Apr 27, 2019, 05:45 AM
Name: Richard Drayton
Age: 23 years old
Born: Bristol, United Kingdom
Clan: None
Family: Mother (deceased), Father (deceased), Brother (deceased)
Background: Richard was born and raised in Bristol, United Kingdom, where he went to school, college and university studying in business and economics. Richard didn't have it easy, but he didn't have it hard either. Whilst his parents were very rich coming from an ex-military background, he had to work very hard to get where he is. Nothing came easy for him, but despite this, he has been known to stick his hands deep in his pockets for those who really need it. At heart, Drayton can be kind, compassionate and caring, but don't let that fool you. Drayton can be quick to change his demeanor should the situation call for it.
At the age of 19, Drayton decided to move to Rockford to start his way up the ladder. In that time, he was immensely successful. He met the right people and did what needed to be done, and only a year after staying in Rockford had made a significant amount of money. He started his empire, and grew to learn how business was really done in Rockford. Using that knowledge allowed him to get into contact with some of the most powerful individuals around, which only allowed him to grow his empire. This put him in a very unique position, one that also held immense power with it as well, but as with any position of that nature, with great power comes great responsibility. He exercised this responsibility well, or at least, that's what it seems. Rumours have it that Drayton has his hands in a lot of people's pockets, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to get what he wants...
After the events of Rockford unfolded, Drayton needed to relocate his empire fast before it went crumbling downhill and quickly stumbled across Truenorth. He saw the city and immediately saw a whole new city of opportunity. He invested heavily into Truenorth, and even developed some properties around there, most notably Drayton Lodges, the affordable housing estate and Drayton's Retreat, the getaway cabin out in the middle of nowhere for those who just want to relax. This allowed for Drayton's influence over Truenorth to quickly become apparent, and now flies in and out of Truenorth on business trips between Florida, New York where he resides and Bristol.