(Mar 10, 2019, 01:04 AM)Zaidplays Wrote: Reported Players: KINS3LLA (STEAM_0:1:182791630) (@'yvngkin')
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-Mar-09 21:34
Summary: Went in to handcuff this guy and he decided to pull a weapon on me Violating Rule 2.1 FearRP.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/pk6u6E_KnQM
Yes that is me and also i understand that i broke a Rule but you dont explain the situation do you sir.
You had been harrasing me for my time whilst playing on limelight at that time and tend to normally, ive had reports of people saying similar things, anyways in this situation he decides to aim his gun at me and then proceed to say "get out the car with your hands up!" then i reply "what have i done" he dosent answer me then i got very fustrated which many players know i can get when he tries to cuff me forcing me to pull my gun out and shoot him, i understand i have broken the rules but there was no need for what he was doing! hes very immature!, im not saying this is about maturity or anything but he dosent like to follow rules himself!
At this time also i had no active search or arrest warrants or bolos out for my vehicle! apparently it was because i shouted at a friend whilst stopped "hop in bro" and apparently i was interfeiring with police matters when i asked him once but hey-ho, i will most likely get banned again which i wouldnt like at all as i enjoy limelight very much and hope to proceed to purchase membership when i clear some stuff up irl!
-KINS3LLA (yvngkin's my old alias i need to change sorry)