Dec 11, 2016, 03:07 AM
Thank you for posting first off,
The event started when I got saw a call about two towers that were built at the Corleone Estates and players were sniping from it. After investigating I saw that the entire gang was on top of a water tower prop with untextured panels acting as stairs leading to the very top. The lead to an unfair advantage as the players have a view of the entire area with a structure that is well above the roofline of the surrounding houses. This is part of why there is a rule about the fence line being 4 units in height.
Now at this point I had to run, my youngest son decided to throw up in his bed and for some reason was a bit upset about it.
When I returned the fight had all but finished, with an issue of the SWAT team possibly breaking NLR in order to resolve the situation. After researching, I found out that it was not the case, one surviving Officer made a backup call, prompting SWAT to respond, ETA 8 minutes on foot so that when they arrived, NLR would expire.
Now, I arrived during the raid so I don't really know the cause, just the outcome. But I did warn Jericho about the towers and he, in a rather sarcastic response said yes.
Fast Forward
A base was then built at the very end of Fish Avenue, was high walls and only one entrance, surrounding the two shacks in the area. There was a lot of goofing around. I didn't really see any roleplay going on. Just a lot of prone crawling, talking about things that are OOC and just hanging around. There was computer installed in a house but again, no roleplay. No using the computers to plan to bank robber, no meeting to go over scenarios, etc.
The bank heist happened. Which, even though it lead to hostages dead... bad planning by the police, and death... then came the main assault on the base. A scout Drone did spot the base, after it was shot down it was confirmation that the area was hostile. A massive shootout resulted, in which the police ended up backing off, even though a wall did end up getting destroyed.
Fast Forward
As the Fish Avenue base was destroyed, an Industrial warehouse was retrofitted as a base, which looked like some pot plants were left behind from its previous tenant.
Now, this is a good time to discuss the road trips. Two Hummers were brought in, one own by ICEKILLER, the other FIREKILLER. These were then used to drive around the entire map and from what I saw, it was to run around and act fairly aggressive. Passing police vehicles while they patrol, or going around one that was stopped at a red light. One officer pulled you over by the Hospital. ICEKILLER was the driver, Lynk the passenger. Now, Lynk was extremely rude to the officer from the beginning, telling him he had no right to pull them over because the officer was also breaking traffic laws, that he should also get a ticket, etc. ICEKILLER made a few comments also but the Officer decided to be nice and just do a $500 fine, which was paid. Afterwards Lynk made one more comment which the Officer took offense to, and then followed you all to the Bank of America parking lot, in which they both sat in the vehicle until Wrabbie met up with them.
Now, as Heisters, you are Bank Robbers. Breaking traffic laws, being rude to the police when pulled over, driving around police cars, this is something that should be avoided when you want to lay low and not be caught. These are also signs of baiting. Breaking laws and trying to start fights in order to start a possible chase.
Back in Industrial it was decided to go fishing right after MikePro joined the group, or asked to join as I didn't see much of him afterwards. So, off to the lake.
As you were at the lake, the house next to the docks were purchased and outfitted as a base. At this time, an officer finished fishing and started talking with bismo. After conversing about not having drugs in the house, and other comments from in the house about hiding the drugs and such, the officer decided to investigate. bismo ran into the house to see that the group was completely armed and ready to shoot at the door. When the officer arrived at the door, Jericho initiated the firefight resulting in the officers death, ICEKILLER timing out and bismo running, while the SWAT arrived and killed everyone else.
ok, so what I'm seeing here is a lot of aggressive behavior, possible police baiting and massive firefights within the 'Heisters' bases. Yes, from what I saw there was one success with a player made bank. But before and after that I found the situation to be over the top for a job that should be low key.
Now, as this is an unban request for only ICEKILLER, we'll talk to you directly.
You had 5 bans, one for Revenge Killing for an RDA claim, another for FailRP, baiting police into raiding and attacking. Also had 9 blacklists, weapons for aggressive baiting police, revenge killing, killing injured suspects as SWAT, RDM and Teamkilling. This shows me that you have had plenty of warnings about killing, baiting and your overall aggressive behavior. Instead of learning from it, you have instead continued on your path.
You did time out during the raid, which I do believe was not intentional, so I haven't included D/C to avoid RP in this, which you do have one ban already for. We'll not worry about that.
But overall, after what I watched and experienced, I believe that this 15 days is warranted based on today's events and your past history. Overall, you should know better than to do what you were doing after having so many chances in the past.