Welcome to the FUMUKU International
Employment Center
Thank you for taking an interest in the FUMUKU International Employee Line of work. If you don't know much of the information that you would be interested in I recommend looking at the original line of work thread, located on the Job bored (Clan Board Page) or on our Public Office Section of your Office Block located here:
Here (https://limelightgaming.net/forums/showt...p?tid=9324)
As part of FUMUKU International, before you are completely certain about the position you would be applying for, we'd like to take note that you are able to be any current contract or division that we'd require you to be on the day of that typical work. This is generally placed on the day of work when you roll into the Office. Upon being getting your application denied you will be able to re-apply within' two weeks (14 days) then you may re-make an updated application.
FUMUKU International Security Division:
Consisting of men and women from a multitude of different training levels, the FUMUKU International Security Division prides itself on keeping every aspect of day to day operations within company property safe and incident free.
Each Security officer is personally interviewed by the division’s Head of Security, Ronald Lynch, and/or Security Director Jericho McAndrews. If the applicant is approved, their application will then be forwarded to the company’s CEO, Carthusia Malkrin, for final approval.
If the applicant is approved by both parties, they are then assigned a trial status within the division and must attend Level 1 training exercises, to be held by division head [font=verdana]Ronald Lynchand/or the assigned training instructor. These training exercises are explained in a section lower on the page.[/font]
FUMUKU International Manufacturing Division:
The Manufacturing Division consists of some of the best and most experienced engineers, electricians, builders and technicians in the world. All of its workers are responsible for the design, construction, development and mass production of a wide variety of designs and plans while maintaining a safe and legal work environment.
While this division only accepts and trains some of the most skilled personnel in the industry, applicants with potential may attend a variety of basic to advanced training courses and receive additional qualifications through FUMUKU International.
FUMUKU International Agricultural Research Division:
The FUMUKU Research Sector; currently most funds have been directed towards Weapons Research, creating the next wave of firearms, defensive armors, and Less Than Lethal crowd control methods.
FUMUKU International Medical Division:
The FUMUKU International Medical Division is filled to the brim with some of the worlds best surgeons, doctors, and Military Grade Field Medics. The F.M.D was the first section of FUMUKU to be split into a multi-job system, allowing for more promotions and more benefits to those who are promoted. Medical personnel have a job to the citizens of the city which any FUMUKU International operation is in: To provide top notch healthcare to its people, at a reasonable price. The majority of Medical Clinics funded by FUMUKU include at least one Pharmacy and one trained Doctor of Class C or higher. In other cases, personal rooms for patients to be examined in are provided; some of these clinics have been rumored to have been supplied with FUMUKU's latest combat stims for local law enforcement agencies, and “those who can afford it.”
While the division only accepts and trains some of the most skilled personnel in the industry, applicants with high potential may attend a variety of basic to advanced training courses and receive additional qualifications through professional training courses within FUMUKU International.
If the applicant is approved, they are assigned a trial status within the division and must attend Level 1 training exercises which are to be held by the division head and/or the assigned training instructor; these training exercises are explained in a section lower on the page.
FUMUKU International Legal Department:
The department provides a secondary function, being a sister division with the Security services, all personnel working within the department are also security officers, and can be employed as such, it is a dual role. The Legal officers, accompany security agents on contract, to ensure that all terms of FUMUKU Int. are met and to protect it's reputation, staff and clients from any unlawful act, arising from any party. Due to this dual role the department, requires a higher standard from it's officers, demonstrating not only legal proficiency but also having met positive reviews on deployment and being at least grade C security officers. However the department also requires an enhanced security clearance, seen as an addition to the grade of officer, due to the nature of the legal work, members of the department are often exposed to, or in contact with classified documents, and as such require a different security rating.
Please use the template below to submit your application:
[size=large]Out of Character Information[/size]
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
Your Age:
Hours on server:
RP Events you have been in:
Reps Issued:
Ban History on Limelight:
Blacklist History on Limelight:
Warning history on Limelight:
[size=large]In Character Information: [/size]
(Be as creative as you can)
Division you are applying for:
Full Name:
All Nicknames:
Date of Application:
Date of birth: / /
Gender: M / F
Place of Birth:
Telephone Number:
Driver's License Number:
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Zip code:
Suburb / City
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Zip code:
Suburb / City
Why are you applying?
What is your background in the field you are applying for?
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
What will you offer FUMUKU?
Character Bio:
![[Image: cgZQbck.png]](https://i.imgur.com/cgZQbck.png)
![[Image: aJ3xcza.png]](https://i.imgur.com/aJ3xcza.png)