Reported Players: [FL:RP] Alertecobra27 (STEAM_0:1:56209240)
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Nov-05 19:33
Summary: I was driving my car like you do. This guy is going really slow or his car broke down. I beep at him and then safely overtake him.
He provokes me, so I shout back at him. He pulls a gun. I abide by FeaRP and do as he wishes.
After he gets back in his car, I get out and being already armed I pull a weapon on him. He decides to ignore my act and FeaRP, by continuing to drive. Running me over with his car which is clearly on purpose.
My plan was to keep my weapon on him and then call the police that this man was visibily armed with a dangerous weapon. At the time I had a weaponry pass for that pistol to be used for self-defense.
Rules I believe the accuser has broken:
2.1 - You are considered to be under FearRP when you are in line of sight of a visibly armed person, who is within default microphone range of you and is able to harm your character at that moment. You must act afraid of armed people and life-threatening situations.
2.2 - You must follow the orders of the person(s) who have you under FearRP, and you may not draw a weapon on them or attack them. FearRP applies to melee weapons and tasers if you are within effective range (except if in a vehicle).
2.3 - You may not run away from someone who has you under FearRP and is pointing a gun/taser at you, unless they specifically order you to.
5.1 - Do not run people over on purpose (CDM), and always try to brake/avoid people on the roads.