When a community starts punishing players for what they do on other servers that have nothing to do with them it's a little worrying. A while ago Darthvirus was minging around on DarkRP servers and was banned from LL because it was reported to Nacreas by the server owner (worth noting that they are apparently friends). There is nothing in the rules that states LL members are not allowed to minge on other communities and while an UBR was approved, the ban stayed on Darthvirus's record and was refused to be removed.
Yesterday to show how ridiculous this is I recorded myself rdming on a DarkRP server and made a ban request on myself, fully expecting to be banned and of course I was (It was still not in the server rules that I could not).
Now, today I see that Darthvirus has been permbanned from LL because staff from F
L claims that he DDoSed them without providing any actual evidence from what can tell. Is LL that scared of F
L now and will bend over for them? Here's the conversation between Darthvirus and the accusing staff members about the situation.
Quote:Darthvirus™: Could you now tell me why you've permanently banned me?
[L²] Nacreas: Your little situation with Another Community is unacceptable.
Darthvirus™: I havent been on Another Community in a long time
Darthvirus™: If I remember corerctly, I have been banned for 2 months
[L²] Nacreas: It was reported to us that you launched at DDoS attack on Another Community by their administrative staff.
[L²] Nacreas: a*
Darthvirus™: I am 13 years old how do you expect me to DDoS Another Community?
[L²] Nacreas: There are many ways, Darthvirus. A simple Google search can prove useful.
Darthvirus™: Darthvirus™: u back 2 Another Community?
[Another Community:RP] Oper #PrayForParis: Ye.
Darthvirus™: and a few weeks ago you were gonna hack em :c
Darthvirus™: well ive been working for 4 hours and finally got a hydrogen rocket made
Darthvirus™: no idea if its functional
Darthvirus™: ill find out tomoz
[Another Community:RP] Oper #PrayForParis: someone ddos'd Another Community
[Another Community:RP] Oper #PrayForParis: lo
[Another Community:RP] Oper #PrayForParis: all servers are down and so is the forums.
Darthvirus™: gg
Darthvirus™: yay Another Community ddos'd 
Darthvirus™: totally not me
Darthvirus™: this is just a little bit of banta with me and him
[L²] Nacreas: Well I suggest you clear that up with Another Community before you come back to LimeLight.
[L²] Nacreas: We can't have members of this community bringing bad light to us.
Darthvirus™: And why is the ban reason just "Redacted"? I have the rights to know why I was banned before I post a UBR
[L²] Nacreas: It was requested by senior staff members to not escalate the situation.
[L²] Nacreas: Darth, take a break and sort yourself out.
Darthvirus™: Do you have proper evidence that I ddod's Another Community? If not then you can't do shit
[L²] Nacreas: Is that so?
[L²] Nacreas: You're assuming that this wasn't discussed internally.
Darthvirus™: If you don't have proper evidence you can't do shit to me
[L²] Nacreas: Sort your shit with Another Community, change your attitude and then you may come back.
Darthvirus™: My attitude? My attitude is perfectly fine. Of course I get angry when I get perm'd for something I didn't do, and there isn't even evidence that I did so.
[L²] Nacreas: You were reported for misconduct (DDoS) at yet another community. Clearly your attitude is at fault here.
Darthvirus™: I was reported for it? Yet there was no evidence given that I did so.
[L²] Nacreas: Come on TeamSpeak with some of my fellow staff members.
(backup if they try to censor it again, also on my Steam account for now:
https://pastebin.com/pG4hNB8F )
I'm sure that a few of us here have bad reputations with F
L so what happens if we get into an argument with an F
L staff member and they claim that we had DDoSed too? Will we get a perm ban?
For community members this is a pretty unsettling thought. What has happened to LimeLight, it seems to be getting worse by the day recently.