(Nov 3, 2015, 07:25 PM)Cookie Overlord link Wrote: a) Give SWAT default 70% kevlar.
b) Wearing 70% kevlar makes you unable to sprint. Ever.
c) Wearing 70% kevlar slows you down by a % (something high, like 50%)
d) 70% kevlar shows up on your character model and visible to people so it can be outlawed (probably too much of a pain to implement)
e) It takes you a long time to put on/remove the ceramic kevlar.
f) If you get shot while wearing the ceramic kevlar you cannot remove it even if you are at full health.
g) Wearing 70% kevlar makes you unable to use health kits, or health kits take way longer to apply.
I can +Support for A,C(Halving the speed is good enough),D since it's reasonable enough and doesn't affect the item itself (With C and D) and SWAT is usually heavily armoured so it makes sense for them to be standard equipped with it.
but what I -Support with is F,G, because it'll just ruin gameplay for them.
And i'm 50/50 on the E option because on the good side people will think smart when to use it because just jumping out your car and taking 1 second to put it is way to bs but on the bad side I believe it's still somewhat easy to put on due today's tech on body armor protection systems.
I am mostly a Officer on patrol and what I just can't deal with is people who jump out of their cars or run out of their houses and I can't do batshit because of my peashooter-17 but then again I don't want people with 70% kevlar to be nerfed to hell and not make it fun for them too.

R I am fine with one or two nerfs but nerfing it too much will just cause problems.