Nov 6, 2016, 08:38 AM
You know what's both equally amazing and scary as hell in equal measures? Regardless of the outcome on Tuesday, we're living history. History will be made on the 8th November.
We - and I say we because like it or not, the USA does influence the entire world, economically, socially, politically - will either have the first female president, which is monumental in itself just as Obama made history as the first black president, or a man so controversial as a candidate his actions as president will be watched by the world.
This isn't me slating Trump; I don't agree with a lot of what he says but equally I don't believe he will 100% fuck up as President. He'll either pleasantly surprise the world and be normal, such that kids in 50 years will one day answer an exam question of 'Compare and contrast the media's portrayal of Donald Trump during the election to the reality of his presidency [8 marks]'... or he'll live up to the Media's expectations and do something stupid.
I feel that Clinton is the safe option. With 30 years in the field, she knows how to politics. She carries herself and speaks in a way deemed 'appropriate', and all that jazz. I don't think the email scandal is proof of a hidden agenda which she's been hiding, ready to turn America upside down. Was it a stupid, stupid thing to do? Absolutely. But claiming her to be a villain in the making is no better than claiming Trump is a nazi supremacist.
As I said, I don't agree with Trump on many things, but that's because I don't agree with most Republican party values in general. He's radical, and that will show in his presidency. He'll make changes - significant changes. Whether that's to the benefit or detriment of the USA is another question, but I firmly believe that a Trump presidency will bring big changes, not just some poncy little acts. My only real grudge against Trump is his remarks about women, minorities and diversity in general (cue outcries of feminazi). I can only hope to god that if he becomes president there won't be a reverse in how far America has come.
Good luck, America. I hope for whatever reason this election isn't the last.
(This post was last modified: Nov 6, 2016, 08:41 AM by Safira.)