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Full Version: Bring EvoCity back!
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Suggestion Type: In-Game
Explain your suggestion, in detail: I've started to miss the evocity map and so many memories there, I think we all need some time back. At this point, I start up a singleplayer just to see the old map. I think most veterans would agree that EvoCity has some memories within this and we could start v5 up.
Explain why the suggestion should be implemented: Memeries are still within it and I think we all need time back there, i'm really missing the fun and great moments on EvoCity.

(Trying not to be rude to admins abouit all their hard work but just emotions make us miss it. Smile )

I doubt it; they already did a map vote and rockford won with massive support
Hey AyeeAnonymous, please refer to the Suggestion template and guidelines as this suggestion is likely to be closed due to it not following the Template provided, as well as map change suggestions not being welcome.
I would rather see an Evocity map back. But use the suggestion format, or place this in the discussion forum instead.
I would like to see the Evocity map come back

Rockford is the better map imo. Now we should probably focusing on optimization of the gm, especially if players wanna go back to lagfest city.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I liked Evocity, but we can’t stay in the past. Not to mention the staff team isn’t going to do another map change for a LONG time. When I was campaigning for Rockford, that was beought up a lot that if we switch to Rockford, it would be a LONG time until we attempt another.
evocity v5p was also quite a popular vote
Optimize the gm, the map is alright.
-support. If players felt so strongly about this, they should have campaigned a bit more to keep EvoCity. It's too little, too late.

v5p please.
(Oct 14, 2017, 05:02 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]-Support

Rockford is the better map imo. Now we should probably focusing on optimization of the gm, especially if players wanna go back to lagfest city.

Maybe not neccessarily 33, but one of the other, larger maps. Rockford makes me lag like crazy, and it just doesn’t seem to fit the server to me. I voted to switch from 33 to something else, and I’m glad it did change because 33 is overused but idk. Not a fan of Rockford.

Rockford sucks, ugliest map ever was meant for DarkRP.
EvoCity v5p is bae tbh

Gib v5p
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