A Very Sour Player Report
Name of Player:
Oi Oi
The user that has been assigned for this has been judged for Mass RDM between many members of the community (No Evidence but logs to support) I have however, recieved screenshots from the previous times he'd killed me as I gave him many chances to change (4) and I gave him a chance to change the way he is currently doing things otherwise I'd have to write this thread. So in the end, he decided to attempt to kill me again. He had even admitted himself that he was attempting to kill me serveral times with Team-Killing and wasn't here to RP and just kill people.
The Warning (Screenshot):
The Warning (Console - Highlighted Important):
Player michela (STEAM_0:0:164437127) has disconnected (Disconnect by user.).
*** Thomas Alexander 'Sours' Barzinio radios in: I have demoted Roman Atwood from
Secret Service Agent.
(<3) (OOC) Oi OI: pres wtf i shot 5 whole mags into you and you did not die
Player Kane (STEAM_0:1:79223676) has disconnected (Disconnect by user.).
(<3) (OOC) [L²:RP][F.I] Sours: Spawn Immunity.
(OOC) NostrilFaceSwed: with what? a BB gun?
(<3) (OOC) limmet: You admit TKing? rofl
Player DJ Khaled (STEAM_0:0:95845399) has disconnected (Disconnect by user.).
Player DJ Khaled left the game (Disconnect by user).
(OOC) ICEKILLER_99: Oi OI fuck off if you are just here to kill everyone
(Radio) James Parker: Mr p whats ur location?
(<3) (OOC) [L²:RP][F.I] Sours: Oi OI - Try it again, And I'll simply give you a PR - I am
giving you a chance to change here.
Screenshot Requested
(Radio) Timo Gent: medic to Nexus slope fast !
(<3) (OOC) Oi OI: i like killing.
Player трахают русских � (STEAM_0:0:119294071) has disconnected (Disconnect by
(Radio) James Parker: Mr p whats ur location?
Player трахают русских � (STEAM_0:0:119294071) has joined the game.
(<3) (OOC) Cate: you sound like a teacher sours lol
(<3) (OOC) [L²:RP][F.I] Sours: Then join a Deathmatch Server and not a RP server.
(OOC) NostrilFaceSwed: but then this is not your server m8
Player korvetareN (STEAM_0:1:38574629) has joined the game.
(OOC) ICEKILLER_99: Fuck off cunt
Player T0mAmEL0n (STEAM_0:0:88857901) has joined the game.
S.W.A.T Unit - Oi OI:
User Information from Tab Menu:
The Killing: