Reported Players: GoodVibesGecko (STEAM_0:1:505237618) (@
Server: EU Live
Time: 2020-Feb-27 18:40
Summary: I was arrested as Police Chief when i was sitting in my car because a SWAT shot a dead body (GoodVibesGecko) and 5 minutes later reported it to SWAT Sergeant who had just got on (KetamineKetchup) and blamed it on me. This resulted in a 15 Minute arrest for me for something that the sergeant had no evidence of. The gun fired was Automatic and i only had a Shotgun and Glock 17. The SWAT that blamed it on me watched his friend shoot the dead body then disconnect. I don't know why he decided to get me arrested (i'm assuming he was bored because nothing was happening) but i have been getting RDA'd recently but i have not really cared because it is "out of character" but still never gets dealt with IC as they just ignore me or disregard it. Please help.
Evidence: (it says Ban appeal but i meant Player Report)
That is all i have because i wasn't expecting this so didn't react.
Sorry for the Lack of evidence but most of it was Voice anyway.