Just woken up and seen this, let me take through your points and the reason I still believe a ban is justified.
Quote:My reason for killing this person (gracie ''queen'' Graham) was because that they planted fake ass coke on me
Quote:[00:07:12] LandWhale said "/me grabs small sample off white paiint from pocket"
[00:07:18] LandWhale said "/me splatters on his face"
[00:07:25] Religious Quanni said "COME ON! it's for a friend"
[00:07:31] Religious Quanni said "He's gonna get mad"
[00:07:39] Religious Quanni said "/Y It's mine!"
[00:07:47] Religious Quanni said "/Y Give it back!"
From checking the logs, this is indeed correct, you then proceeded to RP this out further with the cop and pretended it was actually yours after all rather than calling him out and saying he planted it.
Quote:being racist (No evidence, but does nothing against it when the person says ''For our country''
This in itself is definitely not racist, patriotic perhaps but I wouldn't class it as a racist statement. (Also the cop didn't even say this as seen in your video and you assume by proxy he's racist because he didn't do anything about it?)
Quote:and for being corrupt, as seen in the video where a person comes up and hits me and they don't do anything about it
Just because a person came up and punched you (Something we see quite regularly in EvoCity), doesn't mean the cop is automatically corrupt, he very likely doesn't want to bother having to arrest someone for something so minor in all honesty.
From checking logs, all of this was commited about 5 minutes before the shooting happened, during this time you had respawned as a citizen,
Quote:[00:12:08] Religious Quanni has spawned as Citizen
and changed your job title to "thug" (Perhaps to justify killing him).
Quote:[00:12:17] Religious Quanni said "/job Thug"
You then had both walked away from this location but had coincidentally returned to it around the same time. Once you noticed him, you walked back a little, pulled a shorty out and seemingly out of nowhere, shot him to death.
Quote:[00:14:22] Religious Quanni injured LandWhale using cw_shorty
[00:14:32] Religious Quanni said "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING CORRUPT!"
All of the reasons you have listed during this unban request seem very weak and to me, do not justify killing him over so I'm sticking by my decision on this one. Is there anything you'd like to add before I ask a staff member to conclude this as approved or denied?