Reported Players: KINS3LLA (STEAM_0:1:182791630) (@'yvngkin')
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-Mar-28 23:35
Summary: KINS3LLA and The Guvnor raided my base whilst I was "Tom Jenkins". They shot me and killed me. Now not only this they took me, hostage, drove me all around the entire map and then took me back to my base, and killed me at my base, not to mention they searched it twice. I changed characters to "Ben McCallum" and they came looking in my base again for "Tom Jenkins" who they killed so should know he is dead. That was an excuse to enter my base again and once again take me hostage. Just note that the second hostage situation took place 5 - 10 minutes after the first one. They had no RP reason to enter that building, Tom was dead they both knew that as they killed him, there was no other reason to take me hostage. After they took me, hostage, they once again swept the whole building and kept gagging me and blindfolding me for no reason. The audio did not work but you can see the events that happened. Oh, and by the way, the only reason they knew I was there is because guv found me there with soupream after I told him where I was searched by police. Now that to me is metagaming and yes they could've seen if they got close enough but the way they approached me and just straight up picked the door with nothing outside to indicate I was there. They used the info that I was there in my previous life against me. I have a witness who knows about the first incident and a youtube video, without sound, unfortunately, that shows what they do. After they take the pot they continue to refuse to leave the building, give me tips of 0 dollars and try to give me money which I refuse. The image shows the part at the end where they are refusing to leave. This is about 10 minutes after the incident as I left to calm down. I felt powerless and I felt like leaving the game during all that time but didn't as all they would do is report me for dc to avoid rp. I would like this resolved please. The video describes what I am talking about.
Other Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:126816865