Once I decided that I wanted to fuck chickens that were in your uncle's anus, pecking at the outside world.
While a big suited fat guy eats his popcorn as he watches the chicken.
Then i stepped into a big pile of chicken korma and loudly screamed "what's going on".
Suddenly, a wild monkey appears from the suit-guy's anus and proceeds to steal the popcorn coated in feces which came from the chicken in the moist crab which clawed onto Enzyme's cheap prositute whose name was Fantasia Chandelier Glitzwhip, she's a crusty North Korean officer who is responsiblefor the chicken in your uncle's why, anus ofcourse! However, the true flaccid weenie buffet was the downfall of the prostitute.. . For she was allergic to all of @
Enzyme's small talk about dicks. That fascinates him.
And even though he loves george the anus chicken, and his prostitute he could never have a threesome with a bear, who would stare at you.
My toe was very erect from this Flaccid Winnie . After the staring into your eyes. I saw a Michael Bay film containing lots of peaceful, loving explosions. What happened after was fucked up, he ate his spicy Pilau rice and caught aids. Suddenly, a large animal crawled from and fell on the end of someones mouth which smelt shit from @
Enzyme's Cheap Prostitute's Tandoori chicken it's rotting on some Tikka Masala.
I had chewed lasange in my Trabant. It was now or never, but it too, was some good glorious black belly that I had in my lasagne darn I said!
But then a wild pokemon appeared and he stole my mom's car
broom broom. He ate my spaghetti then spit-roasted his lovely big, black dog and he killed a chicken with his bodypillow. His mother was an orphan who liked to eat shit because shit is Good and tasty for everyone in the Vietnam war. @
Jono say'd end but is it really the end ? Jono was staring At Michael Phelps saggy and moist One inch wonder. A new chicken arised from the ground and watched @
Jono meticulously masturbating in the limelight teamspeak with legs a jar and KFC's CEO eating a McRib while assfucking @
Temar on a yacht Sailing in Bermuda.
They see another yacht with some hairy naked men looking for young Ladies to f**k then @
Temar says "tickle my pickle" to his sister she screamed loudly Donald Trump wins tax evaders who hate to extort bought 10.000 chicken's.
We can, pretend. @
Cooli want good sentences to read then @
Pinky said light shines from my asshole which is located at Area 51 in a small brown Box Covered in sharp 9 inch nails. Harambe then suddenly jumped from the grave to a kid in his Enclosure, where he and a T-Rex had a fight with a big dildo and a C-130 thats more than 3 words Had coca-cola enemas. The C-130 had no engine so no engine so Harambe's empty grave ,robbed of memes Harambe climbed the rocks in Nevada To reach the top of the enlarged ant while 50.000 chickens Run towards Harambe "i want to kms" said the Meme Lord to Harambe the naked was mentaly ill RKO-ed a guy then told trump to fuck off while 2 Secret Service pull their toilet out of their breifcase casette player and played weird music while dancing to Dead or Alive in a bathtub Drowning in Hillary's Leaked email messages While Bernie Sanders Beach House Bailed with Hillary Clinton and Monica Lewinsky suddenly Trumps jet crashes into the Trump tower! Luckily, Trump brand Vodka was completely undamaged and all was devastated by nuclear trump hair in Obama's drink Now there was... Putins pubic hair live on CNN Then Harambe saw @
Brynn and For days. But fell on a very sharp rock Because biased staffmembers hated shortbread and told @
Brynn so @
The Rock made a new update featuring shortbread in le xDshortbread yoke said @
Brynn as he denied the scam pr. with no remorse laughed out loudsaid brynn as he forumbanned maniac because brynn was a mean badmin who was very very very salty against Enzyme because he got demoted for not speaking about shortbread or his mouk Mr Mouk felt quite strongly about speaking five languages in order to eat shortbread while scamming a giveaway for illegitimate gains to obtain shortbread despite dead memes about shortbread thanks, moving on he exclaimed "Brynn secretly hates shortbread".
All of you kill yourselves said giant pony to everyone in this thread Good meme he Said in multiple Posts to avoid Ignoring the rules to this worthless thread However personal rules do not offend server or forum rules The salty discharged Made very ironic and unorthodox points which also contained a core of truth.
Nacreas is sad and walks to a stripclub in kenia, with some salt in hand ready to throw tunes down at @
Daley's doomfort which had lots of one way windows to spy on nude showering @
Safira and @"Theo"'s feet. then @
Enzyme flew and crashlanded into the shower @
Safira was blushing, except she wasn't she was shocked and she called markus a creepy giveaway scammer with a small cock, Giggling to herself she equipped bazooka and shot Markus .
A service to @"lods of emone" and the rest is history. not really because someone is passive-agressive not me because Im just aggressive when I'm around because of what Hitler did to @
Enzyme last night.
Nacreas is scared of @
Safira's new 2016 Audi R8. Then I decided to open a beer and wait for A shit storm To rain upon the Limelight Forums because biased higher-ups Cleansing us for our sins jebus save me in which @
Maniac Was destroyed by was jamming tunes and the tunes were dank af so all us RUINED OUR DREAMS AND ALL MEMES were dead now just like Harambe rest in piece to @
Maniac & @"Pony" The fucking end.
Said his diciples fuck you And a happy new year and kwanza to everyone on Uranus It's time to get right into the news, said Killer KeemStar to The DramaAlert Nation now at 1.6million suuuubscriberssss ,but while that was going on killer keemstar was Fapping over limelight over maniacs demotion because he is very very salty at @
Brynn and other staff members. because they are walking talking Steven no they arent , they are actually overcooked potato waffles With KFC gravy and spaghetti meatballs . "But I'm Vegan!" Says @
Safira, the bacon loving admin while wearing a bunny rabbit Costume which she bought from the playboy mansion Which was owned by @"Tails" luckily @
Safira also received forum reputation points from a giant whatchamacallit inside a human cake made from seminal fluid of different youtubers and limelight staff.
It tasted very spicy and flavourful said gay lods Looking deeply into my beautiful eyes. as he ate he suddenly realized it wasnt @
Brax He was eating , it was actually @
Vaq furiously masturbating because he saw @
Venom's face in his own mirror . Then @
Nacreas appears and touches @
Venom's lusciously smooth kneecaps . @
Venom say'd that he enjoyed it having fun with fucking cats whilst reading @
story book.
----------------------------------------------------------- END PART ONE OF THE SAGA -------------------------------------------------------------------
Try to keep this part more coherent please.
----------------------------------------------------------- START PART TWO OF THE SAGA ----------------------------------------------------------
(New paragraph)
I then walked into a bar and ordered a a can opener for my Slimey salty sardines Beside me was a ban hammer that struck the Minge right in ass hole Which was grammatically-incorrect so @
Jono beats his meat to BBWMidgetPr0n to which @
Midget. replied saying that he fucked a chicken ... That's disgusting. Anyway, i went to asda today and saw that Chickens were discounted because @
Bambo dropped the soap.
(New Paragraph)
After all that Wankin and shankin he ran outside scaring the children and attracting pedos . One of @
Enzyme's rape chickens in the ass hole Putin's car driver died in a horrible anus hole which was penetrated by @
Nacreas 's micropenis while @
Brynn was picking his nose. @
Enzyme was very shocked to see @
Midget. trying to fist his anus with no lube watching the DHS video of Kim K wearing a dildo hat and a strapon to go to a kindergarden and steal the Books from people that were Fried at oil With @
Nudelsalat im Panzer wanting to desire more than with chickens being raped At the same day, @"Vatipää" decided shocked and appalled that he wanted to go outside to pray to flying Spaghetti monster that lands to a baandoned airport Hillary Rotham Clinton Who loves @
Rizion but he decided to fuck off. @
Bambo blacklisted @"Vatipää" for eating too much and @
Nebula also got his German vehicles while @
Wesley Lawrence got his Pussy magnet, just a kiss x What was made out of Kim Jong Un and his nuclear dong which just died.
Donald trump then started to... see a chicken with a gun that tried to kill @
Nudelsalat im Panzer and poop on @
Sours lamborghini reventon which just got out of Daniels Chop Shop that had some shit on there.
Also @
Rizion decided to go buy mustang from your moms garage and then CDM'ed @
Dig who had just watered his plants.
At @"Vatipää"s and @
Rizions base which the 2 of them jumped to @
Overlewds face, then @
Cooli exploded into thousand pieces.
(New paragraph)
Once @
Daley banned @"Vatipää" permanently because he was on his period whilst he was at sauna in Japan researching "tentacle fun-nights" with @
Enzyme who cant read anything that is written on here related to goats whom are being fucked by muslims like @"Tails" wanted. To honor johnny with @
Cooli, the goat enthusiast, who loves @
Daniel but hates @"Vatipää". @
Enzyme was at the barber shop, @
Vimpto owns the shop and that made enzyme bald, so nothing changed.
McDonald and @
Enzyme were buying burgers that were heavily poisoned so @
Enzyme died and McDonald was Happy as ever and gave a burger to @
Brynn who also Loves @
Safira and doesnt like @"Vatipää". @"Nudelsalat im Panzer" was stalking @
Safira because @
Daley had a boner after banning @"Vatipää", also banning @
Project and he came to ban @
Nebula, he unbanned @
Nebula and @"Vatipää" because he was drunk.
Daley unbanned @"Vatipää", so he decided to re-ban him because he wanted to lure him into another ban, incase he was a fat ugly sheep which ate his Hamburger, but he re-unbanned him because he wasn't fully sober and then permabanned everyone.
(New Paragraph)
Daley got as salty as a pretzel and bought Limelight to the pizza place, then sold it to the Icecream place was full of fatty's eating lots of fatfree ice cream to lose fat but the Icecream was actually a piece of @
Enzyme's recent pee, which was made out of many pieces of shit.
Nebula was sitting on top of a big penis which wasn't erected but it was in a cup in the middle of the table and it was made out of your favourite blender which was able to blend even the most weirdest and most souriest and most abhorrent Fingernails of your favourite doll that @
Daniel owned, but it had sex with a plane which wanted pasta salad with a man who RDMs bus drivers because he likes to touch himself and has a suicidal pet chicken that licked my very salty Pickle Rick and killed a man who was actually @
Lord Octagon he wanted to kill an indian man and became one of the Indian Man's flying dorito squad [...]