Aug 9, 2019, 03:55 PM
These are just some ideas that I would like opinions on. I am not sure that all of the things mentioned are a good fit, or idea for our server. But I do think several of them are.
The Economy has been an issue for a long time. There is an overflow of money, and little to do with them, as well as the core systems, and rules around them being lacking.
Your money would be in your bank by default. You can withdraw money, to pay in cash, or pay with a card. There would be ATM's around the map, and a bank building.
Your bank account would gain interest over time.
You would be able to transfer money to other players through your bank account, this would be logged, and the police would be able to see your money transfers with a warrant. Requiring illegal goods to be bought with cash.
Rules would be changes, so that you can be mugged for all the cash you are carrying.
Optionally the bank could also serve as an inventory bank, allowing you to store and withdraw items, limiting your inventory space. So that not everyone is a walking convenience store. (Any bought inventory space in the form of pockets would be converted too bank space.)
Add a way to withdraw cars, from a garage or sorts. No longer allowing people to spawn cars, and de-spawn cars all around the map.
The Government
Lets be honest. Most people here like LL for the government jobs. For something so important for most players, it is awfully shallow.
Add a new way of electing a mayor: Different parties would be able to run for the mayoral office. The person they are putting forth as mayor, would take the mayor position, while all other party members become city council members. Together they will establish laws that will be enacted throughout their ruling period. This would add a lot of RP to the server. Imagine communist, liberal, and democratic parties all trying to get votes. There would be option to forcefully remove them, impeach, or other means. And ways for them to counter act these. Whilst not accurate to how it works in real life, it is the next best thing, and would add a lot of RP.
Add a proper taxation system: All tax money would be put into a budget. This budget can be allocated by the city council/mayor to different departments. Law Enforcement, Fire, Emergency Medical Services. This money would then be able to be allocated by each departments head.
Each department would be able to spend this money on buying gear for it's workers, buying vehicles, as well as some general upgrades and special equipment. No more infinite arms locker guns, or equipment.
You could optionally have some non-playable departments. Like maintenance. Not giving them enough budget can cause random events to happen around the map, like a power outage, a fire happening at a power plant etc.
Add a ranking structure to the government. The police could use a white-list, or a cadet/junior officer system. A white-list would require application by either IC means, or on the forums. A cadet system would allow players to become a "cadet" police officer. They would only be allowed to ride along with regular officers, and require to go through training to become a full officer. Both of these processes add a lot of role-play, and role-playing opportunities to the police force.
The police department would have specializations and different branches. For example, you could have a CSI division, them being the only one who has access to the CSI kit, and clean-suit. This would also allow for more updates improving specific branches. SWAT would no longer be a separate job, rather a role police officers can undertake next to their regular job, after they have been trained for it.
Character system, and more persistence
We need persistent characters. Add a character system, customize the way you look, your name and description. Make every character feel unique. Certain jobs would require your character to be locked to them. For example a government job. It would not make much sense to have a character progress through the ranks in the police force as well as being a capo in the mafia.
Adding a system like this would be another great way to drive roleplay, and you wouldn't find a semi-serious, or serious RP server excluding Fl that does not have a more permanent character system.
You would be able to have enough characters so that you are not locked out of any jobs.
A soft PK/CK system would be needed, but would also drive RP. A PK/CK is a Player/Character kill. It is a common mechanic on RP servers. A PK would delete a character, alongside everything they have in their inventory, this system would not suit our server. A CK system would. A CK system means that if your character is killed, their name will be changed by a staff member. So the character is considered dead. However, taking such an action against another character would come with a rule-set, and requires proper build up. These are rare events in role-play, but add a lot of value.
Making all characters, and actions persistent on the server would allow us to create an ongoing narrative and story, tying events into it, and opening the doors for players to create more interesting stories, and situations, basically releasing all the good RP has to offer, whilst maintaining the more laid back play style people play the server for. While some of this might sound complicated, it adds a lot of value, and isn't that difficult.
Demand and Supply
Make it so that vendors do not have an unlimited stock of supplies anymore. How the new system would work is to have a re-stock period for each item. A gun dealer would have for example 100 AK's in stock. They would re-stock by 10 each day. There would be 5 AWP's in stock. They would re-stock by one each week. Adding a system like this, would limited the quantities of weapons, as well as drive up the price of the more powerful weapons. This would also open up the door for future MESKA modules, and making crafting viable.