if you cant take a free gift in a responsible manner its on you