Apr 19, 2016, 12:22 AM
Officer Note: Application has been transfered from the visual thread.
Out of Character Information
Steam Name: Desert
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:78553903
Your Age: 15
Hours on server: 76
RP Events you have been in: L²'s Helghan Third Army, Safira and Blurr's marriage, advanced detective roleplay, several random occasional police and paramedic events. Besides that I have participated in several (large) events on the infamous "other community".
RP Point Amount: 0
Ban History on Limelight: No bans on record.
In Character Information:
Division you are applying for: FUMUKU International Security Division
Full Name: Jason Compton
All Nicknames: None
Age: 26
Date of Application: March 31, 2016
Date of birth: June 6, 1989
Gender: M
Place of Birth: North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Telephone Number: 209 112-9743
Mobile: 209 112-9743
Driver's License Number: C708527
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 12 Waterfront Rd.
Zip code: 91022
Suburb / City: Evo City
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 16 Woodbridge St.
Zip code: 91602
Suburb / City: North Hollywood, California
Why are you applying?
Since the shutdown of the Helghan Third Army I have been clanless for a while, and after I have met your clan in-game while roleplaying as an ARD officer, I could see that FUMUKU International is one of the, maybe even the most organized clan on this server. In the Third Army I have been drilled a lot, it would be amazing to get the chance to join such an organized structure as FUMUKU International.
What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I have done security and PMC work, as well as governmental organisations such as our own SWAT team and the police force. This makes me an experienced shooter, I'm sure that can be of use.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I am a versatile person, my skills in aggressive roleplay and passive roleplay are equivalent and I'm good in structured and drilled environments. With that comes that I am a very good listener. I am able to operate solo, but also in a team.
What will you offer FUMUKU?
First of all I can offer you a fun person, because that's what this game is all about, after all. For many, I am a good relationship you can always have a chat with, for some I'm a selfish 'politician' who is just busy talking, introducing too many ideas and looking after peoples interests. Besides that comes the more serious part, I can offer you full integrity in the operations I take part in. And then ofcourse comes my skills, I am experienced with guns, mostly sniper- and assault rifles. Good communication is what I've learned from Counter Strike: Global Offensive, so I'm good with that as well. (Even some Russian ;-))
Character Bio:
This white male is in his late twenties, sporting a stubble beard and green eyes. A trace of a thin scar is evident on his left cheek, under his eye. He is usually wearing a black suit with a white shirt under it, he doesn't like clothing without a vest or a suit and he never closes them up. Paired with the suit and shirt, he wears a black belt with a little diamond in the middle, black suit pants and black shoes.
When Jason was was eight years old, his mother died in a shootout in a bank in North Hollywood, California. His father, which at the time did drugs, blamed him for it. His father used to physically hurt him, wake him up and shout at him, refuse to open the basement door (when Jason was in there) and give him food and so on. When the father got caught to be part of a huge drug farm, he had low hopes of getting a low sentence, and was given 20 days before the court would take place. He had a strip around his leg so that he couldn't leave the country and was scared for his life. On the 26th of june 2000, when Jason was 11 years old, Jason came back from visiting his grandparents, he found his father not answering the door, had his blinds down and with the lights on. ''Must be drunk,'' his grandfather said. ''I'll see if the kitchen window is open''. After looking he told me to stay outside and that he would be back soon. After his grandfather climbed to the window and walked to the living room, he walked back into the kitchen with a pale face. Jason will always remember the words of his grandfather: ''Jason.. your father is dead''
After the police and ambulance had arrived, they noted his father has been dead for three days, and was not saveable. The police tried to find proof of a possible murder and suicide notes, but they did not find anything. Jason has never seen his father, but his grandfather told him his father hung himself with a dishcloth, hanging from the heating tube in front of the window.
Jason grew up in a neighbourhood next to a school, just outside North Hollywood, everyone knew eachother. So people also knew his story and he was bullied with it in high school. He grew stronger and didn't really care anymore, he never used to talk about the incident after it happened. But he listens to the songs his father liked if he's sad.
The present
Jason is doing good, he lives his own life and minds his own business. He likes giving rides to stranded people outside EvoCity, he has been mugged three times as of today doing so. But he has hope in humanity and continues. Jason knows how to use a weapon, he owns a couple of guns, but he doesn't keep one in his car as he doesn't feel the need to do so. He currently owns a black Dodge Charger, plated YRA-781.
(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2016, 10:41 PM by Dick.)